
V5 Chapter 9 Which One?

Philomel holding on to the window ledge, pulled herself up to peek through the window, and narrowly duck her head when candlelight was suddenly lit. The two of them hung under the window, hearts beating fast as they constantly scan the area, fearing of someone seeing them and being caught.

" Circles, in circles the world goes round

calling the sun to seize its smile

Morning, evening, star bright night

we all depend on his sweet light

Birds, bugs, beasts, trees, grass flowers

Each being pulled around

Spin in circles

Calling spring, summer, fall, and winter."

A soft lulling voice sweetly sings the ancient song of life. Amon, hearing the lyrics, stared at Philomel, wondering why anyone would sing such a strange song. Curiosity soon got to him as he lifted himself up to see who it was. A cloaked elf softly sings the song over a crib as she changes the baby's clothes.

" Circles, in circles the world goes round

calling the sun to seize its smile

Morning, evening, star bright night

we all depend on his sweet light

Birds, bugs, beasts, trees, grass flowers

Blossom flowers, become sweetened fruit then die.

born, grow up, and die.

Still, the wind blows,

still, the rain falls

still the world goes round

Lifetime come and go in turns. "

The elf suddenly stopped singing as the sound of distance approaching footsteps, echoes from the hallway. Her hand movement suddenly became irregular as she panics. She quickly blew out the candle before rushing out the door. The approaching footsteps soon pounded the wooden floor of the hallway. A holy Knight appears from the doorway and Amon quickly ducks his head.


The floorboards screamed under the weight of the man and his armor, then silence. Amon held his breath, trying to hear what was going on inside the room but he kept getting distracted by his heartbeat.

*Thud thud thud thud thud*

The whole place echoed as the knight suddenly sprinted down the hallway. Amon and Philomel slowly peek into the room, confirming it was empty. Philomel slowly climbs onto the window frame sitting on top of it as she signals Amon to climb up.

Amon enters the room and as soon as his feet touch the floorboards, they creek under his weight.

" What now?"

He whispers to Philomel.

" Get the baby."

" What?! Why ?!"

He exclaimed in the softest, harshest whisper he could muster.

" Just do it, quickly! Before they come back. I'll explain to you when we're safe."

Philomel lies through her teeth as she gestures for him to hurry it up. Amon wasn't happy about it but he was satisfied with her promise about explaining and so he tiptoe to the crib. Two light elf babies lay side by side, sleeping ever so peacefully. Amon glances down at one and then at the other. Both of them looked identical in every way, even the clothes they wore were the exact same.

" Which one? "

" What?! What do you mean which one? There's only one!"

" I don't know about you but I'm extremely sure about my ability to tell the difference between one baby and the other. And I'm telling you, there are two!"

Amon gestures the number two to her, in a frustrated way. Philomel quickly closes the distance between them and peers into the crib. Extremely shocked that, there really were two babies there and both had raven hair.

" The hell?"

Philomel softly exclaimed.

" Told you! So which one?"

" The one with the special birthmark."

Philomel decided and picks up the baby on the left while Amon picked up the baby on the right. They took off the baby's clothes and looked everywhere for a birthmark but they couldn't find one.

" Should we check under the nappy too?"

Amon asked as he slightly tugged on the nappy.

" Do you know how to tie back a nappy?"

" No."

Amon shook his head.

" Then no."

Both babies after being lifted up and moved around slowly started walking up. They open their little droopy eyes as they yawned looking curiously at Amon and Philomel.

" Look, one has green eyes. The other has blue."

Amon pointed out with a grin.

" Ok, which eye color means has tons of magic?"

Philomel nodded before turning back to the two babies.

" What? There's no such thing as having a certain eye color makes you a stronger mage."

" It's like an indicator, like how descendants of half-demon elves have darker skin compared to light elves."

" Touche."

" Yes, so which is more magical?"

" Blue!"

Amon instantly answered without hesitation as he held up the blue-eyed baby in his arms.

" Why blue?"

" Well your eyes are blue and you seem pretty magical."

Amon plainly admits, really believing that Philomel was indeed magical in some way. Believing that no other scavenger has her speed or stamina. But in reality, all scavengers received training until they become so.

" What is that supposed to mean?!"

Philomel exclaimed slightly offended.

" Well, what I mean is."


A holy knight suddenly yells from the doorway, alerting all other holy knights. The holy knight immediately draws his long sword, charging toward Amon, luckily the knight was wearing heavy armor and was much slower than Philomel. Philomel in one instance, puts down the green-eyed baby, flipping a switch on both her gloves, and her daggers instantly sprung out. She spun around Amon and blocked the knight's sword between both her hidden blades.

" Go!"

Amon didn't need to be told twice, Baby in arms, he dashed and leaped out the window. With his free hand, he grabs the drain pipe and slides, safely down to the ground. Philomel followed shortly after, leaping out the window and doing a quadruple flip before landing in front of Amon.

" Come on!"

She yelled at Amon as she grabs the baby from him. They darted toward the sewers with a team of holy knights right behind them. Philomel and Amon, both slid down the ladder and ran down the pathway. The Holy Knights follow them down as well but as soon as their feet touch the ground. Alligators suddenly came out of the river by the hordes attacking them.

" What the?"

His gaze then snaps back at Philomel scanning her from head to toe. Only then did he notice the glowing blue crystal embedded on her waist amour.

"That isn't decoration! That's a magical item! So that's why she said 3 minutes!"

Amon realized with widened eyes.

" Mel!"

He called out, making her slow down and come to a halt in the middle of the bridge. He closes the distance between them, about to ask about the magical item and how she came across such a thing.

But then he noticed her trembling hands, her pale complexion, and quivering lips as she gazed down from the bridge.

" Mel are you?"

Amon's gaze immediately focus on her hand when she lifted the baby, Amon's eyes widen as she held the baby over the bridge. In that second, he finally realizes what she was about to do.


But that didn't stop her and she drops the baby down, toward the alligator-filled river.


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