
Chapter 220 - The East Border(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Argent Stryker 


"D-damn it, who are you people!? Are you spies from the Light Continent!?" Snapped one of the guards, as we finished restraining all of them. 

"Don't worry about it. I'll say this much though, we aren't going to kill you, so relax," I responded with a shrug. 

We found Mana blocking shackles inside the guard post, and after knocking out all the guards, eight in total, we shackled them, and I then used an Elemental Earth Spell to further restrain them, just to be safe. 

Before we leave, I'll knock out one of them, free him and then he can free the others once he regains consciousness. 

We were atop the wall at the moment, mainly so that we could see Larrk and Izzy once they're close. I have to say though...I'm kinda nervous over how easy this has been.

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