
The Council Meeting

Holy pope Jezreel John Doroteo, was a handsome man that looked to be in his late 30s. He had a blonde hair, and striking blue eyes that looked like beautiful sapphires.

The holy pope also had a calm, carefree expression, along with a pure air of divinity around him, which was almost to the quality of being divine.

And so, looking at the ten council members before him, the pope spoke evenly,

“I’ll start this meeting by saying that the two halves of the antikytheran mechanism are safe, and not in the hands of the demons.”

Hearing this, the ten council members – except Salvatore, who had a stoic expression on his face – were greatly surprised. This was especially so for principal Diane.

“I don’t mean to doubt your words, your holiness, but I was there. I saw the demons take one of the halves of the antikytheran mechanism.” Said principal Diane.

“Yes.” The pope replied with a light smile, before he continued,

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