
A Battle of Auras

Kelvin and Larisa suddenly felt an overbearing and extremely sinister aura. Kelvin slowly turned and looked behind him, and saw a single being coming out of a newly opened portal.

This being was standing on a big creepy floating eye ball. And on the chest of this being, was a demonic marking of an eye. He also had a long serpentine tail behind him.

Seeing this demonic being, Larisa’s face was instantly filled with a mix of fear and hatred. And then she said,


Since the hall was brightly illuminated, Mophran’s full features were displayed. He had a white skin, and 4 horns on his head; 2 long horns on his forehead, and 2 more at the sides of his head. Mophran’s eyes were fully colored in deep purple, and without the presence of an iris or pupil.

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