
The Condition

Kelvin opened his eyes and took a deep breath. Sweat trickled down the side of his head, while his heart was beating fast. The small clock that rested on the wall stated that the time was 7am in the morning, and the beginning of a new day. Kelvin stayed still on the bed; the night mare he had was terrifying and had left a negative impact on him, giving him a disturbed look. He was fully awake but somehow he could still hear the painful voice of his parents, which was filled with hate and pure disdain towards him. He stayed like that for a couple of minutes before entering the bathroom to take a shower. Kelvin's was covered in blood that had dried overnight. He turned on the shower and cold water poured out onto his bare skin. The coldness of the water caused a series of goose bumps to appear on his skin and also sent shivers through out his body. Using the sponge and bathing soap that was in the bathroom, Kelvin washed himself. A few minutes later, he was done. He came out of the shower stall, wearing a towel and proceed to leave the bathroom but stopped when his eye caught a reflection of himself in the mirror. Looking at himself, Kelvin was shocked to see that his body stature had greatly improved. Usually he was quite lean and average in height; but now his body was radiating with muscles giving him the body stature of an athlete. His skin was finer toned and his shoulders were broad; he also grew taller.

'Wow what happened to me. It's like I grew overnight or something. Is this the effect of an awakening? My body feels like it's radiating with power.' Kelvin thought as he looked at himself a little while longer, before he left the bathroom. He entered the bedroom and saw some neatly arranged clothes which were brought in by George, while he was in the bathroom.

'It seems like George is here already. I should go and thank him for all his help.' With that in mind, Kelvin quickly wore the new clothes and left the room. He went to the entrance of the corridor, and pulled the book on the shelf, entering the room where they had their discussion last night. He then left the room and came out to the antique shop were George was sitting in the counter reading a certain book about archeology.

"Thanks for the clothes and the room," Kelvin said.

"Don't thank me yet. We still haven't discussed the terms of your accommodation." George said not taking his eye away from the book.

"Do you mean the condition?" Kelvin asked.

"Yes. I think it's high time we talked about it." George replied, closing the book and dropping it on the counter.

"So what's this condition I have to fulfill before I can stay here?"

"It's easy; you just have to be my personal lab rat."

Kelvin was confused. He expected something more challenging and less complicated; but to be his personal lab rat, that was on a whole other level. So Kelvin decided to ask, "What do you mean by that?"

"The real truth is that an impending doom from the demons is about to hit the world; and I fear that this current generation of demon hunters are too weak to stop it. Divine powers weren't enough I believe the demon hunters need every help they can get; so back when I was a hunter, I proposed an experiment to the hunters council. They were the leaders in charge of decision making in the entire demon hunting organization."

"What kind of experiment did you propose?" Kelvin asked.

"I told the council that the experiment was based on fusing demon hunters with demonic powers, in order to boost their fighting chance. I further explain to them how this would strengthen our ranks, but they refused my offer. They said the experiment goes against what they stand for as demon hunters; they take pride in their job as demon hunters, that they vastly underestimate the threat, Asmodeus and the arch demons pose on the world. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and conducted my experiment secretly; but my goal of fusing demon hunters with demonic powers was easier said than done. I tried and tried but it all resulted in failure; and later on the council figured out I was conducting the experiment behind their backs and kicked me out of the organization."

"Wait I thought you said you retired?" Kelvin asked.

Lowering his head George answered, "That is just a lie I told people. I couldn't tell them about the experiment. I would prefer to keep it a secret."

"Then why are you telling me this?" Kelvin asked, looking at George.

"You see no matter how many time I tried the result would always be the same; failure. I started feeling like my goal was impossible that was until you came into the picture. In the long records and history of demonic possession you are the only one to successfully have his human consciousness after a possession. Kelvin you are the exact being I have been researching and trying to create." George said.

"But what happened to me was by coincidence; an unfortunate fate and my awful bad luck."

"Well we just have to turn that bad luck to good luck and eradicate the demons. So what do you say?" George asked, looking at Kelvin for a reply.

Kelvin sighed and said, "You have to give me some time to think about it."

"What is there to think about? This is a really good offer."

"Actually there is a lot to think about I don't want you inserting needles and drugs into my body."

George chucked before saying, "Who said anything about needles and drugs. I'm just going to study you while teaching you how to control your powers. We don't want the same accident that happened to your parents to happen again."

Kelvin thought about it for some time before he replied, "If that is all, then I agree to your condition."

"Good. Since that has been taken care of, let's begin your first lesson; concealing your aura."

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