
part 31

"I can't believe I'm getting married in like two days!" Lavender giggled as the girls went over the final plan on Friday night.

Ginny smiled, "Yep. Tomorrow we get to throw an all girls party!"

Lavender rolled her eyes, "Is there anything you do other then partying?"

Ginny shook her head, "Not really."

"Hermione you ok?" Lavender turned to Hermione who looked rather pale.

"Sorry, just been feeling a bit off since the other day," Hermione replied.

Ginny looked at her, "Join the club. Sickness and dizziness right?"

Hermione nodded.

"Me too, mum thinks its food poisoning, you know when we went out Wednesday to that restaurant, can't remember the name but yea since then I've been feeling like that," Ginny said stroking Shadow.

Bellatrix was grinning. Food poisoning, hmm...maybe I can poison the food at the wedding. That's a thought.

"Please, you two better be well for the wedding," Lavender warned them. "Look at Luna, she's fine!"

"But very quiet," Ginny turned to the blonde.

"Oh sorry," Luna muttered. "Its just, well I...I'm the only one who's not going to be married yet!"

"Luna, you've only got two months to wait!" Ginny replied.

Luna nodded, "It's well...I don't know if I want to get married yet."

"What do mean?" Hermione asked. "I thought you and Blaise were ok."

"We are," Luna nodded. "But I wish everything was on my terms rather then on the ministry's terms."

Lavender sighed, "I was thinking that but you know what we have to get married sooner or later so why not now?"

"Guys its three in the morning," Hermione noted the time. "I think we all better go home, sleep maybe so we can get ready for tomorrow."

"Yea true," Lavender got up to walk everyone to the fireplace.

"Night," they all said before they each headed their separate ways.

Hermione was now back at Malfoy Manor, with Shadow in her hand, she dropped the cat on the floor, which followed her as she walked. Narcissa had returned an hour ago because she and Molly had gone out to dinner with Kelly. Draco was with the guys and Hermione had no clue whether he was back yet. She headed to her bedroom to see Draco was sitting on the bed, ready to sleep.

"Had a good night?" he asked her.

Hermione nodded, "Yea, let me get changed yea?"

She entered the bathroom, her eyes were blurring a little. She assumed because of tiredness, she didn't know Bellatrix had put a sedative in the sandwich she had at the lunch, hoping Hermione would sleep through the whole of Saturday and with everyone gone Bellatrix could attack.

Hermione had managed to change and returned to the bedroom. She sat on the bed, she grabbed her head.

"Hermione?" Draco turned to her. "Still not feeling better?"

"I feel cold," Hermione whispered pulling the duvet closer.

Draco felt her head, "I think you have a fever." He got out of the bed quickly.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

"To get you some potions," Draco said, "I'll be back okay?"

Hermione nodded as she snuggled in her bed. So she had the flu, or food poisoning. She hated it. Her mum used to call her too sensitive because she always had the flu or a cold. Her mum used to make her chicken soup and right now, that was what she was remembering. Even at Hogwarts, she would try sending some. She smiled at Shadow who was watching her from her own little bed in the corner.

"Siccus potion," Draco said softly sitting beside her. "This should get your fever down. I also got Aunty Sal's relief potion."

"You have an Aunty Sal?"

"No it's a magical company, you know like a muggle one," Draco replied.

Hermione nodded. Taking both potions.

Bellatrix glared at Hermione. That relief potion will get rid of the effects of the sedative. And how the hell did she manage to get herself a fever? Stupid weak mudblood.

Draco cuddled Hermione and watched her as she fell asleep. He knew she had thrown up once in the afternoon, he also knew from Harry that Ginny had too. He was worried about her, she was sensitive and fragile he knew that. He didn't like to see her cry, he told her that once and he realised he didn't like to her ill. She looked pale and tired. He kissed her forehead before falling asleep.

While Bellatrix headed downstairs in her cat form, she exited the house and once she was away from prying eyes she changed into her human form. She had to get a message to her 'helpers'. She couldn't owl them, that was impossible. A patronus. No wait it won't enter Hogwarts grounds. She sighed, she had no way of telling them that plan number two had failed. She reverted back to her cat form, she had to find a new way of communication. She returned to the room to see the happy couple sleeping. She rose and jumped onto the bed, trying not to wake them. Draco had stirred but not woken. She had her claw ready to scratch out Hermione's face when Draco's hand in his sleep and knocked her to the ground.

Bellatrix sneered and retreated to her bed. Not a good day.


Hermione was fine the next morning. The food poisoning had seemed to be gone, yet Hermione didn't feel too hungry.

"What about chicken soup?" Narcissa asked coming into the dining room with a bowl. "I made it myself."

Hermione didn't know what to say, "Narcissa, thank you."

"You're welcome," Narcissa replied slightly confused.

"Sorry, it's just, my mum she used to make it..." Hermione said looking back at the soup, glad that Draco wasn't here to see her stutter like this.

Narcissa smiled, "I wish my mother had made me soup like this when I was ill. She was too busy with...well let's say her own activities."

Hermione nodded sipping the soup slowly, "This is very nice."

Narcissa smiled, "Are you sure you'll feel up today?"

Hermione nodded, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Is this because Ginny hired five male stippers?"

Hermione grinned, "Yes apparently Mrs Potter wants Lavender to have a brilliant time."

Narcissa laughed, "Very entertaining our Ginerva isn't she?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes she - "

"Hermione!" Draco's voice interrupted them. "What are you doing out of bed? You were ill. Mother how could you let her - "

"Draco," Hermione interrupted. "I'm feeling fine this morning and your mother has made me chicken soup."

Draco sat beside her, "Are you sure?"

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