
Castiel x Girlfriend!Hunter!Reader

Cas appeared in front of Dean and Sam, both of whom swore at the sudden appearance of the angel. "I need your advice on an important matter." Dean nodded. "How do kiss Y/N?" Sam smirked. "Well, Cas..."

"I know how to kiss. But how kiss her with the right emotion?" Dean stood, "What's the emotion?" He walked over to the fridge opening it and grabbing two beers. He handed one to Sam. He inhaled before answering the question that had been posed. "Kiss her. Kiss her with a passion. Kiss her like it's the first and last kiss you'll ever share. Kiss her like she deserves to be kissed. Kiss her until she's breathless, kiss her delicately. Inhale her sighs. Kiss her with everything you have, pull away and her say your name in response. Kiss her because you love her." Cas smiled at the remark before leaving to find you.

Cas found you in the library, curled up reading a book on dark magic. "Y/N."

"Cas." He pulled you carefully to your feet, after putting the book on the table beside the chair. He moved his hand to splay across your back pulling you close to his body. He used his other hand to curve into your hair, tangling the stands between his fingers. He leaned forwards and kissed you carefully, chastely before making the kiss more passionate. You sighed into his mouth. He kissed you again, you had pulled away for a breath. He recaptured your lips once again. He loved the feel of his lips against yours and how you responded to his kiss. He wanted to keep this forever, he wanted your body, mind and soul. He loved how he felt with you, he loved how you made him feel. Cas wanted you to continue this life together. You pulled away from the kiss, "I love you, Castiel."

"I love you too, Y/N." 

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