
Spit it out

My alarm pulls me out of bed, and I notice that my sister has already left my room. She always gets up before alarm clocks. Shes one of those people who jump on you in the morning while on vacation. “Wake up! Wake up!” she'll blare into your ears. I on the other hand am a slow and steady riser.

I hit my alarm clock off, and fall back on to my pillow. I look at my sun stained wall, the sun is out but its freezing. I hate the winter, its so depressing. I let out a heavy sigh, and heave myself out of bed.

As my feet touch the icy wood floor, I grimace. I make my way to the hall bathroom, and proceed into my morning routine. After I've showered, and changed into black slacks and a yellow turtle neck, I head downstairs.

I greet my father good morning, and he shoots me a smile, as he butters his toast. My mother is already busy at the stove preparing our dinner, “Dont be late today.” My mother demands over her shoulder, “You have to help me clean.” I roll my eyes, grab a mug, and pour myself a cup of tea. I add some canned milk, and three sugars.

“That much sugars bad for you.” Paayal blurts out, “very fattening.” I clear my throat telling her to shut up, without saying it. She gets my drift, as she reaches for an apple, and her keys. “I'll see you guys later.” As she leaves I look over at the clock and notice its seven thirty.

“Crap!” I guzzle my tea, grab my bag, and make a run for the door. My uncle prefers I come into work by seven thirty, even though he prefers to waltz in at eleven forty I hop into my car and head to work.

As I am driving I think about the last time I was at work. How Akhil and I argued. How he stormed out. How he didn't tell me his version of events. How he tell me he likes me. likes I take some time to think about this.

My day is slowly making its way,as always. Around noon my uncle says hes going on lunch, “I'll be back.” Even though hes just arrived twenty minutes ago. I nod at him and wait til' he leaves to check my email. As I thought Wahid left me a message. I open it.


To date this is the shortest email Wahid has ever left me. There is not a trace of flirtation, and I consider ignoring the message. Pretending that I never received it.. I decide to be brave and dial his number.

“Hey.” he says his voice low and calm. “Hi.” I wait. He takes his time, avoiding getting to the point of his asking me to call. “So how are you?” I can barely hear him as hes whispering. “I'm okay. How are you?”

“I'm good. I- well I needed to talk to you about Mohan's wedding this weekend.” I let out a sigh of relief “Oh, yeah. Kiran is super excited. Mohan is going all out on this one. My mom is practically salivating over the fact that you'll be there.” I laugh.

“Whys that?” his voice raises a little. “She has high hopes for us.” I wait for his usual flirty response of  “Instead I am given a clearing of his throat and a pause. “About us.” he starts “I need to talk to you about something.”  I bite my lower lip and ask “Yeah?”

“Um-” I can tell its something hard for him to say. “You can tell me. Whats up?” my voice is free of any worry. “Well, I like you a lot. I mean

“Yeah.” I say trying to pull the words out of his mouth. “Well its just that-”

“Who is that?” my uncle asks as he walks in with his take-out . I immediately answer “Wrong number.” I tell Wahid  “I have to go.”.As I hang up I glare at my uncle, sitting at his desk and licking his lips at his food. I over dramatically, silently curse him.


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