
340. All the Way vs. Get Back ~Pride and Injustice~...

"What the hell, Miguel!" yelled his mother. "I don't know why you're failing your grades or why you are the lowest in your class, but that is not an excuse for you to humiliate our family!"

A young Miguel bows his head in shame.

"Go in your room!" yelled his mother.

Miguel held back his tears and went upstairs and hid in his room.

Miguel began to sing with a breaking voice.

"Trying to be funny and stuck in a room...There isn't much more to say about it...Can one be funny when stuck in a room?Being in, trying to get something out of it...Try making faces...Try telling jokes, making little sounds...

I am a kid who is stuck in his room.There isn't much more to say about it.When you're a kid and you're stuck in your room.You'll do any old shit to get out of it.Try making faces.Try telling jokes, making little sounds.Well, well...Look who's inside again...Went out to look for a reason to hide again...Well, well...Buddy, you found it.Now, come out with your hands up.We've got you surrounded."

Miguel cries, alone.

His current Aunt by Marriage and the former, Erica, enters the room.

"Your Mom yelled at you again?" asked Erica. "What'd you do?"

"Tyrone framed me again... I couldn't speak because his father threatened to destroy this family..." said Miguel.

"Well..." said Erica, crossing her legs. "Just realize that I'll always be here for you. Mkay?"

Miguel, saddened, looks down. "They... gave me a Gatorade... I thought that it was just an energy drink... It smelled funny..."

"It was beer..." said Erica.

"I don't feel so good, Aunt Erica..." said Miguel. He began weeping as she hugs him, keeping his head in her chest.

She then kisses him on the lips. "Oh!" she pulls away.

Miguel, drunk, begins to grow down there.

She looks down and smirks.

The pair then begin to make out.

Note: If you've read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Gospel Truth, he slept with his Aunt by Marriage when he was 18, causing his blood-related maternal Uncle to kill himself. His Uncle is currently Cheapshot, the Demon Sharpshooter. This triggers his family to become estranged toward him and causes him to have a depressing lifestyle as time went on. He was also bullied by his peers and even his friends in his entire life which causes his aunt to be strangely close toward him. The amount of trauma he endured had made him the last antagonist of-...

"Well... Well... Look who's outside again!" cackled Bill, teleporting to spectate above the two. "It's Miguel's true colors!I'm so glad I have F.F. a false memory! That made the reveal so much funnier!"

Miguel is blasting his sticks as Yurielle dodges his attacks one by one.

"Don't you see!? To that guy, we're just playthings!" yelled Yurielle.

"I've been a plaything my entire life!" yelled Miguel, and again, his voice is still breaking. "I've been...!"

"You aren't thinking straight..." said Yurielle.

Miguel tries to strike her by the temple but she backflips and kicks him away as she lands backward on her feet.

"Or... I've evolved..." said Miguel. "I've evolved far better than you are. I've become a god... Or at least... Mentally..."

Miguel is creating portals everywhere. He flies as he tries to blast Yurielle with energy blasts he whips out.

"You're being an Olympian..." said Yurielle. "An Asgardian! A false god! You think that just because you have such power you don't have any responsibility for your actions!"

"I don't! Not anymore!"

"Then you are lost!"

"Or... I have found the truth!"

"To let trillions of people die!?"

"What have these people ever done for me!?"

"They gave me a new family! A home!"

"They also gave me a family..." Miguel spits out blood. "...then they took it away from me... I will kill MABUS. And you're not going to stop me."

"You're a constant, right!? That means in every universe... Jotaro Kujo... Josuke Higashikata... Miguel JoJo... Or even Miguel Ibarra... is a good person! In his heart, he is all-good!"

"Then why does that man exist!?" he points to MABUS.

"He just made mistakes!" yelled Yurielle.

"Then why don't I correct him!?" asked Miguel, as he throws his stick at MABUS' face, but Yurielle shoots it with a bullet.

He throws another and she shoots another bullet.

"GET BACK!!!" yelled Yurielle, as MABUS tries to do something.

Yurielle shoots at Miguel four times.

Suddenly, Yurielle is pecked in the eyes by a large chicken four times.

Yurielle then shoots the chicken in the face, killing it.

Yurielle growls as her eyes, despite being blind, slightly bleed.

Yurielle tries to look around, trying to listen.

She then senses Miguel, but it's too late.

"RAUGH!!!" he roared, as she senses him striking her face with his stick, knocking her down.

Miguel marches toward MABUS, who pathetically walks back and away from Miguel.

"I've been waiting for this..." sneered Miguel.


Bruce and Peter wake up in the Time Room.

"Oh... good... you're awake..." said Gabrielle. "WHAT DO WE DO!?"

Bruce and Peter turn to the screen that Prismo and Jake are watching.

"We shouldn't intervene..." said Bruce. "He's currently wondering if he should be the judge and executioner he is meant to be or stay as his current human self. I get it... And, counting his spiritual inheritance, we shouldn't enter the scene or we'll get killed."

"So do I..." said Peter. "I get what it's like to be caught between wanting to kill someone or choosing to not. I know what it's like to lose people."

"He'll kill MABUS and start the Apocalypse!" yelled Gabrielle.

"We'll just have to put faith in him and Yurielle," said Bruce.

Gabrielle facepalms and paces around out of stress. She sighs and covers her face. She then puts her hands down. "Fine..." sighed Gabrielle. "I have faith...I... have an idea...Prismo... Lemme talk to Anne Zeppeli of Earth-777... And Lois Lane... And J. Jonah."

"Ugh..." said Peter.


As Miguel is about to strike MABUS' head, MABUS shields his head by raising his hand and trying to block the stick, shaking in fear.




Miguel's ankle is shot as he screams and kneels down.

Yurielle then charges and tackles him to the ground.

Yurielle then kicks the manhole cover and grabs it, throwing it like Captain America's shield. However, Miguel blocks it with his stick.

Miguel charges and tries to strike her with his sticks, but she ducks and shoots five times in the air, all shooting Miguel.

Miguel appears from the Time Room.

Gabrielle realizes that he died. "Crash that door open!" she pointed to the Time Room.

Peter then begins to crash himself into the door, trying to budge the door open.

"Anyway..." she told J. Jonah.


Miguel teleports above Yurielle and beats her over and over again as he wraps his legs around her neck. He then flips backward and slams her to the concrete ground.

Yurielle then grabs Miguel's face and puts it underwater.

Note: They were fighting on the sidewalk and the road of Manila is currently underwater. So, there are rivers everywhere. This is because of the melted polar caps.

He screams, having trauma from his first death.

Note: He was chosen randomly by the One Above All and he decided to save a boy he thought was drowning, but turns out the boy wasn't. He then drowned after he fell in the water.

Bubbles emerged on the water as Yurielle screams.

His body goes limp.

Suddenly, Miguel opens another portal and strikes Yurielle in the head, but she ducks and kicks him away.

Miguel then tries to kill MABUS by throwing his stick toward his head again, but Yurielle shoots the stick away with another bullet.


"PASS PASS PASS!!!" yelled No. 2.

"YEEHAW!!!" laughed No. 3

Miguel is shot with four bullets, but they bounce off after he decides to activate a shield spell. But it will wear off after a while.

Miguel then marches toward MABUS, but Yurielle tackles him and punches him over and over again.

Yurielle then takes out her four knives and tosses them at Miguel, but the four knives bounce off.

She then picks up one knife and tosses them at Miguel as it bounces back in her hand. She does this over and over until the shield is penetrated and he is stabbed in the shoulder.

He whispers a healing spell and uses telekinesis to toss the knives toward Yurielle, which All the Way curves away.

I think you called All the Way Sex Pistols accidentally a couple of times.

Screw off.

"Look..." sighed Yurielle. "You have to do the right thing... Please... Don't do this... If you do... You will have to live with the guilt of killing innocent lives who had nothing to do with this... They don't even know that you existed."

"I've been at the mercy of people who didn't know I existed," said Miguel.

Yurielle shoots his sticks away as she tackles him again.

Yurielle then punches Yurielle over and over again.

Wait... What?

Oh. Miguel duplicated Yurielle and made her punch herself as the damage reflected back onto her.

Yurielle vomits blood as Miguel puts the chain stick around MABUS' neck, but Yurielle shoots the stick off of his hand and he lets go of the stick.

He sighs and wraps the chain stick around Yurielle's neck. "Maybe... He isn't my first kill after all..."

Miguel is about to strike her head as she sobs.

A portal opens behind them, but no one comes out.

Miguel turns to this portal and snickers.

"Trying to be funny and stuck in a room..." she sang.

Miguel's eyes widen.

"There isn't much more to say about it...Can one be funny when stuck in a room?Being in, trying to get something out of it...Try making faces...Try telling jokes, making little sounds..."

F.F. is revealed to be singing these words to Yurielle through telepathy with the portal.

"I am a kid who is stuck in his room.There isn't much more to say about it.When you're a kid and you're stuck in your room.You'll do any old shit to get out of it.Try making faces.Try telling jokes, making little sounds.Well, well...Look who's inside again...Went out to look for a reason to hide again...Well, well...Buddy, you found it.Now, come out with your hands up.

We've got you surrounded."

Miguel began to tear up. His voice broke. "How do you know that song?"


"And that's right folks! J. Jonah Jameson here is saying that Miguel Ibarra was framed by the evil MABUS!" yelled J. Jonah. 

"So... Cancel MABUS instead! Not Miguel..." smiled Lois. "Who you guys already viciously killed."


Miguel begins to cry. "How do you know that song?" His voice broke again.

"I know... what it feels like..." whispered Yurielle. "To be trapped in the darkness... Calling for help... and with no one answering..." Her voice broke as well.

Miguel remembers something...

His teacher points a bamboo stick at Miguel's face. Miguel's face has marks of the bamboo stick all over.


The way Miguel is pointing the stick at Yurielle reminds him of this.

"WELL!?" asked Bill. "KILL HER!!!"

Miguel bites his inner cheek and bounces his leg.

"KILL HER!!!" yelled Bill.



"Ligma balls," said Miguel. He then tosses the stick into Bill's eye.


"Got 'em."


"And I can do anything."


"Hey, Bill!" yelled Miguel. "Bill!"

"WHAT!?" asked Bill Cipher.

"Wanna learn the alphabet!?" asked Miguel.

"WHAT!?" asked Bill, looking around. "WHAT IS THAT MAN TALKING ABOUT!?"

"HIJKLMNO PISS OFF!!! suck mah cock!I'll screw your sister and your mom!Sugondese Ligma Balls!I'll also take your job!"

(Based on ABCDEFU by GAYLE)

Miguel pulls the stick back on his hand as the stick throws itself back on Miguel's hand.

"Get out of here..." said Miguel. "He's mine."

A blind Bill backs away. "W-W-W-W-WAIT!!! MIGUEL!!! LET'S... LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS!!!"

Miguel flies toward him and goes all out.

He punches Bill over and over again and strikes him with his sticks.

Massive shockwaves occurred that shook the whole Universe as Miguel beats Cipher.

He blasts his fists into Bill's eye over and over again as he shrieks in pain.




Bill then teleports away.

Miguel pants as Yurielle, still on the ground, is frozen in shock.

"Pfft..." snickered Miguel. "And how exactly is he going to watch us?"

"Aha..." said Yurielle. Yurielle laughs hard at that terrible joke. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That was a blind joke! Holy shit!"

"Thank you," said Miguel. "I appreciate your unironic laughter."

"You're welcome!" smiled Yurielle.

Miguel helps Yurielle up.

"Now, what?" asked Yurielle.

"He'll be back..." said Miguel. "And... we have to tell them..."

"About what?" asked Yurielle.

"The raptors... Gabrielle... If you're watching... You have to tell the world. And people, because of that, will hate us."

"Why?" asked Gabrielle, whispering.

"Because..." said Miguel. "If we don't... we'd be no different than any other politician... not in the United States only... but in the world. The lying..." said Miguel. "The glorifying of people's mistakes... This has to stop..."

"So... you want the whole world to know our mistake?" asked Yurielle.

"I want the whole world to know the true story. The right story... The full story... Without biases..."

"But there will always be biases."

"Well... fuck it, then... We should just tell them what Gabrielle did... No... what we did... Yurielle... Because if we don't... We'll be no different from them. The leaders are the reason why the Americans, the other races, and even the anarchists hate us. Because we are liars. I... was a liar. So... What are you going to do? Suppose that you were sitting down at this table. The napkins are in front of you, which napkin would you take? The one on your ‘left’? Or the one on your ‘right’? The one on your left side? Or the one on your right side? Whatever napkin we take... they follow."

"We'd lose support."

"So? I've lost support years ago. And I'm still on your side."

"Well?" asked Yurielle. "Gabrielle?"

Gabrielle sighs.

The next day...

"So... that's basically what happened. Yes... I was the one who made a deal with Bill Cipher. Yes, I was the one responsible for having your family or friend killed. I caused all of those deaths... That was what I was apologizing for. Not for hosting the event... But for causing it," said Gabrielle. "But I know what you're saying. 'Wow... This girl is a total bitch.' Well... Guess what? I do not care. I don't care that your child, sister, brother, father, or mother, died. Because even though I have responsibility for it, I won't care. Mind you, I will still pay for the damages. I will let you cancel me. I will let you hate me. I can't go to jail... No... because I was tricked into doing so. But I will keep serving you, ungrateful, people. Because I love you. My father loved you. I have faith in you. He had faith in you. I will pay for damages. I will attend all court hearings, even though it would go nowhere and will always end with me paying for damages. I will let you stone me when you have the chance. I will let you punish me.But I don't care. I don't want to care about them. Because caring about them makes the people who hate me correct, which is true, but I don't want to think about it. I am here for the greater good. Not to be put down by pathetic weaklings that stay on Twitter and do nothing more than express their opinions about me rather than engaging and doing something like actually fighting supervillains.So... To all the people who hold me responsible, I will pay for the consequences out of courtesy... But you should realize that I don't give the smallest fuck about the people who already died. Because what matters now is that you people should survive for what's to come. Yes, we will honor them. But I don't care about them. Those are two different things. I am being honest because you want me to be honest. But now that you know, you hate me now.And my response to that is, 'Do something better and worthwhile. Stop hating, because if you do, you won't ever stop.'"

Yurielle walks up to the stage. "Hello... I am Yurielle JoJo. And... I was also responsible for possibly causing the world's end... To find my parents' killer. I will take full responsibility as well and I am absolutely sorry for everything I've caused. I also don't care about you and what you endured, but I will help you and pay for damages."

Miguel walks up to the stage. "Good evening. I am Miguel Ibarra. My world had me killed because they believed that I was the false Messiah. Though that was only technically false, I am here not because I want to rule you. I am here to help you. I also don't care about what I did... Maybe... in some way... I must've somehow caused you pain as well... Maybe... I was selfish. Maybe... in some way... I betrayed your trust... I am not The One that you were looking for. And I don't care. I will keep serving you, but you will hate me for it. Because of the way I do things. Because I hate people. I am not Christ. I am my own person. What you call me... What you label me as... It wouldn't matter... Because your opinions mean nothing to me. What I care about is your safety. Call me cruel... Call me another Napoleon or Hitler... But I'm just a guy trying to help. Our enemy is the anarchists."

Dick Shuckmeister stands up. "And what do you say about the fact that you people will never be loved by the American people for injuring our current President?"

Yurielle speaks. "You're not the world superpower anymore. Deal with it."

Yurielle, Miguel, and Gabrielle all bow as they walk down the podium.

People in the crowd begin booing the trio, but they don't care.

~Part XII Fin~


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