
317. JoJoRun Chapter I: Blind Jack and Blast Murder...

(Before reading this, please read JoJo's Bizarre Adevnture: The Gospel Truth! BTW Ibarra is not the Messiah. He's the 'Second Coming.')

"Four of a kind," sneered the cowboy, placing his cards on the table. Four fours. "Well? What hand do you have?"

The young woman before him was nervous. She is wearing male jeans and a black shirt with a skull on it. She places a Royal Flush. Spade ace, king, queen, jack, and ten.

"How careless," laughed the cowboy.

He takes out a knife and grabs her hand.

"You don't play that around here... YOU CHEAT-!!!" cackled the man.




Five times the projectile curved.

The man's hand is decapitated.

He screams in pain as he drops to the ground. "WHO THREW THAT!!!? WHO!?" he sobbed, dropping to the ground.

The staff helped him up and carried him away.

"The knife came from the left, but the left side of the restaurant is empty..." thought the woman.

The bartender stood up and blasted his rifle to the roof.

"This place has rules. When rules are broken, you lose your hand. That is the law of this place. Without law, we are animals. Don't you understand?" He points his gun at her hands. "Without laws... We are no better than animals..."

*click click...*

She whispers, "No! Please!"



The bullet curves and gets shot into his shoulder.

"RAUGH!!!" he cried. "WHO SHOT THAT!?"

Everyone stayed quiet out of fear. He snaps his fingers and several of his bodyguards take out their weapons.

"What do we do, Boss?" asked the Russian Bodyguard.

"Find out who fucking shot me and... I don't know! Probably, GIVE ME MEDICAL CARE-!!!"




All five bodyguards drop to the ground, bleeding and screaming.

They slowly stand back up.

Both legs of each man have a hole on each of them, so they shake while doing so and while standing.

"That's the time we met her..."

Someone stands up and they all point their guns at this person.

This person has a poncho on with a large with a black sombrero and golden. This person has large black high heel boots with golden spurs behind. This person has black stockings on their legs. This person has a Blue Star of David birthmark on their right shoulder.

(Here's a bad drawing of the predicament)

"And who are you?" asked one man with a hillbilly accent.

"Shush! I'm the Boss! I should be speaking to our adversary!"

"Sorry, Boss."

"Anyway... And who are you?" he asked in the exact same tone as the bodyguard.

"Lay off the fine lady," she spoke rather quietly in a southern accent.

"Hahaha! And who are you?" sneered the man.

"You just said that, sir."

"I know! It was for dramatic effect, Jerry!"

"Why don't you find out?" sneered the woman.


They immediately pull their triggers.


She stands menacingly before them. She wasn't shot at all.

They sigh and reload their guns.

The Boss facepalms. "YOU IDIOTS!!! SHE DID NOT GET SHOT!!!"

"So...?" asked one Irish man.


She takes out a ball from the billiards and throws it in the air.


All six men are knocked out, dropping on the ground. The billiard curved six times and struck all their heads.

"Who... Who are you?" asked the woman.

"JoJo..." said the woman. Six tiny female Stands emerge from her body. They resembled Sex Pistols, but have cheerleading outfits on. Again, there is no No. 4. Only Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. "Yurielle JoJo."

"You can call me Yuri."


"I can't believe that there are Rock Humans even in America," said Gabrielle, staring at the supercomputer before her revealing several faces of the Dark Quartz Organization. Rock Humans like Urban Guerilla, Metahumans like The Joker and Abomination, and Grimms like Kenneth.

"Are there any other crazy ex-boyfriends I should be worried about?" asked Narcos, eating from a jar of honey.

"No," giggled Gabrielle. "You're safe from here."

Narcos hugs Gabriell from behind and kisses her head. "I wonder if there is anyone out there we could contact."

Gabrielle thinks for a second. "I think we have someone who could help us out."

"Who?" asked Mercuria.


Yurielle sighs as the African-American woman she saved in the dirty bar follows after Yurielle. She is steal bowing her head.

"Why are you two following me!?" asked Yuri.

"Oh! Well... We have nowhere else to stay and-... Wait... How'd you know we were two people?" asked the woman.

"You're wearin' a dude's shirt," she said.

She woges and transforms into a guy. "I told you that we were sus!"

He woges into the woman. "Shush!"

"Huntha Lami Muuaji, right? You from Swahili?"

"Yeah, sis... What are you? Some kinda Italian-Japanese-Filipino-Mexican Tex-Mex special?"

"How'd you know?"

"Mostly y'all havin' those facial features that I just couldn't evade."

"Yep... One of my Dads is Italian and the other is Filipino."

"Alright, alright. So... y'all adopted?"


"I see. I see. I feel you..."

The woman woges into a man. "Well! It's gettin' late! Can we crash into your place for a while?"

"Excuse you?" asked Yurielle.

"Well... It's just that we... y'know..."

"You're homeless, right?" She turns to them with one eye terrifyingly staring into their soul.



Yurielle is followed by the person.

"What are your names?" asked Yuri.

"I'm Jill Maroon," said the woman. She woges into the man. "I'm Jack Maroon."

"Jack and Jill? Seriously?" she snickered. "Alright..."

Yurielle enters the gate with her keys lets Jack and Jill in.

She then locks the gate from inside.

"Dad! Dad! I'm home!"

She unlocks the door and she slowly opens it, revealing a silent house.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" yelled Jack, seeing the weaponry all over the house designed on the walls and the armors. "You're a-!?"

"Relax... We ain't mercenaries," said Yuri. "Come in, now."

Jack turns red and sighs. "Jill, I swear to God if they cut off our head..."

"Don't worry!" said Jill in his head. "We'll be fine!"

Kariel, a 190 cm tall man, appeared before Jack and Jill. He is wearing a dark purple coat and a dark purple cowboy hat with a star in front. He has a seven-round revolver in his right holster.

They Erstewoge out of fear.

"Eep..." said Jill.

"A Huntha Lami Muuaji?" asked Kariel, with black eyes.

"Yep," said Yuri. "They'll be staying with us for a while. They're a hobo."

"We kinda lost out parents to a couple of aliens," said Jack.

"I see," said Kariel. "Well... you're welcome to be here."

"Scusi. Who is he?" asked Antonio, walking out of the kitchen and seeing the guest.

"Huntha Lami Muuaji. They'll be staying with us. They're a hobo."

"A black hermaphrodite Cryptid hobo?Si... Entrate! Entrate! (Yes... Come in! Come in!)" he said, letting him in.


All of them are eating marinara and Caprese salad. Yurielle is still bowing her head.

"So... your parents were killed by aliens with black gems all over their bodies?" asked Kariel.

"Nah... Nah... They each had one gem on their body. Sometimes it was on their shoulder, other times it was on their arms. Then this one Gem... she looked more human than the others. She had a Gem on her navel. She was the one who slew both of 'em."

"Why?" asked Yurielle.

"All I know is that they were working for an Organization... the Dark Quartz..."

Kariel squints his eyes. "Uh-huh..."


Jack gasps softly, seeing All-Star push his glass from the table.


Kariel catches the glass.

"Must be the water," laughed Kariel. "Oh... The water's spilling out..."

There is a crack in the glass and Jack's eyes widen.

"You saw that, right?" asked Jill in his head.

"Yep..." thought Jack.

"Pretend you don't see nothin'!"

"I don't s-..."


"Si?" asked Antonio.

"I don't say... this is real good..."

Kariel leans closer to her. "So... you're pretending to not see it, huh?"

Jack gulps.

"Very well..." he whispered. "I don't know if I can trust you two, but now I'll just guess that you have no idea what you're in for and you don't know who killed your parents. If you want to stay here, we'll need some help to get some answers as well. We'll start with you..."

Kariel stands up and walks into the kitchen. He smiles, "I'll just get a new glass!"

"Dad..." said Yuri.

"Yeah?" asked Kariel.

"What did you say to them?"

"Nothing!" smiled Kariel.

"You could sleep in the room next to mine," smiled Yurielle.

Later... that night...

Kariel silently stared at a picture of the Crusaders all together in the cafe at Burnham.

"I really am the last Crusader, huh, Kuya?"


Jack and Jill silently slept in the night in the room next to Yurielle's downstairs. They are woged as Jack's body.

"Well? What do you think about these guys? They seem sketchy..." asked Jill.

"I don't know... Ain't sure about what they're plannin' to do with us."

"Shit... What if they be cuttin' off our head at night!?"

"They won't 'be cuttin' off our head,' Jill. For God's sake, sis. You were the one who went goin' round an' trustin' 'em."

"Somethin' feels sketchy... alright? Just sayin'..."

"That's what I was sayin' earlier! Now, I can't just refuse a Grimm's offer! That's suicide! Ugh! You never listen! No wonder our Moms thought that we were bein' plain stupid in our last basketball match! No! Stupid in everythin'!"

"We're bein' stupid because we don't got no coordination! And I don't even like basketball, I like playin' the sitar!"

"That's not even a frickin' sport, Jill!"

"Yes, it is! It's a sport! There's movement, Jack!"

"Are you sure we sharin' the same brain because Goddamn are you stupid? You're the one who's always cookin' crystals in my head or whatever while I do everythin' our Dad and Moms told us to because I'm the older one... God... I wanna play Minecraft..."

"That's the only thing we agree on, huh? Minecraft? I told you that we look stupid when we be playin' it in school! We're a couple of twenty-year-olds who be playin' a kid's game!"

"Oh, please! Tell me that you ain't satisfied putting down those cobblestone an' amethyst blocks!"

Suddenly... Twinkle, AKA All-Star, is peering at the pair behind a bottled plant.

"Jack... the Stand from earlier is peepin' at us..." thought Jill.

"I can see that..." thought Jack. He speaks. "'Ey! You! Shoo! Get outta here!"

"Kyahaha! I know that you're a Stand-User now!" giggled Twinkle.

"Oh, shit... IT'S SENTIENT!!!" yelled Jill in his head.

"I can see that, Jill," sighed Jack. "MINE ALL DAY!!!"

A pixelated fishing rod appears on his hand and he casts it, hooking All-Star.

"Kya! Chumimi~in" wept Twinkle. "Please, Jackie-Chan. Don't hurt me!"

"Okay... was that a pun? Because it makes no sense," said Jack.

Jill laughs and snorts. "Yeah? Folded, Jack. You're the one who knows Kung Fu out of the two of us."

"It's called Krav Maga and it's Jewish!"

"Kya!" sobbed Twinkle. "Get off me, please, Jackie-Chan!"

"Whose Stand are you!?"

Twinkle's eyes get angry. "ACT 2!!!"

Twinkle transforms into her humanoid ACT 2 form.

A belt appears around Jack and Jill's waist. Two small square chests acting as two holsters appear on both sides of Jack and Jill's belt.

Jack tries to attack Twinkle by taking out a pixelated purple-gray ax from the left chest, but-...


He tries to cut her in the shoulder, but the ax does not break.

Twinkle sighs. "No, no, no... You can't just try and kill me like that! That's very mean!" Twinkle stomps her feet on the ground and suddenly, Jack begins to float.

"Wh-What's happenin'!?"

"I don't know! Stop that!"

"You are a Stand-User," said Kariel, walking into the living room.

"Don't worry... I'll keep it real subtle and shit..." thought Jack. "Wuuut?" he asked nervously.

"Great job keepin' it real subtle, brother," said Jill in his head.

Jack drops to the ground.

"What the hell do you want from me, man!?" asked Jack, backing away.

"I want answers..." said Kariel. "...about the Dark Quartz Organization... Who killed Anne Zeppeli... who took out my brother's Stand... and who has his memories?"

"I don't know!" yelled Jack.

Kariel sighs and nods to Twinkle.

Suddenly, Jack begins to get crushed by gravity as a crater appears on the floor. 

"2 FREEZE!!!" yelled Twinkle.

"Well?" asked Kariel, as he takes out his revolver and points it at Jack.


Kariel's hat falls to the ground. 

Kariel sighs. "What is it, Yuri?"

Yurielle sighs and is revealed to have been pointing a gun behind Kariel. "You can't just go out of your way and interrogate them like this, Dad... What happened to Uncle Miguel and Aunt Anne ain't their fault."

"Stay out of this!"

"Dad... please..." said Yurielle, pinching his sleeve. 

"Try and shoot my hat again, I'll curve it."

"You did try to curve it! The fact that a fine woman like me was able to avoid your curving technique means I can! Stand down, Daddy!"

Kariel closes his eyes, retracts his Stand, and puts his weapon down. "Fine... But don't you forget that their parents were Dark Quartz and your parents were killed by them... That makes their connection to them dangerous."

Kariel sighs.

"I'll go call your cousin, Gabrielle." Kariel walks upstairs. "I still don't trust them."

"Sorry 'bout that," sighed Yurielle, smiling.

"How'd you do that?" asked Jack.

"Did what?" asked Yurielle.

"What's your Stand name again?"

"Oh!" smiled Yurielle. She reveals the female version of Sex Pistols, all in cheerleading uniforms. "All the Way."

"Mine All Day," nodded Jack.

"What the hell are you doin'!?" asked Jill in his head.

"She shared hers. I shared ours," said Jack.

Jack sighs. "We'll share with you what we know. But, promise that you won't be riddlin' us with your guns."

"We won't," said Yurielle. "I promise."

Yurielle reveals her eyes to Jack, finally not bowing down.

"You're... blind?" asked Jack.

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