
309. Chapter XXXVIII: Lonely Anne JoJo ~Oof~

"Prepare for some BJ's!!!" yelled Narcos, putting his fists up and preparing to torture Emil inside the chamber.

"Yeah! Prepare for some-! Excuse you, what?" asked Gabrielle.

"Beating and jabbing!"

The others stare at Narcos.

"Uh-!" yelled Gabrielle.

"Let him think..." said Mercuria.

They keep staring at Narcos.

"He's not going to get it, will he-?


They are still staring.

"Fine. Tell him," said Mercuria.

"BJ is a sexual act, too, Narcos," said Gabrielle.

"How!? Is everything a sexual act!?" asked Narcos.

"No! Of course not, honey! Just everything that comes out of your mouth!" smiled Gabrielle.

"Like BJ's!" smiled Foo Fighters.

"How do you even know what that is?" asked Nick. "Plankton porn!? Is that a thing!?"

"The only Wesen that do porn are probably Musais, Fuchsbaus, Naiads, and probably Gluhenvolk? I met one Gluhenvolk who was a pornstar... But I don't really watch porn. Just a weird fun fact," said Monroe.

"Emphasis on weird. Missing ill-timed," sighed Nick.

"Jesus Christ," sighed Victoria. "We've been interrogating these losers for hours! Can we just look around the web for this location?"

"You do realize that this location could be anywhere in the vast known and probably even the unknown Multiverse, right?" asked Monroe.

"Exactly..." said Gabrielle. "That's why we're video-chatting the Master of Multiversal Bullshit."

"*BURP!!!* What?" asked Rick. He then chugs his beer.

"Hey-o Uncle Rick!" cheered Gabrielle.

"What do you want, Gabrielle?"

The pair are video chatting in Zoom.

"We~ell... I want something pretty nifty, I would say!"

She shows Rick the picture.

Rick spits out the beer he was chugging. "A Reviser!? Gab-Gab... Where did you get that!?"

"Found it on the pocket of one of the Anarchists." She smiles.

Rick sighs. "Give me three days."


Anne drops into a pile of cans of whisky. She giggles happily and drunkenly.

"Ma..." said Gabrielle, who is on the sofa next to hers. "Ma..."

"What?" asked Anne, covering her head in pain.

"You aren't wearing pants," said Gabrielle.

Anne is only in her panties while wearing a sweater.

"The others will be home soon," said Gabrielle. "At least fix yourself."

"Later... Miggy-..."

Gabrielle's breath went shaky.

"Mom?" asked Gabrielle.

"Antonia 'Anne' JoJo nee Zeppeli is my mother. She's lazy and avoids work often... She likes napping just like I do. She hates it when we mention Dad. And ever since he died, she never dared to date anyone else... lonely Anne JoJo. My lonely mother."

"Mom..." said Gabrielle.

"Wut?" sighed Anne.

"We should prepare for -..."

*ring... ring...*

Gabrielle sighs. "Kuya is telling me that there's an attack likely Kenneth-related in Burnham.Why Burnham?"

Anne wakes up. "Can I come?" she asked.

"Why? Aren't you retired?"

"I just want to try the suit out one last time."

Gabrielle cringes at her Mom's statement. "Why? Something to do with your body image?"

"No... Just... Y'know... I have a drive to join you today or whatever."

"Alright," smiled Gabrielle.


Gabrielle wore her version of The Reaper suit while Anne wore her version of the Killer Kuta suit.

"So!" smiled Anne. "What are we going to do tonight, sweetie?"

Gabrielle looked down the streets with binoculars. "We just stay here on the roof and pay attention to the people walking down there. Apparently, there is a suspect wearing an Endezeichen Grimm outfit decapitating a Barangay Kapitan and five Barangay Officials. They're all related. Political Dynasty.Sorry, we had to use the stairs. Portal Gun is kaput and the building's elevator is broken."

"Mm..." said Anne, texting on her phone. "Alright."



"You're always treating everything just like a weird joke or another mundane holiday you have to go through. This!? This is Dad's work!"

"Oh, please!"

"What do you mean, 'Oh, please!?' What!? Is that part of your life over!?"


"Well, to me it isn't! Dad believed that we could carry on his work! And you're just sitting there acting like some terrible part of your life is over! All you do is a party around and wear stupid lingerie while partying around the entire fucking world! Meanwhile, your daughter is trying to get over with her stupid life and the fact that she killed her father!"


"Where did you go!? What were you doing all that time fucking g-stringers and deejays around the fucking Multiverse!?"

Anne stayed quiet.

"You don't care about me. You never did."

Anne sighed. "Geez... Chill, Gabe..."

The pair stayed quiet.

"You blame me, too... don't you?"

Anne's eyes widen. "Gabrielle... I-..."

*BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!*

Gabrielle tries to swing to the ground. "I'll call you for backup. Stay here."

"Gabrielle, no," said Anne. "You can't just go there alone."

"It's my responsibility, Mom!"

"For the last time! You didn't kill your father!"

"THEN TELL ME WHILE ALSO BELIEVING IT!!!" yelled Gabrielle. "What fuck, Mom!? You just keep on piling up reasons why you piss me off! You're like a child on steroids! I have to get down there!"

"There's someone out there named Prometheus!" yelled Anne.

Gabrielle stops. "Huh?"

Anne sighs. "Prometheus is the God of Fate. He's a prisoner of some entity called the Author who takes control of all of our lives. I talked to him."

"I don't have time for this-..."

"You'll die."

Gabrielle stops.

"If you go down there... right now... Kenneth will kill you."

"Prove it."

"I can't... But there was a past life... a past life where you face the same destiny over and over... and that is by dying in the hand of someone named Enrico Pucci..."

"You're talking about Ancient History... No! Prehistory! I've seen the books! It never happened!"


Gabrielle turns to Anne. "My past life who you say was killed by Pucci? Her fate... transferred to me?"

"That's why I'm here...I don't... I don't want to lose my husband and my only blood daughter. Not my baby... It was this moment in the timeline... when you die."

"This is nonsense..."

"Gabrielle, get back here!"

"People are dying, Mom! Because of me!" her eyes went tearier. "I'm tired of people dying on me! My Dad died... Everyone in that past Universe died... because of me! I have so much responsibility!"

"So why get yourself killed? Hm!?"

"Why don't you trust me!?"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A CHILD!!!I don't want this to happen to you... Not my baby... Please... I beg of you... Don't do this."


Gabrielle ties Anne's hands on the pipe.

"Sorry, Mom..." said Gabrielle. "It's up to me to defeat the Dark Quartz Organization and defeat Black Diamond... I am Gabrielle JoJo... And I'll keep fighting even if it kills me."

Gabrielle jumps down, swings on the building, and lands on the ground.

She looks around and sees that there is no one around.

"Tch-... She doesn't trust me... she treats me like a child... and only acts as a mother at the last moment... Mother of the year, people! Wait... There wasn't any screaming..." she told herself. She's gasping. "I can't breathe..."

Slowly, Kenneth descends from a floor down.

"Greetings, Gabrielle JoJo."

She grabs her neck. "Kenneth..."

"Going on alone because you think it's all up to you? How self-righteously arrogant. Don't you know people care about you?"


"I need to tell you something. You see, no one ever cared about me. But you? Everyone loves Gabrielle JoJo. Cherish that... That if they lose you, they would be hurt. CHERISH THAT, GABRIELLE JOJO!!!CHERISH THAT AND DON'T BE FUCKING STUPID AND DARE ENDANGER YOURSELF!!!Because they care about you. CHERISH... THAT!!!"

"But I have... to stop you... You're... strangling me... You were this whole time... *GASP*!!! How did you reach me?Wait... You were hiding in the empty elevator shaft and flying up and down to follow me..."

"Yes..." said Kenneth. "I've been sent to kill you... Tell me, have you learned your lesson?"

"I'll never learn it..."

"Too bad. Good night, sweed Schwarze-Augen." Kenneth takes out Moonsnake and prepares to bash her head open.



Gabrielle's eyes are closed.

She slowly opens her eyes.





























*drip... drip...*

Anne's blood drips all over the ground.

It begins to rain.

Anne's chest is burst open with Moonsnake's fist.

Gabrielle is on the ground, having been pushed away to be protected.

"Mom?" Gabrielle's eyes quivered.


Moonsnake pulls its fist away out of the hole in Anne's chest.

Anne drops to the ground, dying.

Smoke begins to leave her body.

"I... made a... deal..." she whispered.

"No... No!" Gabrielle whispered. "No! No, no, no..."

Gabrielle grabs Anne's body. "Mom! Oh my God... Shit..." Gabrielle desperately tries to regenerate Anne's chest. "WHY CAN'T I HEAL YOU!?"

Some kind of gravitational force is stopping Stone Free's surgical strings from healing her chest.

"STOP IT!!!" she sobbed.

"I'm not doing this..." said Kenneth. "I didn't even sense her in front of me."

"STOP LYING!!!" she growled, Wahrewoging. "NO!!!" she sobbed, trying to heal Anne's chest.

Kenneth takes out his handgun.

*BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!*

Gabrielle's string is revealed to be inside the gun's mouth as the bullets curve away.

"Tch-..." said Kenneth.

"You're strong... Gabrielle..." she whispered. "Now, I know... you'll be fine..."

Anne's eyes slowly dilate.

"What the hell are you doing!? STOP THAT!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

"Miggy...?" She sees a light.

Her body goes limp.

Gabrielle stares at her mother's body in disbelief. 

"Ah... well..." said Kenneth. "Your turn."


Kenneth blocks the attack with gravity.

"ORA!!! ORA!!! ORA ORA ORA ORA!!! WRYY!!! ORA!!!" Gabrielle slams her fists toward Kenneth, who simply blocks her attacks with ease. 

Gabrielle begins to be imbued with Golden Spin. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

Kenneth's gravity began to shift. "What the hell!?" asked Kenneth. "HOW ARE YOU-!?"



Her fist finally meets his face. The bones in his face are crushed and fractured. The skin and flesh on his face deform with the sheer touch of her fists. Most of the attack was stopped by Kenneth's gravity, but his face was still massively distorted. His eyeball even slightly pops out of his socket.



Kenneth is then slapped on the watery concrete ground and skipped like a stone until he crashes into an empty building. 

Gabrielle returns to Anne's body.

She stared at her, silently.



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