
150. Mediums, Cryptids, and Rock Organisms

God's Creations:


GrimmSci. Name: Homo Sapien DecapitareOrigin: Created by God after the death of the original incarnation of the Monster Emperor to control the wild Cryptids. They are a recessive gene found in Common Humans.Special Abilities:>Hamon=Grimms naturally have the ability to use Hamon, which can fatally injure Cryptids when charged into an object or even body part that strikes the Cryptid. The Cryptid will grow weaker and will get injured much more easily. They can summon this ability through controlled breathing.>Spin (Recessive)=Some Grimms have a recessive gene that allows them to use Spin. It is unknown why they have this recessive gene. >Mediumship=They can see Cryptids' true forms when they are emotional. They can also see Spirits, Demons, Angels, New Gods, and Old Gods when they make themselves invisible to humans.>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Grimms are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Superhuman Senses=Grimms have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Mystical Blood>Healing FactorWeaknesses:>Stubborn=Grimms are known to be incredibly stubborn. When Grimms are born as Black-Eyes, they are much more stubborn than their pure-blood counterparts.>Heavy Sleepers=This is why Miguel JoJo was kidnapped thrice. Bruh.>Coldness=Grimms are well-known in the Cryptid community to be very cold-hearted and cruel. Black-Eyes, however, tend to be more emotional than regular Grimms and are very dangerous.>Black-Eyes=If Grimms are born as Black-Eyes, they usually show erratic behavior and have psychological disorders because of their genetics.>Wraiths (Natural Predators)Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 900 years

EsperSci. Name: Homo Sapien EsperusOrigin: Created by God to foretell future events. Over time, they evolved new abilities They are a recessive gene found in Common Humans.Special Abilities:>Telepathy=Espers can read and even control people's minds.>Telekinesis=Espers can move stuff around with their minds.>Mediumship=Espers can see spirits and other supernatural creatures.>Future Vision=Espers can see the future.Weakness:>Ego=Espers tend to have massive egos.Strength: 3Strength (Psionics): +Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: +Combat: 8Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: +

Ghost Rider/GeisterfahrerSci. Name: Homo Sapien ReaperOrigin: Created by the Devil to consume souls.Special Abilities:>Woging>Superhuman Abilities and Capabilities>Regenertive Factor Level Four>Medium Awareness>Hellfire Manipulation-Hellfire Infusion-Hellfire Projection-Hellfire Constructs-Hell Firestorm>Sin Manipulation-Sin Perception-Sin Eating>Ride Symbiosis>Death Hamon-Soul Reading-Soul-Sucking>Dimensional Travel>Demon Magic>Mystical Weapons>Penance Star-Damnation Stare>Size Alteration>ExorcismWeaknesses:>Corruption>Heavenly Weapons>Host SeparationStrength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 8Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: Immortal

ProphetSci. Name: Homo Sapien ProphetOrigin: Created by God to see the future.Special Abilities:>Future VisionWeaknesses:>DoomsayerStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 10Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 900 Years

AvatarSci. Name: Homo Sapien AvatarusOrigin: Appointed by the Niburuans to do their bidding.Special Abilities:>Power Bestowal=Avatars are bestowed abilities by the gods or God that they serve, and their abilities depend on the imagination of their master. A Messiah is an example of an Avatar. Any Niburuans can have Avatars.Weaknesses:>Power Severance=Avatars' powers can only be severed by the gods that control them. When the gods die, they lose all power. The only being that cannot be killed is God himself.Strength: +Speed: +Durability: +Senses: +Intelligence: +Combat: +Skills: +Precision: +Lifespan: Depends

Fortisites' Creations:Cryptids:Aswangs:Vampiric TiktikSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis Vampir TiktikOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Metallic Retractable Claws=Uses claws for prey and protection.>Ticking=Ticks wings.>Forked Tongue=To liquefy and drink prey.>Monkey Tail=To hang on trees.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Instincts>Animal Senses>Animal Empathy>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Aswangs have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regeneration=Aswangs have a quick healing factor.>Enhanced Senses=Aswangs have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Flight=Because of their wings, they can fly to very high places.>Wall-Crawling=Their claws and palms have special hairs designed to allow them to climb to high places.>Prehensile Forked Tongue=Their tongue is used to liquefy absorb their prey.>Acidic Saliva=Used for their prey, allowing them to liquefy their prey.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Echolocation=Aswangs tick their wings when threatened as they can sense the vibrations through a membrane on their woged heads. >Longevity=Aswangs have longevity.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Stingray Tail (When Woged)>Spices (When Woged)>Anger Issues>Risky Behavior>Stubbornness>Pulling their Wings=They lose their grip when this is done.Strength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 10Intelligence: 6-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 20,000 years

Ghoul TiktikSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis Ghul TiktikOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Metallic Retractable Claws=For protection and prey.>Ticking=Ticks tongue.>Forked Tongue=To liquefy and drink prey.>Monkey Tail=To hang on trees>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Instincts>Animal Senses>Animal Empathy>Echolocation, Regeneration>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Aswangs have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regenerative Factor Level One=Aswangs have a soft healing factor.>Enhanced Senses=Aswangs have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Wall-Crawling=Their claws and palms have special hairs designed to allow them to climb to high places.>Prehensile Forked Tongue=Their tongue is used to liquefy absorb their prey.>Acidic Saliva=Used for their prey, allowing them to liquefy their prey.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Echolocation=Aswangs tick their wings when threatened as they can sense the vibrations through a membrane on their woged heads. >Retractable Long Claws=Allows them to protect themselves from opponents.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of Morality>Stingray Tail (When Woged)>Spices (When Woged)Strength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 6-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 70 years; 20,000 (If Mother eats their fetus of their grandchild)

ManananggalSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis Vampir TiktikOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Metallic Retractable Claws=For protection and prey.>Ticking=Ticks tongue.>Forked Tongue=To liquefy and drink prey.>Monkey Tail=To hang on trees>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Instincts>Animal Senses>Animal Empathy>Echolocation, Regeneration>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Aswangs have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regenerative Factor Level One=Aswangs have a soft healing factor.>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Aswangs are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Enhanced Senses=Aswangs have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Flight=Because of their wings, they can fly to very high places.>Wall-Crawling=Their claws and palms have special hairs designed to allow them to climb to high places.>Prehensile Forked Tongue=Their tongue is used to liquefy absorb their prey.>Acidic Saliva=Used for their prey, allowing them to liquefy their prey.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Echolocation=Aswangs tick their wings when threatened as they can sense the vibrations through a membrane on their woged heads.>Self-Segmentation=Manananggals can self-segment their legs and crotch from their torso and upper body to fly.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Stingray Tail (When Woged)>Spices (When Woged on the wound of its Lower Half)>Lack of MoralityStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 6-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 200 years

Askal ItimSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis Askal ItimOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Instincts>Animal Senses>Animal Empathy>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Aswangs have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regenerative Factor Level One=Aswangs have a soft healing factor.>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Aswangs are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Enhanced Senses=Aswangs have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Flight=Because of their wings, they can fly to very high places.>Wall-Crawling=Their claws and palms have special hairs designed to allow them to climb to high places.>Prehensile Forked Tongue=Their tongue is used to liquefy absorb their prey.>Acidic Saliva=Used for their prey, allowing them to liquefy their prey.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Echolocation=Aswangs tick their wings when threatened as they can sense the vibrations through a membrane on their woged heads.>Full-Moon Enhancement=These Aswangs can get enhanced via the full moon.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Stingray Tail (When Woged)>Spices (When Woged)>Risky BehaviorStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 6-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 300 years

MangkukulamSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis KulamOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Aswangs have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regenerative Factor Level One=Aswangs have a soft healing factor.>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Aswangs are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Enhanced Senses=Aswangs have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Flight=Because of their wings, they can fly to very high places.>Wall-Crawling=Their claws and palms have special hairs designed to allow them to climb to high places.>Prehensile Forked Tongue=Their tongue is used to liquefy absorb their prey.>Acidic Saliva=Used for their prey, allowing them to liquefy their prey.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Echolocation=Aswangs tick their wings when threatened as they can sense the vibrations through a membrane on their woged heads.>Magic=These particular Aswangs can do magic.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Anting-Anting>Lack of MoralityStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 6-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 900 years

AmalanhigSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswang?Origin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Same abilities as an Aswang's.Weaknesses:>Hamon>Lack of Intellect>Incomplete TransformationStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 0Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

MambabarangSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis BarangOrigin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Human Transformation>Insect Manipulation>MagicWeaknesses:>Vampiric Tiktiks (Natural Predator)Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 3Combat: 3Skills: 3Precision: 3Lifespan: 7,000 years

WakwakSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Same Abilities as an AswangWeaknesses:>Vampiric Tiktik (Rival)Strength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 18,000 years

Canine Cryptids:Lycan/BlutbadSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis BlutbadenOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Blutbaden has the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Full Moon Enhancement=All Blutbaden get stronger during the full moon.>Pack Mentality=Most known Blutbaden tend to move in packs.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky BehaviorStrength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-7Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

SchackalSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis SchackalOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Schackals have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=They have night vision>Full Moon Enhancement=They get stronger during the full moon.>Pack Mentality=They tend to move in packs.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky BehaviorStrength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-7Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

CoyotlSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis CoyoteOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Coyotls have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=They have night vision>Full Moon Enhancement=They get stronger during the full moon.>Pack Mentality=They tend to move in packs.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky Behavior>InbreedingStrength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-7Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

ChupacabraSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis ChupacabraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Chupacabras have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Lycans get stronger during the full moon.>Soft Telepathy=Chupacabras have the ability to softly read their prey's minds.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky BehaviorStrength: 4, 5 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 9-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

Cu SithsSubspecies: Hundjager, Apgadniek, Anubis, InugamiSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis SithOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Siths have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Siths get stronger during the full moon.>Grimm Mentality=Cu Siths are much more skilled with GrimmsWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky BehaviorStrength: 5, 6 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 4, (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-6Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

Hellhounds/HollentierSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis HollenOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Siths have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Siths get stronger during the full moon.>Grimm Mentality=Cu Siths are much more skilled with Grimms.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Anger Issues>Risky BehaviorStrength: 6, 7 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 4, (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-6Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

LuisonSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis LuisonOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Siths have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Regenerative Factor Level One=Siths have a soft healing factor.>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Siths are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Enhanced Senses=Siths have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Siths get stronger during the full moon.>Grimm Mentality=Cu Siths are much more skilled with Grimms.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>GreedinessStrength: 4, 5 (full moon)Speed: 5, 6 (full moon)Durability: 4, (full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-6Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

Berserkers/WildesheerSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis WildesheerOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Berserkers have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form. >Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Berserkers get stronger during the full moon.>Nigh-Invulnerable Bones=Berserkers have nigh-indestructible bones, teeth, and claws when woged.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Haircut=If you cut their hair, they will greatly weaken, like that of a human.Strength: 9, 10 (full moon)Speed: 3,4 (full moon)Durability: 5, 6 (full moon), 10+ (bones)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

JagerbarSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis BarOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Jagerbars have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Poison, Toxins, Venoms, and Substance Immunity=Jagerbars are immune to multiple poisons, toxins, and venoms.>Enhanced Senses=Jagerbars have enhanced senses for a normal Human.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Full Moon Enhancement=Jagerbars get stronger during the full moon.>Diamond Bones=Jagerbars have diamond-hard bones. Not exactly as hard as diamonds, and it is said that they are much harder. It should take someone with the Strength and Durability (Strength/Durability: A) of a diamond and the speed of an asteroid (Speed: B) to be able to break>Durable Body Fat=Jagerbars have enough fat to stop objects moving at the speed of light to severely injure them as their fat cells, fur, and skin are put together similar to a sewn thread, making their own skin barriers of protection.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 6, 7 (full moon)Speed: 1, 2 (full moon)Durability: 7, 8 (full moon), 10 (bones)Senses: 10Intelligence: 1-5Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 200 years

KitsuneSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis FuchsbauOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Kitsunes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Nine Tails=Kitsunes that are older tend to be more powerful than the young ones. They can grow up to nine tails.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Cutting off the nine tails.Strength: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Speed: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Durability: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 7-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: 900 years

FuchsbauSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis FuchsbauOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Kitsunes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>LongevityWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Disloyal and Cunning>Risky BehaviorStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 7-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: Unknown

Vulpes MyrcaSci. Name: Homo Sapien Lycansis FuchsbauOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Kitsunes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Fangs>LongevityWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of MoralityStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10Intelligence: 7-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: Unknown

Feline:NekomataSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus NyaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Nekomatas have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>TeleportationWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Coldness>Fear of Canine Cryptids>Huge EgosStrength: 4Speed: 6Durability: 3Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 200 years

BakenekoSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus NyanyaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Bakenekos have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Still Force Connection=Bakenekos have soft Still Force Connection.>Schrodinger's TeleportationWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Coldness>Fear of Canine Cryptids>Huge EgosStrength: 4Speed: 6Durability: 3Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 200 years

Tom/KlaustreichSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus MyaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Toms have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Nine Lives=Toms have nine lives in total.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Jerk-ness and Being An Asshole>Fear of Canine CryptidsStrength: 4Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 200 years

VertenogenSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus VetenogenOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Toms have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Nine Lives=Vetenogens have nine lives in total.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>ColdnessStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 200 years

Sphinx/LowenSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus SphinxusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Sphinxes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Enhanced AngerWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Stubbornness>Anger IssuesStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 500 years

ManticoreSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus Sphinxus ManticorusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Manticores have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Flight>Toxins and Scorpion Tail=Manticores have the tails of scorpions and use these to poison their prey.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Stubbornness>Anger IssuesStrength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 7Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 500 years

MalteseSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus Maltese TigraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Sphinxes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Enhanced AngerWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Stubbornness>Anger IssuesStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 500 years

Phantom PantherSubspecies: Yaguarte, Balam, Mauvais Dentes, PflichttreueSci. Name: Homo Sapien Cattus Phanthom PantheraBreeds: Phantom Jaguar, Phantom Leopard, Phantom Black Panther, Phantom CheetahOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Phantom Panthers have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Phasing=Phantom Panthers can phase through objects.>Invisibility=Phantom Panthers can also turn invisible.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to Instinct>Stubbornness>Anger IssuesStrength: 6, 7 (Mauvais Dentes)Speed: 6, 7 (Mauvais Dentes)Durability: 6, 7 (Mauvais Dentes)Senses: 10Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 1-10+Skills: 1-10+Precision: 7-10Lifespan: 500 years

Apes:TrollSubspecies: Fuchsteufulwild, HasselichSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin TrollOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Trolls have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Enhanced Intelligence=They are known to have very high intelligence.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Their EgoStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 2Senses: 4Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 70 years

CupiditasSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus CupidOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Abilities and Capabilities>Love ToxinWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 4-10Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 80 Years

MusaiSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus MusaiOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Hypnotizing KissWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>True LoveStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 4-10Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: Eternity

El CuegleSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin CuegleOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Trolls have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Future Vision=El Cuegles have prophetic visions.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Forced VisionsStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 70 years

GluhenvolkSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin GluhenOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Trolls have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>BioluminiscenceWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Shyness>EndangeredStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 2Senses: 4Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 70 years

Indole GentileSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin GentileOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Trolls have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Mischievous PubertyStrength: 3, 5 (Puberty)Speed: 3, 5 (Puberty)Durability: 3, 5 (Puberty)Senses: 4Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 70 Years

El CucuySci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin CucuyOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, El Cucuys have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Mourning Response=They attack those who kill or injure the young of grieving mothers.>Sweetness DisguiseWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 2-5Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 70 years

Ogres/SiegbarsteSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin OgrusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Ogres have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.Superhuman Abilities and Capabilities>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Nigh-Invulnerable SkinWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StupidityStrength: 10Speed: 2Durability: 10+Senses: 4Intelligence: 1-5Combat: 8-10+Skills: 8-10+Precision: 8-10Lifespan: 70 years

Wildermann/SasquatchSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin SasquatchusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Ogres have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>ShynessStrength: 8Speed: 4Durability: 7Senses: 4Intelligence: 5-8Combat: 8-10+Skills: 8-10+Precision: 8-10Lifespan: 70 years

OrcsSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin OrcusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Ogres have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Superhuman Abilities and CapabilitiesWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StupidityStrength: 6Speed: 4Durability: 6Senses: 4Intelligence: 1-5Combat: 8-10+Skills: 8-10+Precision: 8-10Lifespan: 70 years

WendigoSci. Name: Homo Sapien Goblin WendigusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Wendigos have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Claw>Enhanced Hunger=Wendigos have nigh-infinite space in their stomachs, allowing them to eat just about anything.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>CannibalismStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 8-10+Combat: 5-7Skills: 8-10+Precision: 8-10Lifespan: 70 years

Hex/Hexenbiest (f)/Zauberbiest (m)Sci. Name: Homo Sapien HexusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, Hexes have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Night Vision=Allows them to see at night.>Magic=Hexes are very powerful in controlling magic: A power source that allows an individual to manipulate space, time, and reality in accordance with one's own will.>Feminine Dominance= Most of them are born female, but there are a few born male.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Bitchiness and Dickery>Mellifer (Natural Predator)Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 6Senses: 3Intelligence: 10-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 10-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 10,000 years

BerberokaSci. Name: Homo Sapien BerberokaOrigin: Created by FortisitesSpecial Abilities:>Woging>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Underwater Breathing and Gills>Size Alteration>Sexual Dimorphism=Males' woge resemble ogres while females' woge resemble nymphs.Weaknesses:>Hamon>Crabs=Berberokas have an odd fear of crabs.Strength: 8Speed: 2Durability: 10+Senses: 9Intelligence: 7Combat: 8Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: 700 years

AlpeSci. Name: Homo Sapien ReaperOrigin: Created by the Devil to consume souls.Special Abilities:>Woging>Sleep ParalysisWeaknesses:>HamonStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10Intelligence: 7Combat: 9Skills: 7Precision: 10Lifespan:  Unknown

KoschieSci. Name: Homo Sapien BatibatOrigin: Created by Fortisites.Special Abilities:>Woging=They resemble hags>HealingWeaknesses:>Hamon>Loss of power when using their healing powersStrength: 5, 2 after healingSpeed: 5, 3 after healingDurability: 5, 2 after healingSenses: 4Intelligence: 9Combat: 7Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: Varies Depending on Healing Power Usage

WraithSci. Name: Homo Sapien WraithOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Soul-Sucking>Grimm-DisablingWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 7Speed: 6Durability: 0Senses: 8Intelligence: 10Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: 900 Years

Nuno sa Punso

Sci. Name: Homo Sapien NunoOrigin: Created by Fortisites.Special Abilities:>Woging=They resemble elves.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Bangles=Wherever Nunos be, there are Bangles they tread the land with.>MagicWeaknesses:>Hamon>Head-Crushing>Physically WeakStrength: 2Speed: 5Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 10+Combat: 8Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: 700 years

BatibatSci. Name: Homo Sapien BatibatOrigin: Created by Fortisites.Special Abilities:>Woging=They resemble ogres.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Female DominanceWeaknesses:>Hamon>Naturally ObeseStrength: 8Speed: 4Durability: 10+Senses: 9Intelligence: 8Combat: 8Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: 700 years

Reptilians and Avians:LizardmanSubspecies: Skalengeck, Phansigar, Quijada VilSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus GeckoOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Elongated Tongue>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Risky BehaviorStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

Croc DragonsSubspecies: Skalenzhane, Wasserzahne, Wettbewerbsgewinner, GelumcaedusSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus CrocodiliaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Elongated Tongue>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic ScalesWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of Self-SafetyStrength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

Western Dragon/DaemonfeurSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus WesterosOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Western Dragons can do echolocation through their screeches.>Flame Breath=Western Dragons have flames for breath.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Scales=Western Dragons have metallic scales. Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of EmotionStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 5,000 years

Eastern Dragon/LongSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus EsterosOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Western Dragons can do echolocation through their screeches.>Wind-Swimming=Eastern Dragons can swim in the wind in their Wahrewoges.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Firecracker Breath=Eastern Dragons can shoot explosive bullets from their breath similar to firecrackers.>Gills=Eastern Dragons have gills.>Metallic Scales=Eastern Dragons have metallic scales.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of EmotionStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 5,000 years

LamiaSubspecies: Konigschlange, Lausenschlange, Varme Tyv, Vibora DoradaSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus LamiaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Lamias can do echolocation through their screeches.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Venom=Lamias have venom in their fangs>Metallic Scales=Lamias have metallic scales.>Soft Bones=Lamias have soft bones, allowing them to become flexible enough to strangle their prey with their rubbery limbs.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Hopeless RomanticStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 5,000 years

Gorgon Sci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus GorgonOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Gorgons can do echolocation through their screeches.>Stone Stare=Gorgons can turn people into stone with a special stare. They can also reverse this.>Metallic Scales=Gorgons have metallic scales.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Soft Bones=Gorgons have soft bones, allowing them to become flexible enough to strangle their prey with their rubbery limbs.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Cannot Woge Around People>Grimms=They are immune to the Gorgon's woge.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 5,000 years

PhoenixSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus PhoenixusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form. >Echolocation=Phoenixes can do echolocation through their screeches. >Flame Manipulation=Phoenixes can manipulate fire. >Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Feathers=Phoenixes have metallic feathers.Weaknesses:>Super Soaker>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years, Reborn After Death

SeltenvogelSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus SeltenvogelOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Golden Egg-LayingWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Golden Egg May Be FatalStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

ThunderbirdSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus ThunderusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Thunderbirds can do echolocation through their screeches.>Electrokinesis=Thunderbirds can manipulate Electricity.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Metallic Feathers=Thunderbirds have metallic feathers.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Anura DendrobatidaeStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 9Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years, Reborn After Death

Raub KondorSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus CondorOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Radar Scent=Raubs have enhanced scent that allows them to pick up scent for miles.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of MoralityStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

ScharfblickeSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus ThunderusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Scharfblackes can do echolocation through their screeches.>Night Vision and Enhanced Vision>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Shyness and InsecuritiesStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

UhranutiSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus FalconiOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Indomitable Will and Bravery>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Enhanced EyesightWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

SteinadlerSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus AdlerOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Indomitable Will and Bravery>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Inherent SelflessnessStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 6Intelligence: 5-10+Combat: 9-10+Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

KhonshuSci. Name: Homo Sapien Khonshu FalconsisOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Empathy>Telepathy>Regeneration>Vengeance Drive=Khonshus pray to the Old God known as Khonshu and are the representation of vengeance. They are known as vigilantes.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>OCD=Khonshus will not stop until they kill their targetStrength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 6Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

Kappa/Genio InnocuoSci. Name: Homo Sapien Dracus KappaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Echolocation=Kappas can do echolocation through their screeches. >Enhanced Lungs=Kappa can hold their breaths for a long time underwater. >Shells=Kappas have nigh-indestructible shells that they can manifest, acting like armor around their bodies.>Enhanced Intelligence=Kappas are highly intelligent.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Inherent PacifismStrength: 3Speed: 1Durability: 3, 10+ (Shells)Senses: 6Intelligence: 9-10+Combat: 1-2Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 50,000 years

Aquatians:Aglebemu/FolterseeleSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus AglebemuOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Gills=Aglebemus have gills.>Poison=They can kill people with their touch.>Animal SpeedWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Cannot Be TouchedStrength: 3Speed: 4Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 3-9Combat: 1-2Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

Blobbers/Hasenfussige SchneckeSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus AglebemuOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Cowardice>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Ugliness>Bad Smell>Enhanced Cowardice>UnlikeabilityStrength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 4Intelligence: 2Combat: 1-2Skills: 9-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

Siren/NaiadSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus NaiadOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Gills=Sirens have gills.>Water Manipulation=They can manipulate water.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Need to be Frequently in WaterStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 4-10Combat: 7-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 1Lifespan: 70 years

Matança ZumbidoSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus SirenOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Gills=Sirens have gills.>Electrokinesis>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Anura DendrobatidaeStrength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 4-10Combat: 7-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: Unknown

Cracher-MortelSci. Name: Homo Sapien Merinus Cracher-MortalOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Zombification Toxin>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Zombie ControlWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Need of Frequent Swimming>Grimms (Cannot Be Controlled)Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 4-10Combat: 7-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 1-10Lifespan: Unknown

WasserfeeSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hippocampus WasserfeeOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Shrinking=Whenever Wasserfees woge, then shrink into the size of a Bikini Bottomite.>Water Blades=Wasserfees are known to shoot blades of water at their targets or predators.>Phasing=Wasserfees can phase through objects.>Underwater breathing=Wasserfees can breathe underwater during their woges.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Need to frequently be underwater.Strength: 1Strength: 6 (Water Blades)Speed: 6Durability: 1Senses: 4, 10 (Underwater)Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 100 years

Hooved Animals:Centaur/NuckaleveeSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus CentauriOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Speed Force Connection=Centaurs is quite quick.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StubbornnessStrength: 5Speed: 7Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

TikbalangSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus CentauriOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Carnivorous=Tikbalangs are carnivorous horsemen>Claws=Tikbalangs have claws.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of EmotionStrength: 7Speed: 5Durability: 7Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

Satyr/ZiegevolkSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus SatyriOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Hypnotism Song=They can give off pheromones that hypnotize people.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>LustStrength: 4Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

MinotaurSubspecies: Fullcre, Taureus Armenta, HeftigaurochSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus MinotauriOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Healing Milk=The milk of Minotaurs can heal people.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StubbornnessStrength: 4Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

PiglinSub-Species: Bauerschwein, SchinderdivSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus SusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Farming= Pigmen are genius farmers.>Enhanced Cooking=Pigmen are genius chefs.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Greed=Piglins are known for their greed.>Blutbaden (Natural Predator)Strength: 4 (Bauerschwein), 6 (Schinderdiv)Speed: 4 (Bauerschwein), 6 (Schinderdiv)Durability: 4 (Bauerschwein), 6 (Schinderdiv)Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

Lambman/SeelengutSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus GutOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Inherent Kindness>Blutbaden (Natural Predator)Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

UnicornSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus Centauri UnicornusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Speed Force Connection>Magic Horn=Unicorn horns are magic.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>ShynessStrength: 5Speed: 7Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

PegasusSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus Centauri PegasusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Speed Force Connection>Flight=They have wings.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>NarcissismStrength: 5Speed: 7Durability: 5Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

Karkadnnan/DickfelligSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus RhinocerostidusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Armored Skin>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StubbornnessStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

TaweretSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus Hippopotamus AmphibiousOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Speed Force Connection>Armored Skin>Enhanced Lungs>Enhanced Digestion>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Naturally ObeseStrength: 7Speed: 6Durability: 9Senses: 4Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

AiravataSci. Name: Homo Sapien Hoovus LoxodontaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Large Size>Armored Skin>Bladed Tusks>Trunk>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>StubbornnessStrength: 8Speed: 6Durability: 10Senses: 8Intelligence: 7-10Combat: 9-10+Skills: 7-10+Precision: 10Lifespan: 150 years

SigbinSci. Name: Homo Sapien SigbinOrigin: Created by Fortisites.Special Abilities:>Woging=They resemble elves.>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>BloodsuckingWeaknesses:>Hamon>Nauseating OdorStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 8Combat: 8Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: 700 years

Rodents and Muspelines:Mouseman/MauzhertzSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein JerryOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Enhanced CowardiceStrength: 1Speed: 4Durability: 1Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 50 years

Ratman/ReinigenSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein RattusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced IntelligenceWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 1Speed: 4Durability: 1Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 50 years

Ungeziefer Greifer/WeaselmanSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein UngezieferOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Enhanced Cowardice>Physically WeakStrength: 2Speed: 5Durability: 2Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 90 years

Luisant-Pêcheur/OttermanSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein LuisantOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Swimming>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 4Speed: 5, 6 (Water)Durability: 4Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 90 years

Drang-Zorn/BadgermanSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein Drang-ZornOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Violence>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Giving in to InstinctStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 7Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 90 years

Eisbiber/BeavermanSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein EisbiberOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced SwimmingWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Enhanced Cowardice>Physically WeakStrength: 1Speed: 8Durability: 1Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 90 years

Wolpertinger/WillaharaSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein Oryctolagus cuniculusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced Jumping>LuckWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Vulpesmycra (Natural Predator)>Physically WeakStrength: 2Speed: 6Durability: 2Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 60 years

JackalopeSci. Name: Homo Sapien Rein Lepus californicusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Enhanced JumpingWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Jinx>Physically WeakStrength: 2Speed: 6Durability: 2Senses: 8Intelligence: 9-10Combat: 1Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: 60 years

Insectoids:MyriadSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus FormicidaeOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Hive Mind>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 10Speed: 7Durability: 10Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

MelliferSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus FormicidaeOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Hive Mentality>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Natural Resistance to Magic>Regenerating Retractable Stingers>Wax Creation>Honey CreationWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

Jorogumo/SpinnetodSci. Name: Homo Sapien Arachnus AraneaeOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Webs>Longevity>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Yanbue Drinking Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon>AgingStrength: 6Speed: 5Durability: 6Senses: 10+Intelligence: 9-10Combat:8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: 90, Immortal (If They Steal Yanbue)

Jinnamuru XunteSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus DipteraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Flight>Blinding Toxin>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 2Speed: 6Durability: 2Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

KhepriSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus ColeopatraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Flight>Metallic Shell>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>SolitaryStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 3, 10+ (Shell)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

ItzapolopotlSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus RhopaloceraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race. Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Flight>Beauty Hypnotism>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>NarcissismStrength: 2Speed: 6Durability: 1Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

MothmanSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus LepidopteraOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Flight>Fear Inducement Toxin>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>95% BlindStrength: 2Speed: 6Durability: 1Senses: 10+ Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

EosSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus CaeliferaOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form>Flight>Enhanced Digestion>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>LazinessStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

Gevatter TodSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus ReaperOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Sleep-Death Poison>Regeneration Level Two>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

KackenkopfSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus FecusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Fecal Digestion>Enhanced Durability>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Emotionally VolatileStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 8Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

Musasat Alsh-ShababSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus VitusOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Youthsucking>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal Instinct>Yanbue Extraction=These creatures could extract youth.Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

Worms:LebensaugerSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus BlutOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race. Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Bloodsucking>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Self-LoathingStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat:8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown

Huntha Lami MuuajiSci. Name: Homo Sapien Insectus RipperOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Hermaphroditism=These creatures have male and female forms. But, they are born male and develop female organs along with woging later in life.>Acidic Mucous>Animal Strength>Animal Speed>Animal Senses>Animal InstinctWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Dissociative Identity DisorderStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 8Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown


Getachnis EsserSci. Name: Homo Sapien Getachnis EsserOrigin: One of the experiments of the Fortisite race.Special Abilities:>Woging=Like all Cryptids, they have the ability to woge into their Cryptid form.>Memory-StealingWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Cryptids, they are weak against Hamon.>Dissociative Identity DisorderStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 8Intelligence: 5-7Combat: 9Skills: 5-7Precision: 10Lifespan: Unknown



KapreSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Enhanced Strength and Durability>Tree ManipulationWeaknesses:>Tobacco AddictionStrength: 10Speed: 3Durability: 10Senses: 9Intelligence: 8Combat: 8Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

Ibong AdarnaSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Stone-Turning Song>Healing PoopWeaknesses:>Physically Weak>Vampiric Tiktik (Natural Predator)>FlightStrength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 0Combat: 1Skills: 1Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

SarimanokSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Stone-Turning Song>Healing Poop>Magical EggsWeaknesses:>Physically Weak>Vampiric Tiktik (Natural Predator)Strength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 0Combat: 1Skills: 1Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

ManaulSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Stone-Turning Song>Healing Poop>Flight>Prophetic SquawksWeaknesses:>Physically Weak>Vampiric Tiktik (Natural Predator)Strength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 0Combat: 1Skills: 1Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

TigmamanukanSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Stone-Turning Song>OmenWeaknesses:>Physically Weak>Vampiric Tiktik (Natural Predator)Strength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 0Combat: 1Skills: 1Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

AlanSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>FlightWeaknesses:>Menstrual Blood Addiction>Physically WeakStrength: 2Speed: 7Durability: 2Senses: 10+Intelligence: 1Combat: 1Skills: 8Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

BalbalSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Undead BodyWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 0Intelligence: 0Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

DalaketnonSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Human Transformation>MagicWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 3Combat: 3Skills: 3Precision: 3Lifespan: Immortal

AmnggitaySci. Name: SpiritOrigin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Horse Lower Body>Female DominanceWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 5Speed: 6Durability: 5Senses: 10+Intelligence: 0Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

DiwataSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: Stone MaskSpecial Abilities:>Human Transformation>MagicWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 3Combat: 3Skills: 3Precision: 3Lifespan: Immortal

PugotSci. Name: Homo Sapien Aswangsis BarangOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Pig Transformation>Large SizeWeaknesses:>Headless Body>PerversionStrength: 10Speed: 6Durability: 10Senses: 0Intelligence: 4Combat: 5Skills: 3Precision: 3Lifespan: Immortal

DwendeSci. Name: SpiritOrigin: UnknownSpecial Abilities:>Human Transformation>MagicWeaknesses:>NoneStrength: 1Speed: 1Durability: 1Senses: 3Intelligence: 3Combat: 3Skills: 3Precision: 3Lifespan: Immortal

Dark Gems' Creations:

Rock Organisms:Pillar ManSci. Name: Petra Alpha SapienOrigin: Created by the Dark Gems in the Fortisite Creature Creation RaceSpecial Abilities:>Regeneration Level Four>Bodily Supremacy=Pillar Men have complete control of their bodies.>Organ Fusion>Hypnosis>Fleshbuds>Space-Ripper Stingy Eye>Body Temperature Manipulation>Reforming>Supernatural Flexibility>Biological Absorption>Vampire Creation>Rock Hibernation=Pillar Men can hibernate as rocks when exposed to the sun.>Super-Intelligence>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>God ComplexStrength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+Lifespan: Immortal

VampireSci. Name: Homo Petrus Beta SapienOrigin: Humans whose bodies are turned into silicon.Special Abilities:>Regeneration Level Four>Supernatural Flexibility>Bloodsucking>Body Manipulation>Organ Fusion>Hypnosis>Fleshbuds>Zombie Creation>Space-Ripper Stingy Eye>Body Temperature Manipulation>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of HumanityStrength: 9Speed: 8Durability: 9Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10+Lifespan: Immortal

Sigma VampireSci. Name: Homo Petrus Sigma SapienOrigin: They are a subspecies of Humans closely related to the Common Vampire. Humans whose bodies are turned into silicon.Special Abilities:>Drinking Red=Sigma Vampires can drink the color red.>Supernatural Flexibility>Bloodsucking>Body Manipulation>Organ Fusion>Fleshbuds>Zombie Creation>Space-Ripper Stingy Eye>Body Temperature Manipulation>Eternal Life

Weaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>Holy Weapons>StakesStrength: 6Speed: 7Durability: 6Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

Royal Sigma VampiresSci. Name: Homo Petrus Sigma Royale SapienOrigin: They are a subspecies of Humans closely related to the Common Vampire. Humans whose bodies are turned into silicon.Special Abilities>Drinking Red>Supernatural Flexibility>Bloodsucking>Body Manipulation>Organ Fusion>Fleshbuds>Zombie Creation>Space-Ripper Stingy Eye>Body Temperature Manipulation>Eternal Life>Levitation>Invisibility>Hypnosis>Shapeshifting>Rapid Regeneration>TelekinesisWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>Holy Weapons>StakesStrength: 7Speed: 8Durability: 7Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10+Lifespan: Immortal


ZombieSci. Name: Homo Petrus Gamma SapienOrigin: Humans whose bodies are turned into silicon and undead.Special Abilities:>Regeneration Level One>Hive Mind>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of IntellectStrength: 3Speed: 1, 5 (Runners)Durability: 3Senses: 0Intelligence: 0Combat: 2Skills: 0Precision: 0Lifespan: Immortal

Rock HumanSci. Name: Petra Sigma SapienOrigin: Created by the Dark Gems in the Fortisite Creature Creation RaceSpecial Abilities:>Regeneration Level One>Rock Hibernation=Rock Humans can hibernate as rocks any time they like.>Rock Woging=Rock Humans can turn their body parts into rocks with high durability that allows them to injure opponents.>Stand Abilities=All Rock Humans have Stand Abilities, making them incredibly dangerous.>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.>Lack of EmotionStrength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 8Senses: 9Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10Lifespan: Immortal

Rock AnimalSci. Name: Petra OmegaOrigin: Created by the Dark Gems in the Fortisite Creature Creation RaceSpecial Abilities:>Regeneration Level One>Rock Hibernation=Rock Animals can hibernate as rocks any time they like.>Rock Woging=Rock Animals can turn their body parts into rocks with high durability that allows them to injure opponents.>Stand Abilities=All Rock Animals have Stand Abilities, making them incredibly dangerous.>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: 1-8Speed: 1-8Durability: 1-8Senses: 1-10+Intelligence: 3Combat: +Skills: +Precision: +Lifespan: Immortal

Rock InsectSci. Name: Petra InferiorOrigin: Created by the Dark Gems in the Fortisite Creature Creation RaceSpecial Abilities:>Regeneration Level One>Rock Hibernation=Rock Insects can hibernate as rocks any time they like.>Rock Woging=Rock Insects can turn their body parts into rocks with high durability that allows them to injure opponents.>Stand Abilities=All Rock Insects have Stand Abilities, making them incredibly dangerous.>Eternal LifeWeaknesses:>Hamon=Like all Rock Organisms, they are weak against Hamon.Strength: +Speed: +Durability: +Senses: +Intelligence: +Combat: +Skills: +Precision: +Lifespan: Immortal

Note: Their Stats depend on their woges.

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