
86. Eradicator Part III ~Who You Choose To Be~


The army of terrorists shot at innocent predator Cryptids as Eradicator led his army toward the palace.

Eradicator then entered Burnham Palace.

"Where is the Higashikata Family?" asked Eradicator.

"They're under protection," said Princess Bubblegum, who stood before Eradicator.

"Ah... Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum... The woman who is said to be the most dangerous Princess in the Multiverse stands before me right now," smiled Eradicator. "How ravishing. Where are the others?"

"Off-World," said Princess Bubblegum. "You have no right to be here."

"I thought all sentient races have the right to be here... as said by Josuke Higashikata."

"Yes... All sentient races. All sentient humane races."

"You certainly know a lot about humanity without being a human yourself. I've read your file, Bonnibel. I've read about you ruling as a vicious dictator and genocider of multiple races in your homeland. Truly, a terrifying warrior... and a person fit for my army."

"I have to decline your offer," said Princess Bubblegum.

"Then... you will die..." said Eradicator.

"Eh..." smiled and shrugged Princess Bubblegum.


"NOW!!!" shouted the princess.




The Reverse-Flash gets himself blasted away with some sort of smoke bomb.

"Breathe it in, speedster. That's two thousand milligrams of horse tranquilizer," smiled the princess.

The Reverse-Flash tries to charge toward her.

"Tch-!" he gritted his teeth.

Eradicator smiles and chuckled.

Blades emerge from his arms. "Prepare for your demise, Princess..."

Eradicator charged as he shot blades toward her. Princess Bubblegum leaped upward as suddenly, metallic armor forms around her body.


Eradicator uses his arms to block Princess Bubblegum's blasts.


Hundreds of blades are shot toward Bubblegum, who floats around in the air.

The Reverse-Flash tries to vibrate, but a tranquilizer dart is immediately shot at his neck. He falls to the ground, knocked out.

Peppermint Butler, a small anthropomorphic peppermint in a butler's suit, walks in and puts Eobard into the sack.

"GET HIM!!!" yelled Eradicator.

The soldiers charged toward Peppermint Butler.

"I call upon the darkness' broth of dwindling leaves eaten by sloths... Give me the dank flesh of the dark apple and help me break their horses' legs in this... battle...Getting pretty friggin' rusty these days in the spells... sorry, spirits of darkness... sorry..." said Peppermint Butler, as suddenly, all the soldier's legs are broken as they each fell to the ground.

Princess Bubblegum battled against Eradicator, jabbing at him with her armored suit.

"So it begins!" yelled Eradicator.

*thud... thud... thud... thud... thud...*


Princess Bubblegum trembled on the ground as Eradicator beats her senseless. He lifts his fists and hammers it down on her, as a loud thud could be heard kilometers away.


*thud... thud...*

"Looks like Mr. Eradicator got Peebo..." said Josuke.

Josuke is shown chained on the wall with his arms raised and legs spread.

*step step step*

Someone walked into the dungeon area. Josuke looks at this person for a moment, then looks away, frowning.

"Josuke... You have to understand... Eradicator is offering me to bring back my family," said Erina. "Josuke?"

"Did... you even like me?" asked Josuke. "I used to like most things... But now... I think I don't like one thing... And that one thing is betrayal..."

"Jesus Christ, Josuke! Do you really have that mentality? A mind of a child?!" asked Erina. "Don't you know how important this is for me!?"

"Important enough to allow... I don't know... GENOCIDE!!? Erina... You quite literally sided with our generation's equivalent to Adolf Hitler."

"I didn't mean to do this, Josuke... I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise that everything will be okay."

"Erina... he wants to decimate literally all predator Cryptids... then Stand-Users... Do you actually think that he'd let your family live? You were born a Stand-User, Erina... That means your family must be Stand-Users as well."

Erina bows and gives a worried look. "Well! It's not like-!"

"Erina..." said Josuke. "Did... you even like me?"

Erina chuckles and sneers. "N-..." Her sneer disappears, which slowly turns into a frown. "I don't... I can't... Ugh!" she grabs her head. "Why does everyone around you including yourself get a headache!?"

"Just as I thought..." frowned Josuke, bowing his head.

"*burp*... Prince Josuke..." said Rick, walking in. "It's time, I guess... *burp*..."

Josuke frowns as Rick unchains him and grabs him, walking him out of the dungeon place. Two soldiers join Rick and Josuke.

"Nothing personal, kid... He has my Morty..."

"At least some people are doing it to save people who are still there in their lives..." frowned Josuke.

Josuke then sees the next room and gasps in fear. Filled with machinery and wires everywhere, there is a helmet in the middle of the room hanging from a pole with a chair right below it.

"With this machine, you will manipulate all probability..." said Rick. "If only you were lucky enough to stop me..."

Rick then winks twice.

Josuke raises an eyebrow, confused.

"... lucky enough to stop me..." Rick winks once more.

"Are you blind in your left eye... or-?"

"Your Prince?" asked Rick.

"Oh, right! PRINCE!!!" shouted Josuke, as a couple of gears randomly dropped on the soldier's heads.


*click click*

"Erina..." said Josuke, as he faces 21 helicopters pointing their guns at them.

Rick turns on something in his eyes by pressing a hidden button on his left temple.

"So... this is her Stand?" asked Rick.

"How can you-?"

"I have a device built for this kind of occasion."

"Erina, please!" shouted Josuke.

"Josuke, I'm sorry, but you have to sit on that chair," said Erina.

"Erina... I can't do that..." said Josuke.

"Do it, or the scientist dies," said Erina.

*click click*

"Yeah... This Earth is blocked. I can't move my consciousness on a remote dimension if this body dies... Do what she says, Josuke. I'm kind of an important character in this series..."

Josuke sighs and sits on the chair.


The group sneaks into the streets of Burnham City. The streets have several soldiers moving in troops, all wearing goggles to see if the humans are actually Predator Cryptids with devices on their helmets that can sense Stands.

The group stayed in an alleyway as a troop passes by. The alleyway is filthy and smells like urine and garbage.

"Stand-User nearby..."

Miguel hears the thoughts of one of the soldiers.

"There's a group of Stand-Users nearby!"

Miguel sighs. "Wanna attack now?"

"What!? We don't have a plan or anything?!" asked Gumball.

"The original plan was to sneak around and reach the device... but I think I hear some of their thoughts... They know we're in this alley. I think they have a Stand-User detector."

"What do you suggest we do?" asked Finn.

"Attack," sighed Miguel. "Make as few casualties as possible."

The Crusaders and the Jazz Fusion nod at each other and charge outside.

Jake pops out of the alleyway and uses his arm and turns it into a spike to stab each of the soldiers.

The soldiers shoot at Jake with Stand-Destabilizer devices. Jake still manages to injure them.

"I'm part Shapeshifter. My stretch isn't a Stand Ability, bozos," said Jake.

The soldiers scream in horror as Jake stabs and slaughters them.

The group follows Jake. Anne jumps around and zips a few soldiers who charge at them. Kariel shot at several soldiers. Yoshiko blasted some soldiers with missiles. Finn MUDA Rushed soldiers as well. Miguel stopped time and ORA Rushed a few soldiers. Spongebob wished for another Fortisite blaster and shot at the soldiers. Jake GUBI GUBA Rushed the soldiers who came by. Gumball gave the soldiers an UWA-Rush. Darwin transformed into a lion and slaughtered the soldiers with ease. Ghost Jedan strangled the soldiers who are in a kilometer radius and blasted them with Emerald Splash.

The group run around in the city in a troop form and killed the many soldiers of Eradicator.

"Can I interest anyone with a cold glass of water?" asked Ghost Jedan.

"JEDAN!!!" yelled Miguel and Anne.

"I'm kidding!" yelled Ghost Jedan.


Eradicator stood on the stage of the palace and spoke in the microphone. "Humans... Prey Cryptids... Grimms... Let me ask you something...Are you tired that the population of Predatory Cryptids and Stand-Users rule your world today as a menace in your lives? Are you tired that these people... these people who rule your lives act pretentious enough to dare evade your space? Miguel JoJo may be a fine leader, but he only initiated problems for you... the people.Are you tired of sleeping at night knowing that your husband or wife may go savage and feed on your child?Are you tired of walking among these disgusting creatures who rule as more powerful than you?Are you tired of these gods walking among men and making you fear that they may attack you... knowing that they will have the biological and spiritual advantage?Where are these Grimms who've sworn to protect you during the time of David?I'll tell you where they are! They're all dead! Killed by the first Monster Emperor they were! And here you are... you Humans and Prey Cryptids... forced to live in fear of the terrible Predators and Stand-Users. So... I offer a solution.I will decimate their populations... And take away your fear..."

The people, oddly enough, began cheering for Eradicator.

"I promise that you may live in peace... that the eradicated will bring peace to your very lives. No race shall be on top of another... but if these people keep living above us... then we will eradicate their numbers!You still don't believe me?!Who was it that puppeteered the Europeans to begin most wars in the world!?*audience cheers "Them!!!"*Who was it that hid in the shadows and fed on our kind like cancer in our society!?*audience cheers "Them!!!"*Who was it then gave cancer to our society!?*audience cheers "Them!!!"*For the Prince World, you were ruled by the family with an iron fist! For the Grimm world, you became a world built by fear!You think that Miguel JoJo can solve all of these problems with faith and hope!? Is he a child!?*audience laughs*Hahaha haha!!!So here I am to crown myself as the rightful ruler of these worlds...I tell you, for those who feared them... Those who lived in fear... Those who were bulled by these monsters...The predator has become the prey!"


Eradicator then holds Princess Bubblegum up by the neck.

"This woman supports the monsters in our realms! She romances with a Vampire! What shall I do to her!?"

The audience cheers, "KILL HER!!!"

"No!" shouted Eradicator. "I shall give her mercy... But her lover? I will tear her heart out and bathe in her rotten flesh.BEGIN THE KILLINGS!!!"

Josuke is then hooked up to the device by a couple of soldiers. His eyes glow blue while suddenly, random objects like hail storms and lightning begin killing off Predatory Cryptids and Stand-Users.

Men, women, and children, who run away from the soldiers, are immediately killed by random objects or phenomena, like a bullet or falling into a manhole. Random things happen to multiple people, resulting in hundreds of deaths in minutes.

"No..." sobbed Josuke. "Stop this!"

The happenings began to spread from the Philippines to around the globe, killing up to thousands of innocents.

People fall from planes.

People are randomly shot in the head.

People fall into manholes.

People get hit by cars.

People get crushed by pianos.

People get electrocuted by randomly placed puddles of water with electric wires touching the puddle.

People get hit with a frisbee and fall on a rock, breaking their necks.

People choke on some food.

People have the urge to run with knives and get stabbed in the throat.

People have the urge to not pay attention in driving.

People are killed by hailstorms.

People are killed by calamities.

People have everyday accidents which end up killing them.

"STOP THIS!!!" yelled Josuke, sobbing.

Meanwhile, The Arks, which appear behind Eradicator, begin to glow.

"YES!!!" cackled Eradicator. "Yes... Prove me worthy! Prove me worthy, oh great Ark! May I rule this world and destroy everything!"

Josuke screams in agony as suddenly... he wakes up in an unknown realm.

"Hey," said Miguel.

"Mr. Reaper!" smiled Josuke. "Hey! I had this awful dream where my abilities were used to genocide thousands of innocent people."

"That's actually true... All of it..." said Miguel.

"Oh..." said Josuke.

Josuke sighs and sits down at the edge of everything.

"Who am I, Mr. Reaper?" asked Josuke.

"What do you mean?"

"Why'd The Reverse-Flash kill my family? Why is my ability so powerful and I'm therefore punished by it? Why am I... Why am I so lonely?Why am I the McGuffin of my own story?"

"You have a lot of questions... and they're all based on your responsibility."

"Mr. Reaper... I don't want to be the ruler of my own kingdom. I always dreamed of becoming a normal kid."

"So did I."

"Then why am I me? I don't want to be this guy... I never wanted to be this guy."

"You wanted to... live peacefully."

"Yes! Ugh!"

"I believed that you thought this was awesome."

"It is... It was... I finally had friends... I finally had people around me... but in exchange for absolute torture... I never wanted to be born in this family... To be the heir to the throne...It's so Gosh darned lonely... and so Gosh darned exhausting...People say that I'm important all the time but at the same time, the rest of the world has no idea that I exist. Do you know how lonely it is to be sheltered by everyone including your own self in your whole life?"

Miguel takes a long look at Josuke.

"No. I don't. But I do know what it feels like to have that kind of responsibility... to be the next JoJo of my own universe.And I gotta say... being a Grimm warrior sucks just as much as being the Prince of Aswangs."

"Right!? They expect you to act this way and have this destiny! I never wanted this destiny!"

"Me neither."

"Well? Why am I here? Do you have the answer to my problems?"

"Frankly... I have no idea why I'm here either... and no... I don't. Let's just say that I'm having trouble with my own sense of security and my own identity, too..."

Miguel sits beside Josuke at the edge of everything.

Miguel sighs. "You know... Your life sucks."


"Yeah... but so does mine... And everyone's life sucks as well, Josuke... Everyone's life sucks, kid... What matters is who we choose to be despite all that... Who do you choose to be? I chose to be a leader... a role model... something that I'm clearly terrible at... but I have to do it because of my responsibility. Who do you choose to be?"

"I... I don't know..."


*clap... clap... clap... clap...*

Miguel stands proudly, while Josuke stands up with fear.

"You brought us out here..." said Miguel.

"I brought you to the world of nothingness... where here... you exist both inside and outside the universe... thus... disabling your abilities back in your dimension... since your abilities only work inside of reality."

"Wait... That's how you've been able to be immune to my defense!? By vibrating to a frequency where you exist in omnilock... just like Mr. Reaper's dad!?" asked Josuke.

"Why did you help us?" asked Miguel.

"Let's just say that Eradicator failed to pay... He promised me the Ark... turns out he's using it for his family... absolutely pathetic," said Eobard. "So... to flip him off... Here we are."

Miguel sighs.

"Why'd you bring us here?" asked Miguel.

"To make that boy over there think," said Eobard.

Josuke's head begins to ache.

"So that's why you don't remember anything... I heard that Miguel JoJo and Josuke Higashikata of the Grimm and Prince Universes are known to have an eidetic memory... sadly... you tend to have dissociative amnesia... You bury your trauma to avoid facing it... JoJo moved on from this illness... The boy, however... I don't think so..."

Josuke's head hurts.

"Kid?" asked Miguel.

"Ugh!" yelled Josuke, grabbing his head out of pain.

"Stop fighting..." sighed Miguel. "Let it speak to you."


Josuke witnesses his family each have their hearts torn out in a nanosecond.

After the phenomenon, someone walked into the room.

Josuke grabbed his head once more.

Eobard laughs softly.

"Kid... come on... Do it..." said Miguel.


Maria Higashikata.

Josuke's mother.

Josuke gasps out of horror, as tears flow from his eyes.

"Mom?" asked Josuke.

Miguel turns to Josuke with terror in his eyes.

"Mom's... paying you... *gasp*... She couldn't have... she's my mom..." Josuke backed away out of horror. "This is impossible... *gasp*... Why would she?"

"Indeed..." said Eobard. "Why would she?"

"Josuke, calm the hell down," said Miguel.

"I can't... *gasp* I can't..." said Josuke, as he sat down.

Miguel gives off a huge sigh.

"It's okay..." said Miguel, as he patted Josuke's head. "Hey... come on, kid... It's okay..."

"I hate... I hate my life..." sobbed Josuke.

"Hey..." said Miguel, as he sighs and proceeds to hug the boy. "Come on, kid... You're gonna be okay..."

"What if I won't be okay, Mr. Reaper?" asked Josuke.

"Believe me, kid... I've fought enough battles and lost enough people to know that everything will be okay..." said Miguel, sighing. "Picture this... One day... you'd find the most beautiful woman in the world... who loved you with all her heart and you didn't know about it... And then this woman fought alongside you... and you begin noticing her little by little...Then you decided that this hero's business is suffocating... and you decide to settle with her... You build a house... have a family... and you grow old with her and die with her...And to think...All that came from a beginning that was so painful...The story's beginning isn't always happy... but the journey... even less so...But who you choose to be will bring you to your ending... your fate.So, kid... Who do you choose to be?"

"You're pretty astig, Mr. Reaper," said Josuke, hugging him tightly.

"Not too crazy about that term, kid," sighed Miguel.

"I choose to be a JoJo..." smiled Josuke. "Just like you, Mr. Reaper. And I'm going to do what I do best... And that's fixing things, Mr. Reaper...I'm gonna help you fix all of this."

"Hay Naku..." chuckled Miguel. "Let's go wake up then."

Josuke wakes up...


Josuke wakes up and looks around.

"-BUENA BUENA!!!" shouted Erina as her Stand colony stops shooting at the soldiers.

The soldiers are all killed with Erina's BUENA Rush.

"What are you-?" asked Josuke.

"Rick's getting Morty out of here. They'll be fine. Let's go, Josuke," said Erina.

"Erina? What are you doing?" asked Josuke.

"What does it look like? I'm saving your ass!" shouted Erina, as she grabbed Josuke.

"This doesn't change anything, Erina," said Josuke. "I'm still frustrated with you."

"I don't care..." said Erina. "I'd still follow you to the ends of the Earth."

Josuke stares at Erina's eyes. He laughs.

"Nice try," smiled Josuke.

Meanwhile... in the real world...

"What do you mean that you physically can't touch his body!?" asked Eradicator, speaking to his soldiers in his Bluetooth.



*white noise*

"What the hell?" asked Eradicator.

"They meant... before they died... that Josuke existed so little to the point where he barely existed at all... in both an inner and outer plane of reality..." said Miguel, walking up in the crowd.

"JoJo..." said Eradicator, squinting his eyes.

"Waddup, bitch?" asked Anne.

"Hello, Jackson," smiled Miguel.

"So the satellites did capture something..." said Eradicator. "SOLDIERS!!! AFTER THEM!!!"

The crowd run away and scatter as the soldiers prepare their blasters and point them at the team.

"Terrible plan, to be honest..." said Eradicator. "Popping out of nowhere to attack... I have defenses literally everywhere in this area. What did you expect, idiot!?"

"Astig Talaga..." laughed Josuke, appearing behind Eradicator. "Hello, Mr. Eradicator."

"Josuke Higashikata... Here to foil my plans, I see?" asked Eradicator.

"Well... I am the protector of Burnham!" smiled Josuke. "And the Prince of the Worlds. So... yeah! I'm gonna knock you down!"

"And I'm gonna murder you," said Miguel.

"I'd like to see you try!" yelled Eradicator. "ATTACK!!!"

The soldiers charged as the Crusaders and the Jazz Fusion attacked the soldiers.

Miguel gave several ORA Rushes.

Anne zipped them to pieces.

Kariel shot at them and used ACT 2's ORA Rushes.

Jedan shot at them with Emerald Splash.

Yoshiko blasts them away with missiles.

Finn gave them MUDA Rushes.

Jake punched them over and over again with his fists and shielded their Anti-Stand-User weapons with his fists.

Spongebob wished for a tank and shot at the soldiers.

Patrick GUBI GUBA Rushed at the soldiers.

Gumball UWA Rushed at the soldiers.

Darwin turned into an elephant and crushed the soldiers around him.

Jake slingshots Gumball into a bunch of soldiers as several meteors fall on them, killing them.

Spongebob creates boulders for Jake to launch into the troops.

Darwin and Patrick tag team in killing a lot of soldiers.

Kariel uses gravity to crush the soldiers into the ground.

Anne zipped Jake into multiple pieces as those pieces transformed into multiple Jakes that fought the other soldiers.

Miguel used Star Platinum and stopped time, killing multiple soldiers each time stop.

Ghost Jedan used Emerald Splash as Kariel curved the trajectory of the emeralds toward the soldiers.

Finn and Patrick used their Stands to fight along with each other against several soldiers.

Kira and Miguel fly around and use their armors to blast and punch the terrorists' fighter jets.

(theme begins)

Josuke charged at Eradicator.

Eradicator shot blades toward Josuke.

Josuke punched the bricks on his ground over and over again and created a wall that blocked Eradicator's blades.

Eradicator slashed his blades around and toward Josuke as Josuke dodged his attacks with Prince.

He lunges at him with his blades as his blade gets stuck on the floor. He pulls his hand out of the stage as the blades are left stuck on it.

Josuke gave Eradicator an ORA Rush from behind.

Eradicator cackles.

"Nothing can break my armor..." he laughed.

However, the armor "heals" and Eradicator is pulled backward as his hand once more gets stuck on the stage.

Eradicator sighs and disables Josuke's Stand.

"Originally, I was going to allow you to fight me with your Stand... but I'm realizing that I may not be able to handle your Stand..." said Eradicator. "So... Let me... equalize you."

(theme ends at 2:00)

Josuke loses his Stand as Josuke says, "Oh, dear gosh."

Eradicator lunges his blades and jabs at Josuke over and over again. Josuke leaped backward and woged, as he whimpered and dodged Eradicator's lunges.

*shing shing*

A few more blades are tossed at Josuke.

"Ah!" whispered Josuke, as his arm gets stabbed. Josuke slowly pulls the blade out of his arm.

"Goodbye, Josuke Higashikata..." said Eradicator.

"STAR PLATINUM: SOFT AND WET!!!" shouted Miguel.

Suddenly, two bubbles pop out of Miguel's star birthmark and touch Eradicator's hands.

Eradicator's blades then disappear.

"What the hell!?" asked Eradicator. "Why didn't your Stand get disabled?"

"Have you wondered why none of your devices disabled your Stands? Have you ever wondered why we are capable of still fighting with our Stands despite your Stand Destabilizers being present with your soldiers?" Miguel asked. Miguel stays in his Star Platinum Stand Armor and loomed before Eradicator.

"You found the anti-virus..." said Eradicator.

"More like... I developed the anti-virus..." smiled Miguel, as a needle pokes out of the tip of Star Platinum's finger.

The bubbles stay far away from Eradicator and behind Miguel.

Eradicator, annoyed, punched Miguel away, but Miguel kicked him down with his Stand Armor.

Miguel turns to Josuke and uses Star Finger.


The needle is injected into Josuke's shoulder as he is given the anti-virus.

Miguel sighs. "Hay Naku..."

"BUENA!!!" yelled Anne, zipping Eradicator's armor off of his body with her zippers, revealing a very thin yet muscular man. "BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA!!!"

His armor is zipped into pieces as Anne nodded to Miguel. Miguel nodded back as Anne backflips and zips a few more soldiers into pieces on the battlefield.

"What are you going to do, Miguel? All the humans have sided with me! You think killing me would make them believe in what you have faith in?" asked Eradicator.

"Elvis, please..." said Miguel. "It's over. Surrender now."

Miguel walks out of his armor as Star Platinum floats around him.

Prince faces Elvis as well.

"You two think that you can touch me!? I don't need my armor! Right now, the world is my armor!" shouted Elvis.

Miguel sighs and retreats Star Platinum into his body.

"We don't have to fight, Elvis..." said Josuke. "We could learn to live among each other... to learn to live among each other... We could live in peace, Elvis."

"Your kind took away everything from me!" yelled Elvis.

"And your kind did the same to mine!" shouted Josuke.

Eradicator turns to Josuke. "You? How could you possibly know and understand how I feel?"

"Your soldier... Eobard... Took away everything from me," said Josuke. "And he was working for my mother, as it turns out... A human..."

"So... You're going to kill me?" asked Elvis. "You're going to solve all of this... by killing me?"

"Nope... first..." smiled Josuke, as Miguel smiles as well. "We're going to knock some sense into you."


Eradicator is jabbed in the face very swiftly.

(theme begins)

Josuke and Miguel stood around Eradicator. Eradicator looks left and right.

"I'm not scared of you two..." said Eradicator. "Do your worst."

"Mkay..." smiled the both of them.

"But know this, Mr. Eradicator..." said Josuke.

"No matter how many times evil comes knocking on our door and breaking it down..." said Miguel.

"We'll stand right back up..." said Josuke.

"To knock you back down..." smiled Miguel and Josuke. "Because I'm a JoJo!"

The two swiftly charged as Eradicator grabbed Josuke's face and punched him away.

Eradicator then leaped and handspringed backward. Miguel uses Star Platinum to try and punch Eradicator, but Eradicator took some knives from his pockets and tossed them toward Josuke. Josuke used Prince to catch the knives and toss them to the ground. The two approached Eradicator once more.

Star Platinum threw several punches and gave an ORA Rush, but Eradicator used his Stand-Seeing Goggles to predict his punches and dodge the attack rush.

"You can't touch me, Miguel JoJo!" smiled Eradicator.

"You do realize that I can stop time, right?" asked Miguel.

Time stopped.

Miguel sighs. "Hay Naku..."

Miguel paces around Eradicator and looks at him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this... O-!!!"

"-RA!!!" yelled Star Platinum, blasting a punch into Eradicator's arm, shattering his arm's bones.

Miguel takes a deep breath...

...and attacks.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" shouted Star Platinum, blasting several punches into Eradicator's everything.

Star Platinum then turns around.

"Time resumed."

Time resumed.



"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" shouted Eradicator, as he is blasted away.

"WE'RE NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!!" yelled Josuke, as Prince grabbed him midair and...

...healed him?

Eradicator gasps for breath.

"Really? You beat me just to heal me?" asked Eradicator. "You truly are weak-..."

"ORA!!!" yelled Prince, bashing his face in.

"SHUT UP, YOU BOZO!!!" yelled Josuke, clenching his jaw, growling in his woged form. "PRINCE!!!"

(theme begins at 1:11)

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" yelled Prince beating him over and over again.

*pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow*

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" yelled Star Platinum, blasting his fists into Eradicator's body.


Gold Experience emerges from Miguel as well.

"MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!" yelled Gold Experience, punching Eradicator over and over again.

*pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow*

"WRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" yelled Miguel in his Ultra Instinct form, blasting punches into Eradicator's face.



"Prince! Heal him!" shouted Josuke.

Eradicator is healed once more.

"Oh, dear God..." said Eradicator. "You're a couple of fucking sadists."

(theme begins at 3:43)

"I am Josuke Higashikata..."

"I am Miguel JoJo..."

Both spoke: "...and I have a dream that I believe is just."





*pow pow pow-*


*pow pow pow-*


Miguel sighs. "Talo ka ora mismo."

Eradicator drops to the ground, beaten and battered.

(theme ends)

Eradicator crawls away.

"If it's true... that you lost everything because of my kind... this doesn't make sense... We took everything from you..." Eradicator gasps as he bleeds, staring at Josuke. "We took away everything... How are you still fighting for what I think... is wrong? We broke you...WE BROKE YOU!!!"

"Well... that's the thing, Eradicator...I'm pretty good at fixing things," smiled Josuke. "Instead of destroying... have you tried fixing things? I could show you how."

Josuke smiled sweetly.

"Not everything can be fixed..." said Eradicator.

"Not unless you try..." smiled Josuke. "It depends on who you choose to be. Eradicator."

"You're right..." said Eradicator. "I choose..."


A knife is tossed toward Josuke's throat.

"Shit..." said Miguel. "That's outside my range!"



Erina's helicopter shot at the knife precisely enough to shoot the knife away.

Eradicator hissed.

"It's not over..." he cackled. "It's NOT OVER!!!"

The Arks of the Covenant chose someone once more...

"No... No... What are you doing?!" asked Eradicator. "STOP THIS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!!?"

Eradicator coughs. "STOP IT!!! STOP THIS!!! I DON'T WANT ONE!!!"

"You are proven worthy..."

"NO!!! STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!!"

Suddenly, the bricks below him begin to dust.

"No... What is this!?" asked Eradicator.

A... Stand... emerges from Eradicator.

"No..." said Eradicator.

It's a black sphere.

The sphere begins to erase things around them.

"Uh... Mr. Reaper?" asked Josuke. "Is that-?"

"That's a black hole..." said Miguel. "His Stand is a literal black hole."

"If... the world will ruin me this way... I WILL RUIN THE WORLD... JUST AS BAD!!!" yelled Eradicator.

"We have to kill him," said Miguel.

"Or at least sway him to stop this!" shouted Josuke.

"Kid..." Miguel turned to Josuke. "This is life or death."

"Do you want to be the guy who is remembered as the President who murdered someone the majority of the people sided with?!" asked Josuke.

"If it's a life or death situation... YEAH!!! PRETTY MUCH, JOSUKE!!!" yelled Miguel.


Miguel and Josuke turn to Eradicator.

*swish... swish...*

A cold glass of water is poured for Eradicator.

"What the hell... is this!?" asked Eradicator.

"It's a parting gift!" smiled Ghost Jedan. "Drink it!"

"Why?" asked Eradicator.

"Drink... it..." said Ghost Jedan. "What's left to lose, Elvis Jackson?"

"But... What!?" asked Eradicator.

"Come on... I know you wanna!" smiled Ghost Jedan. "I've been built up all season! C'mon! I'm a deus ex machina!"

"I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, spirit," said Elvis.

"DRINK IT!!!" yelled Ghost Jedan. "DRINK IT LIKE IT'S YOUR LAST MEAL!!!Besides! It's just a glass of water! Trist me!"

Elvis smells it for drugs or poison.

Elvis takes the glass and drinks from it.

"My life... has no... purpose..." said Elvis, as he is immediately sucked up by his black hole.

"WAIT!!! NO!!!" yelled Eradicator. "WHAT?!! STOP THIS!!! I DIDN'T MEAN OF THINKING OF THE EQUATION!!! NO!!!"

Eradicator is thrown midair.


"Water... sparkling," smiled Ghost Jedan.


Elvis Jackson... disappeared.

Everyone looks at each other, very confused.

"Did...that ghost dude just end the whole attack?" asked a civilian.

Josuke yelled. "WHAT THE F-!?"

The next day...

"And Ghost Jedan was given a medal for his great bravery in the Battle of Prince Dimension's Burnham City! Next up, YouTubers are part of a cult? Probably are because News is always true!"

Miguel shuts the TV down. Everyone is once again in the Higashikata living room, except for Erina.

"No sign from mom..." said Josuke, checking his phone. "She's been gone for two days."

"Welp... we'll find her, kid," said Miguel, smiling. "And I promise that we'd get some answers."

Everyone sighs out of exhaustion.

"Welp..." said Anne. "Hopefully... that's the end of ALL that... I hope that we would all catch a break... even a short one."


Jobin laughed softly on his chair. "So... The Jazz Fusion and The Stardust Crusaders have successfully defeated Eradicator and his army? Well... that's just dandy..."

"What do we do now, Mr. Higashikata?" asked a man on the chair before him.

"The Reaper assembled his own army... twice... How about we assemble our very own army... I should call you... the Six Dix...Get it?Because you're all dickheads."

"Okay...? Who is included in this team?"

Jobin hands out six files to the man on the chair.

These files have six names:

-The Lich

-Sheldon J. Plankton

-Dr. Wrecker


-Uncle Gumbald


The man smiles.

"Are you sure that the six of these fools could defeat the Jazz Fusion?" asked the man.

"I think they have a chance," smiled Jobin, as he hands the man a Stand Arrow. "Take care of each of them for me... would you?"

"That I could work with, Jobin Higashikata."

The man leaves, and Jobin calls someone. "Ms.-... Yes? Yes... Yes... I think our little collaboration will be fruitful."

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