
3. Chapter III: The Plan

"Grimms... Created by The One to police these animalistic creatures... They're a race of Super Soldiers of some sort that are able to topple Empires with their intelligence, perseverance, skills, and precision."

"Father..." said Salvi, as he closed a book he was reading. 

Damaso softly drank his wine as he read the newspaper.

"Yes, Salvi?" asked Damaso.

"What is your plan exactly?" asked Salvi.

"To save the colony," replied Damaso.

"I thought you hated the Indios?" asked Salvi.

Damaso laughed hysterically. "I don't hate the Indios! But I just love the natural order!"

"That these Indios are brown men and are therefore animals?" asked Salvi.

"Who told you to tell me these?" asked Damaso, as his eyes squinted.

Salvi closed his eyes and bowed his head.

"I am disappointed in you, my successor," whispered Damaso.

Downstairs, Priests and Civil Guards laughed, sang, danced, and cheered in their Spanish language. They drank wine and beer and ate bread as they told each other stories. The tables were a mess and some people were even dancing on the tables. The smell of sweat and alcohol was smelled in the air. Some women are being touched by the Priests and others danced naked for the civil guards.

Suddenly, the door slammed, open, showing Damaso, who was followed by Salvi. Damaso's terrifying presence loomed the room. A coldness came in the air, as Salvi walked around them.

"1521, and Magellan, one of ours, discovered the Philippines," said Damaso. 

The guards and priests looked at each other, confused.

"1565, we've conquered this foolish archipelago to save it from atheism," said Damaso, as he licked his fangs, which slowly grow from his jaws.

"1863, the Spanish, our own colony, foolishly allowed the Filipinos education. Now, these brown men feed what we tell them, yet, some of them know true knowledge, which is what we fear," said Salvi.

"We, the Vampires, have been ruling Europe for years, now. I, the Vampire King, rules the Spanish Empire, yet, it is dying," said Salvi. "Which one of you said that I think that the Indios are lower than men?"

"I did," said a bright-eyed civil guard.

Damaso smiled gently.

"Indios truly are stupid, yes?" asked Damaso. 

The man laughed.

"Indeed, Padre Damaso!" smiled the man.

"Yeah?" he laughed.

The man laughed as well. "Yes!"

"How about this! Here is an Indio!" smiled Damaso, as a blue Stand emerged from his body. It has red eyes and red spiky scales around it, and it has blue bunny ears. The Stand then punches the man.

"Ow!" laughed the man. "That doesn't hurt that bad!" 

The others feared Damaso.

"Really?" asked Damaso. "And this?" The Stand punched him again.

"Nothing!" laughed the man. Everyone else laughed as well.

Damaso's eyes and face went serious. "And this?"

The Stand then punches a hole into the man's chest, as the man gargled for blood.

The guards and the Priests stopped laughing.

"And this?!" asked Damaso, as he kept bashing the man's chest, punching several holes in it.

"AND THIS?!!!"


The man gargles blood in his mouth as he trembled in pain.

"DIIIIIFOOOOOOOSIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" shouted Damaso, as his Stand punched the man over and over again.

Damaso then bit into the man's neck and drank all of his blood.

"Ah, I haven't introduced you to my Stand..." said Damaso. "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap." he sneered.

"Imagine an Indio, just one stupid Indio, deciding to make the hearts of the other Indios beat with patriotism. Huh? Guess what happens." said Damaso.

"We... lose control..." said one man, hesitating.

"WE LOSE CONTROL!!!" shouted Damaso. "The Spanish Empire is fucking dying, and there goes our way of life, ruling at the top while the human slaves scour at the bottom. This is our last chance of survival as a ruling species on Earth, here... in this colony."

"But, these are brown men!" shouted one civil guard,


The civil guards and priests murmur at each other out of confusion.

"You can't have taken it seriously!" shouted Damaso. "You idiots actually thought that my words of weakening the morale of those peasants are true?! I've only been breaking their character to control them even more! But never, EVER underestimate these Indios! These Indios know more than they should and are more CAPABLE than you think! If one Indio stands up to us, ALL OF THEM stands up to us. These humans outnumber us. I plan to move our Empire here to the Philippines. It's not about staying on top. It's about surviving our species. Hundreds of years ago, we were wiped out by the Grimms... The Roman Empire, using its Catholic beliefs, wiped us all out. For what reason?They believed that what we are... We are impurities... They consider us like animals... Savages... For so many Goddamned cruel years...That is why-!!!"

Damaso takes out an arrow from his sleeve.

"This will save us all!" shouted Damaso. "This will bring our species to SALVATION!!! THE VAMPIRES SHALL RULE THIS WORLD ONCE MORE!!!"

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