
The Sword of Rupture: EA

AN: Sorry for not uploading a chapter in these weeks, I deleted the application due to lack of space xd.

Also an apology for the mistranslation of the story, in case you were wondering, Ancestral Is Ancient One

Ancestral, Natasha and I were in front of an academy, a moment ago we were with my mother whose memories Ancestral erased of having a girlfriend, now I will lose erasing those memories after school including my girlfriend.

-It will be a bit complicated for so many people at the same time, but it's not impossible, said the Ancient One while he made strange poses with his hands.

-Chibaku Tensei!, The Ancient One exclaimed as his eyes changed to the Rinnegan while cars, stones and even trees stuck to me, I being the gravitational center of him.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, getting up from the bed.

- Uff, apparently it was a nightmare, I told myself as I felt something next to me.

- Are you okay?, Asked Natasha who was lying next to me.

- Have we already done it?, I asked in shock looking at her.

- No, but if you want to see yourself, answered Natasha giving me a mischievous smile.

- Just kidding, but hey, I replied as I got closer to her and when I was about to do something someone came through the door.

- Son, the... Uh, the woman who had entered was my mother, but when she saw me about to kiss Natasha, who was covered in such a way that she seemed naked while I slept without a shirt, she probably thought something else and fell unconscious, but before it hit the floor I appeared in front of her and I took her, preventing any blow.

- Maybe misconceived? Natasha asked, making a fool of herself.

- Sure, but leaving that aside, what are you doing in my room? I remember leaving you in the guest room, I asked as I laid my unconscious mother on a sofa in my room.

- Well, I don't trust this place very much, S.H.I.E.L.D. You know you live here and it can be dangerous, Natasha told me, getting serious.

- Yeah, but I want to talk to you about something that may interest you, I also told him seriously but inside I was dying of laughter, it was a joke that only I would understand but I really want to do it.

- And that would be?, I ask more would be.

- I want to talk to you about the avengers initiative, I told him even more seriously and I noticed how his face changed to one of astonishment, I couldn't contain myself anymore and started laughing like crazy, something not very strange since I can laugh even at a loaf of bread falling .

-What's so funny? Natasha asked now confused and seeing that she was taking a cigarette from a table and I thought about it.

-You wouldn't understand, I told her while she looked at nothing with the cigarette.

- Do you smoke?, Natasha asked.

-No, it was just for that, I told her as she put out the cigarette and threw it into a trash can.

She just looked at me strange, normal thing, after all it was a reference to the Joker, recapping what happened yesterday was that Ancestral erased the memories of everyone who saw my ex with me, it was a bit painful, but it was necessary, after That's why we said goodbye and Natasha came with me to my house, I explained to my mother that she was a friend and we finally got to this moment, a day later.

"You're weird," she gave me a weird look.

- It may be, but it doesn't matter a bit, now, my plan is to drop out of school like any good third world student and become an antihero, nah why am I lying, I really have no idea what I'll do from now on.

- Yeah, answered Natasha a little discolored.

After waking up my mother, explaining to her that we weren't doing anything, and eating breakfast, it was time to say what she was going to do from now on.

- Mom, I have to tell you something, I said seriously to which my mother looked at me strangely.

- And what is?

- Well, I want to take a year off, to travel the world.

I clearly knew that the person I was before having my memories never went out and always focused on studying and even if my mother asked him to, he hardly liked going on trips, so he would use that weak point in my mother to be able to go to Kamar -Taj and becoming the sorcerer supreme, I'm not too interested in how much history changes, after all I'm here to have fun.

- A year off? But you didn't want to finish your studies first, my mother asked excitedly, I simply nodded and continued with my explanation.

- You see, she is my girlfriend and I have realized that life is very short, what would happen if I die tomorrow? Then I would like to enjoy today all day rather than sitting at a desk all day while someone explains something to me that I know

- ....

- ....

-I see..., my mother whispered as a small smile appeared on her face, Natasha had a forced smile, after all she had just said that she was my girlfriend.

- Calm down mother, it will only be a while, I would like to go to several countries to do tourism, I will come home once a month, I told her smiling while I took out a map from my pocket with several marked areas.

- When do I plan everything? Natasha thought.

We continue arguing a bit about what I would do and in the end I end up accepting so all that remains is to wait until tomorrow to start my trip.

The next day...

-Good luck to you son, my mother said goodbye tearfully while she gave me A hug.

-Yes, don't worry, I'll have a good time, I replied while she took two suitcases and put them in the trunk of the Lamborghini.

- Wait son, before you go, here, it's a knife which has been inherited from generation to generation, I think it's time you had it.

- Eh?, I wondered seeing the knife which I had already seen when I was in Babylonia.

So the ceremonial knife, it's interesting that she has it, as I was at the gates of Babylonia, but hey, something to think about later.

-Thank you mom, I'll give it to my son, but it's time to go, I told him as he gave him another hug and got into the car where Natasha was already.

- So where are we going? Natasha asked curious.

- To the Himalayas, but if you want me to be more specific to Nepal, I replied calmly.

- To the Himalayas?, What are we going to now?, I ask exalted.

-Don't you want to become a sorceress?, I asked her as she started the car in the direction of the airport.

New York International Airport

I was with Natasha waiting for our flight.

- Why don't we just go on your ship?, Natasha asked a little impatient since our flight had been delayed.

- Hmm, I don't know, well why am I lying, I just hadn't thought about it.

It's a lie, it was obvious that I thought about it, but it seemed like a bad idea to me since some government on the way could detect us and it would be a problem since I'm still weak, I must train my magic to be able to use the Gate of Babylon at full power.

Flight 3-17 to Nepal

- Well, it seems that the flight is over, replied Natasha, looking at me amused.

This girl thinks I'm an idiot, after all yesterday I behaved that way, it's funny in a way, but in another it's irritating, but well, for now it should continue like this, if this girl tries to betray me I won't hesitate to kill her, later I'm not interested in anything that changes events, although I would still like to follow a certain order to have one more advantage.

After the little conversation we took the flight to Nepal, it was going to be a long flight...

Thursday May 7, 2009, Kamar-Taj Nepal.

- We're finally here, I told myself, stretching out in front of a humble-looking house.

- Is this a temple? Natasha asked me looking strange.

- No, or well that's what I remember, it's more of a portal, I also answered confused, it's not that I remember the events very well.

- ...

I went to the door and knocked while waiting for someone to open it.

- Gilgamesh, said a voice that I recognized instantly as the door opened revealing the Ancient One.

-Was it necessary to go around the world when you could just go to the sanctuary in New York?, I ask confused as she let us pass.

- No, but I wanted to get on a plane, I hadn't done it for a long time, I replied as I looked around the room noticing that it really looked like an ancient temple, in a certain way it reminds me of my palace in Babylonia, or well the palace in which was.

- Well, what do I owe your visit to?, Ancestral asked us both.

-Well, Gilgamesh said that he wanted to learn magic, although to be honest with me too, it would be amazing to be able to do it, Natasha replied as she looked at me.

- Yes, I'm curious about the magic they wield, after all it's not the same as mine, I told the Ancestral.

- I'm surprised that the King of Heroes takes the initiative in something, Ancestral told me, curious and a little expectant.

- King of heroes? Natasha asked confused.

- Well, perhaps you have already realized, but Gilgamesh was also known as the king of Uruk, the first king of the world, among other titles, most people in the world believe that it is only a myth, a legend since in his story also talks about gods, so it was always taken only as a fantastic story, but almost everything is potentially real, and the proof is the boy in front of us. The Ancient One explained to Natasha looking at me.

- Exactly, My name is Gilgamesh, I am the King of Uruk, Son of the goddess Ninsun and the King of Uruk Lugalbanda, I was on the throne for 126 years before I died, I did not have a wife or children, since I did not find any woman worthy of my heart, but now I am Gilgamesh Aparicio, son of the billionaire Aura, and I am a simple college boy, although I plan to change that, I introduced myself in front of them while an arrogant smile spread across my face.

- Interesting presentation. Were you planning it? Natasha asked with a smirk.

-No, I answered simply while she turned me around.

Flash back...

I was in front of a mirror appreciating my beauty but at that moment I remembered that at some point I had to introduce myself.

- Hmmm, my name is Gilgamesh, kneel before me, mestizo, I said to the mirror while doing various strange poses.

End of flashback...

-Well, I'll give you the day off, you must be tired after the trip, tomorrow I'll explain everything, said the Ancient while we stood in front of a door which she opened leaving see a room which we entered.

- If you need anything just call, there is the number and the Wi-Fi password is "Shamballa", Ancestral said again before leaving us alone in the room.

With a blank stare I pulled out an iPhone 3G, I think I remember that this was one of the first touch-screen phones, although I hardly see anyone using it, it came out last year, I'm surprised that despite having more advanced technology than my world they are not capable of making better cell phones, with their technology this year alone they could probably already make an iPhone 15 or I don't know, but hey, it only remains to resign.

- A touch phone? Natasha asked looking at my cell phone.

- Yes, any problem?, I asked him sarcastically while I put the password on the cell phone, and although it doesn't help much at least I can use the browser.

- I don't see these phones as very practical, I prefer the keys, Natasha replied, taking out a BlackBerry Bold 9000, I saw a lot of people use that along with some Nokia models.

- It may be, but I think they are the future of telephony, I replied and lay down on the bed.

- Can be.

An hour later...

I was with Natasha in the room wasting time lying down.

- I'm bored, I said to nothing while in a golden undulation a knife appeared, the same knife that my mother had given me and the same knife that I had with me in Babylonia.

This knife is strange, for some reason it feels very sturdy, although it's not a big deal either, I'm surprised it could last so many generations and still look new, the only thing I have in my memories about it is that my father gave it to me before die, my father from Babylonia, not my current father, although both are dead, so it doesn't matter a bit, they weren't important people, as for my mother of both times, the first Ninsun, a "goddess" although I don't know yet if it is self-proclaimed or it really is, the gods of this world that I know are the Nordics, Odin, Thor, Loki, Hela and Freya, then there is the father of Star Lord, Ego, a Celestial, I don't know if there are more like him, but it is always good to be cautious, then there is Dormammu, I have no idea of ​​his race or history, at times like these I regret not reading the comics, even though we are in the MCU I know that most stories are taken from the comics with some changes, so knowing a little opened me well efficient.

As for my current mother, Aura Aparicio, a billionaire investor, and only that,

- Me too, it's not like we can do much, answered Natasha, looking at me.

- And if we have fun with carnal pleasure?, I asked Natasha with a mischievous smile.

-If you want, she replied with a seductive look.

Pov Natasha:

These last days had been strange, in just one day I went from serving a secret organization to serving a mythological being of more than 2,000 years or well that's what he said, I still don't trust him but he seems to be so calm around me , as if he is sure that I won't do anything to him or rather he is 100% sure that I can't do anything to him although he will try, he is certainly a powerful person, I doubt that even a bullet can do anything to him, but removing his power I feel something terrifying of his look, or it would be better to say shocking, in some moments I manage to see that look, that look that was once on my face, when I was being trained in Russia, that dead look that the only thing it shows is an Indifference? No, what it shows is nothing, infinite nothingness, the lack of emotions is what makes it terrifying, terrifying why was that look ever on my face and honestly I'm afraid of having it again at some point.

I just had sex with him, despite the fact that he had a girlfriend until two days ago, here he was, unconcerned with life, looking at me with a smile that seems loving, but it couldn't be the opposite, I've dealt with hundreds of guys who all they wanted was to get into my bed and then throw me, but I don't feel that in him, in fact he doesn't feel anything, the same thing happens with me, it was certainly something I enjoyed, but I don't feel the least bit of affection, and I'm ready for any attack, when I took out the knife from that strange golden circle I was ready to attack, but nothing happened, I also noticed that he gave her a thoughtful look, probably thinking about what it was or why it was inherited, well I guess.

The day passed without problems.

The next day....

Gilgamesh POV:

- Did you have fun yesterday?, Asked the Ancient with a smile.

- ...

- Yes, I replied without shame.

- Ahem, well, let's change the subject, Ancestral answered awkwardly.

- The masters of the mystical arts are in charge of protecting the world from magical or mystical threats, but knowing you I guess I could make an exception for you, although I hope your help in cases of extreme danger, well that's in case you manage to learn, Ancestral explained to us while we walked towards the courtyard where there were a lot of people training with those rings, trying to make a portal.

- It is obvious that we will learn and as for the help, for my part it is fine, but only extreme cases, do not call me for minor problems, my power is not used in garbage, I answered with slight arrogance.

-For my part too, I don't refuse to do some missions, answered Natasha trying to hide her emotion behind a poker mask.

- Well then, these are Honda rings, it allows you to create an interdimensional portal to any point on the planet, Ancestral told us, giving us two rings, one for each one.

- Create portals, interesting, I said as I put on the ring, noticing how the energy I felt when using the doors of Babylonia went in the direction of the ring.

- Maybe if I do this, I said to myself as I remembered how Doctor Strange went to the portals, then I did it and a smile appeared on my face when I saw the result.

A golden portal or rather they look like sparks? He appeared in front of Gilgamesh when they saw through the portal they managed to see an uninhabited desert, Natasha and Ancestral watched in amazement as the blonde had managed to make a portal at first and without explanation.

- It's surprising that you could do it the first time, although knowing who you are is normal, Ancestral congratulated me surprised.

-A little magic is not complicated for this king, I answered while his praise increased my ego in several levels.

- Why do you suddenly change your way of speaking? Natasha asked.

- I don't know, I've always been like that, you should get used to it, mestiza, I replied blankly but the next second I was back like before.

- Any mental problem? Natasha wondered in thought.

- Why don't you try Natasha?, I asked closing the portal.

- Ok, answered Natasha trying to do it, although obviously it was a failure.

- Don't worry Natasha, it's normal not to do it the first time, really Gilgamesh is one of the few who could do it the first time.

- Of the few?, I asked narrowing my eyes.

- Yes, several others including me have succeeded at first, mostly it is usually because of your natural affinity with magic.

- Hmp, don't tell me about your life, I replied feigning anger.

And so my training began.

One month after...

Monday June 8, 2009.

A month has passed since my magical or rather sorcerer training began, I have learned a couple of things like how to manipulate my magic to create magic weapons, ropes and things of that type, it reminds me a bit of the green lantern ring which I did almost the same thing, like Doctor Strange I have read all the possible books so that the Librarian? Anyway, he let me read more advanced books, although he really let me take any book except the ones with chains, the Ancient books in simple words, even though Wong is not there, it's understandable since the events of Doctor Strange are in the year 2016 so I still have about 7 years left for that to happen, maybe it won't take long for it to show up or maybe it's already here, just not strong enough to be the Librarian yet haha.

But that wasn't all I did this month, I was also practicing with the doors of Babylonia, now I can open 20 at a time, I still can't get more than one Noble Phantasm since it requires a lot of mana, although with a little more of practice I can probably do it, the funny thing is that taking out EA doesn't cost me mana, but as soon as I tried to use it it drained me of all the mana and I was unconscious, that thing sucks more than Natasha hehe, moving on to another topic, right now I'm heading on my Vimana to New York, the reason? Well, I had told my mother that I would visit her every month, so that's what I do, not to mention that in two days is her birthday.

-You look tense, I told Natasha, who seemed tense, despite the redundancy.

- It's just that I still can't get used to being at these altitudes.

- Certainly, we are at 55,000 feet from the ground, it is obvious that you will feel nervous or you could even feel short of breath, this is because a commercial plane usually goes to, I was going to continue with my tirade but Natasha interrupted me.

- I know, believe me if I study, Natasha replied amused, I just gave her a blank look and turned to look straight ahead.

-I'll increase the speed, hug me if you don't want to fly away, I told Natasha while she gave him a slight smile.

- Ok, answered Natasha without caring much as she sat on my legs and hugged me by the neck, I managed to feel her breathing, although compared to a month ago I managed to lower my hormones a little, it was still impossible for me to avoid this kind of thing, I think that the strange thing would be not to get excited.

In a blur Vimana went from 50 kilometers per hour to 15,150 kilometers sounds crazy since a conventional plane at medium speed usually goes at approximately 600 kilometers per hour, but you have to keep in mind that Vimana can go at the speed of thought, that is, at the speed you want for the people of Conalep, just in case, create a magic shield to protect Natasha, just in case.

50 minutes later...

- Well we arrived, I told Natasha who was clinging to me tightly, honestly I would also be afraid of going at such a speed, but you get used to it over time, luckily this magical scrap has something so that the acceleration does not affect the passenger otherwise he would probably be dead by now.

She slowly walked away from me and stood up shakily.

- That was... Amazing, said Natasha agitated.

- Certainly, traveling at such speeds is surprising, but it's time to go down, I told him while the Vimana disappeared in golden particles and we both fell towards the ground.




- CALM, AT MY SIDE EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE! I exclaimed with a smile as I stabilized myself in the air and took Natasha in my arms.

-With the momentum we carry even if we fall into something soft we will die, I told Natasha blankly in her ear so that she would listen.

"What!?" Natasha yelled in shock.

- Don't worry, I have my ace up my sleeve, I replied and she just clung to me more.

In a quick movement I made a magic whip and summoned Vimana from the gates of Babylonia a few meters from me, with the momentum we had if we fell into the Vimana we would probably break all the bones in our body and hopefully survive, so I'll go with the second option.

With whip in hand I threw it at the Vimana and it stayed on there, I began to slide like Spiderman through the Vimana creating several whips, the more I swung the speed was reduced, a few seconds later we were just hanging and from one last balance I fell standing on the Vimana without any damage, it really was fun.

-We're safe now, I told Natasha as she sat her in the only seat on the ship, the throne, she will have the honor of resting there during the descent.

-Idiot, stop doing such risky things, Natasha admonished me, feigning annoyance, but she could feel her emotion to the other side of the world.

- Having fun like this from time to time is not bad, I replied with a smile as I approached her and kissed her, the relationship I have with her is strange, we just do these things as a couple but even so we are not, it is confusing, despite that we have sex almost daily she doesn't seem to care, it's almost like she's in a...

- Mission...

- What happened? Natasha asked, she hadn't heard what I said.

My gaze went blank as I slowly turned my head to look at her.

It was damn obvious and I still passed him by, that no one will try to chase us, that Natasha was so confident, it was all obvious and I passed him by my trust, no, I really watched for any movement of his. Will it really be that? Or could it be that she only really trusts me, unlike Olivia whom I only met one day, I've been with Natasha for more than a month, I couldn't say that I fully trust her, but I've grown a little fond of her, it's strange that I I present some emotion towards someone, but the explanation is easy, after all I am human, loneliness affects me, I desperately look for someone who is by my side, in my past life I was someone totally average in terms of physique and I considered myself an asocial, but since I reincarnated I feel with the strength and confidence to do anything, even conquer the greatest beauties in the world, like the girl next to me, but that still doesn't explain anything, it's all conjecture.

- Hey Natasha, can I ask you a question? I asked Natasha narrowing my eyes.

- What is it?, Natasha asked, confused by my look.

- Do you trust me?, I asked seriously.

- Sure, answered Simple Natasha giving me a smile.

- Then die, I told her taking a knife from a Babylonian door and putting it in front of her.

- What? Natasha asked excited.

- If you trust me then kill yourself, then I will trust you.

- But then I died-

- It is obvious that you will die, but I am a demi-god, I have my ways to bring you back to life, I replied, interrupting her.

-Okay..., Natasha replied looking down as she took the knife from my hand and slowly brought it closer to her neck.

- You know, at first I was afraid, afraid of you and what you were capable of doing, I felt that I was no less in danger with you than with S.H.I.E.L.D. but even so I gave you an opportunity, one in my heart which you overcame, you have given me more love, than anyone has ever given me, and although you try to deny it, I know that you also fell in love, in this month I met how you are, I've seen the look you have, the same look I once had, I know you feel alone, but I only ask this of you, trust me as much as I do for you, with those words Natasha closed her eyes and plunged the knife into his throat.

Pov Natasha:

I saw my life flash before my eyes as I was totally honest with Gilgamesh, if it's true that she can revive me I hope I can be by her side after that statement, damn she looked like a 15 year old girl saying such corny words.

Stick the knife in my throat, hoping to feel how I choked with my own blood as I had done with many people before, but nevertheless I did not feel anything, confused I opened my eyes and there I could see crimson eyes staring at me with intensity, I turned to see my hand, which was held tightly by Gilgamesh's hand, seemed to stop me.

Gilgamesh POV:

-Okay, I trust you, I told Natasha with a complicated look, while she took the knife from him which disappeared in golden particles.

This girl literally just confessed to me. At what point did this become a romantic comedy?

-I'm tired, Natasha sighed as she leaned back on the throne.

- But if we already arrived, we have to go home and there we can rest.

I landed Vimana in a secluded part of the city, followed by opening a portal in an alley next to my mother's apartment. Why do I call it an apartment if it's a house? I don't know, I'm an idiot I guess.

- Better inside, I want to surprise my mother, I told Natasha opening another portal to my room and entering followed by Natasha.

- Bipolar, Natasha told me, I just gave her a smile and made a sign for her to keep quiet and we slowly left the room.

I opened the door slowly, me and Natasha leaving the room without making a sound, we walked slowly, we listened to music turned on at full volume, something not strange, after all, me and my mother love music and we both usually turn it up, slowly We approached the living room, we only needed to cross the dining room, when we were about to go to the living room we heard something that left us both paralyzed.

- Ah!

- ....

"...Shit, is that what I think it is?" I asked Natasha quietly.

- Probably, Natasha replied, looking away.

I got a little closer and before crossing the door I saw what I feared.

- Well, your mother looks lonely, whispered Natasha next to me, seeing where I was looking.

- What the hell are you saying? It's my mom, I whispered a little loudly, for some reason I was upset, I took a long breath while I calmed down a bit and quickly created a portal, pushed Natasha and entered.

The portal led out of the house, I didn't want to compromise my mother, but it was necessary, my face would quickly change into a big smile as she opened the door and screamed.

- Mom, I'm back!

The entrance door led directly to the living room, so I could see again, this scene, Natasha behind me was looking at me with wide eyes, she probably thought we were going to teleport to another place.

Everything went silent including the music which had been turned off by an arrow that came out of the doors.

-! H- Son!?, Stammered my mother, covering herself with a sheet that was next to her.

- ...

- Hey me! Only-

- Mom, do you feel alone?, I asked with a distant look.

- Wh- what, what are you talking about son?, My mother asked getting up and looking at me with fear.

- You know, my father died a long time ago, I support any decision you make, you shouldn't hold back for me, I responded by approaching him and giving him a hug.

What she was doing I think was obvious, but let's just say she was giving herself love.

- Son, don't hug me, I'm dirty, my mother told me embarrassed.

- Don't worry, this is something normal, sometimes I feel like it too, you know?, I answered with a funny voice but my face was blank looking at the wall, I knew I had screwed up, my intimacy was now harder than a rock while doing his best to hide it.

- W- well, we're going to our room, see you, I said in a hurry taking Natasha by the hand and running to my room.

-Why in such a hurry? It seemed that your friend was quite happy, Natasha asked mischievously, I simply threw her on the bed while she looked at her like a predator looks at her prey.

1 hour later...

- Uh, I calm down, I said to myself in bed naked next to a Natasha who was breathing hard.

Luckily my mother was in the shower and she hadn't come out, probably thinking about what had just happened, I told her that so she could find a boyfriend or something, she looked pretty sad on her own.

- Hey, do you want to be my partner? I suddenly asked Natasha, this surprised her.

-Are you sure?, she asked me a little doubtfully, the truth is I was the same, but I think that in some past I would have said "he who does not risk does not win", or something similar.

- Of course, after all I love you too, or well I think so, I'm not very good with feelings, but I just feel that I don't want to be separated from you, I answered Natasha with a smile, this wasn't the same as with Olivia, is Once I was sure that my feelings were true and the best that they were reciprocated.

- Why not? I've never had a partner and it would be interesting to be, although I doubt anything will change, after all since I've been with you we've done things that classify us as a couple.

- True, but this is different, I told him, bringing my face closer while affectionately touching his cheek, I got closer and we crashed our lips in a kiss, this was different, it was not for simple carnal desire, but for love, a love that I hoped will last For all eternity, I'm inexperienced in love but I guess cheating is never out of reach, but knowing Natasha I doubt she will, if she's just unsatisfied with the relationship she'll probably tell me.

The end and we both looked at each other, but this time our gaze was different, it was no longer that of two strangers waiting for a move from the other party, but of two people who felt something for each other.

Two days later...

- Happy birthday!, I exclaimed in front of my mother and followed by that I gave her a hug.

A group of people were with me, including Natasha, Tony, Happy, Pepper and I obviously, we are at my mother's house, we secretly decided with Tony to throw her a surprise party, so that's what we're doing now .

- Oh! You wouldn't have bothered son, my mother said with a big smile returning my hug.

Following that, everyone congratulated her and the party passed without problems until a few hours later.

- Who is Gil?, Tony asked looking at Natasha.

-Don't call me Gil, I'm Gilgamesh and she's my girlfriend, I replied with a wide smile, after all I was proud to have achieved a relationship with Natasha.

- Yeah... And that one? Olivia? I think her name was.

I tensed up hearing it, but a second later I pulled myself together, I had forgotten to tell the Ancient One that she will erase Tony's memories, but well, it doesn't matter that much either.

-Her?, We finished, she was not the best of relationships, I lied.

- Yeah, this time you got a jackpot, that woman is 10 out of 10.

- Certainly, but with her I'm sure everything will be fine.

After that little conversation things went on as normal for a while.

5 months later...

I was in Kamar-Taj, more specifically in the library with Natasha and Ancestral.

- Don't be mean, let me read those books, I already learned everything except that, I complained to Ancestral, feigning anger.

- Ahh *sigh* These books are dangerous, any error in their use could unleash the dark age in the world.

- Yes, I know, I'm not an idiot, I'm Gilgamesh the King of Heroes, I answered proudly pointing to myself.

- I know, Oh great king of heroes! But still I can't, first I'll teach you something else.

-I already know how to take out the soul, the white replied giving Natasha a small blow, followed by a specter with the same appearance that she came out of her body.

- I'm still not used to it, said the specter looking at his hands.

-True, it's a strange feeling, I told her returning to her body.

-It's not that, I'll teach you how to use the mirror dimension, but that will be tomorrow, rest for now, Ancestral told me while he disappeared through a portal.

- I don't care, I said to nothing taking three forbidden books and putting them in the gates of Babylonia.

-Hey, you shouldn't do that, Natasha said in a low voice, followed by that she went into a portal that I opened and when I was about to enter the portal I felt something, as if a mirror was broken and a second later...

- What the hell!? I exclaimed as I fell from the sky, Vimana quickly appeared and climbed on top of me.

- Gilgamesh, you are going too far, I heard a voice behind me, when I turned around I saw the Ancient One who had a serious look.

- What do you think you're doing?, I asked annoyed seeing the city which was fragmenting and separating, this was clearly the mirror dimension.

- Return the books, you don't know how dangerous they are, Ancestral told me.

- Dangerous? Do you know who I am? Any threat can be annihilated by me, I replied annoyed.

- You don't understand how dangerous it is over there in the universe, there are beings that can easily destroy the earth, for your sake give me the book.

- ... Are you threatening me?, I said looking down as I began to tremble, not from fear, but from anger, it was the first time since I came to this world that someone threatened me and I'm upset.

Dozens, not hundreds, of Babylonian doors opened behind me, revealing any imaginable weapon, I was annoyed, very annoyed.

- It is not necessary to go that far, just hand over the books, in some future I will teach you how to use them, but now you are still too beginner in sorcery to control such power.

It may seem like he was just throwing a childish tantrum, but he was really upset, Doctor Strange took the secret books and I'm pretty sure the Ancient One noticed and still didn't say anything to him, however he treated me like a child .

I do not I answered and just looked at her.

- You must calm down Gilgamesh, I am not your enemy, I will let you calm down for a moment, but first give me your ring.

At one point the structures began to move imprisoning the place, and several others began to surround me.

- Do you plan to stop me with stones? Insolent mestiza, I looked up revealing a smile, but that smile said nothing, it was an empty smile, there was no sadness, anger, happiness, no visible emotion.

With a thought the weapons went flying, destroying the structures around me, the Ancient One created several portals to transport behind me the weapons that were thrown at them, but with another thought the weapons returned to my treasury.

Without saying a word, the Ancient One approached and with a sword of magic and several portals began to deflect the swords that were sent in her direction, I was annoyed but not to the point of wanting to kill her so I was simply holding back.

- Do you want this? Well, have it, I said to Ancestral, showing him my ring and throwing it at him.

The Ancient One looked at me strangely but without saying anything he simply disappeared.

- ...

- ...

- WHAT!!!???, I yelled in shock looking everywhere, trying to see if the Ancient One was somewhere, but I didn't see anything, I thought he wanted the ring so he could fight only with my doors, but apparently he wanted to lock me up here.

- Trust me, hahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I started laughing at first normally but then like crazy.

- Did you really want to lock me up here?

- Useless, I said as I stopped laughing and put a blank face.

A portal appeared at my feet while a weapon slowly came out from there.

- I didn't think to use you so soon, but I guess I have to show who rules in this world, my clothes changed from casual clothes to golden armor, can you judge me, I really like that armor.

My hair stood on end and an invisible pressure began to be felt after the gun came out.

A red energy similar to fire began to surround me as I took the weapon in hand.

- You should never have provoked me Ancestral, raising the weapon to the sky, EA.

I won't be able to use it to its full potential since my magic reserves are still insignificant, but I'm sure I can destroy this dimension.

- Enuma Elish!!!

With those words a red energy began to spread throughout the dimension while slowly everything began to fracture, it was a rupture, little by little it was destroying more until finally everything was destroyed.

When I opened my eyes I was right where I was before entering the portal, to go to the room with Natasha, with a sigh my tense muscles lightened and I lowered my hand, still with EA in hand just in case, that attack took my 40 % of my mana, I still had 40% left so I could deal another similar attack.

A portal appeared in front of me from which I saw Ancestral and Natasha, the first seemed surprised and the second seemed to calm down when she saw me, but when they crossed the portal, both of them were frozen by EA's pressure

-How did you get out?, Ancestral asked surprised, she had only spent a little over a minute after she left the mirror dimension to explain to Natasha what had happened and then she felt the presence of Gilgamesh in the library.

"Heh, why don't you check it out for yourself?" I told her with pure arrogance watching her face go from confident to horrified.

- Why can't I access!?, Exclaimed Ancestral surprised, confused and terrified.

- Why did I destroy it, that dimension no longer exists, now it's nothing, I replied to the Ancient One, who was petrified by my answer.

- You know, if only you had let me do what I wanted, after all, everything belongs to me, I am your legitimate King and you are only usurpers, who took my treasures and took possession of them, let it be clear, the only The reason why you're not dead is because I'm an understanding person, but if it was the me from 2,000 years ago, I probably would have already destroyed them along with this temple.

- Let's go Natasha, I told her and she simply approached me and created a portal which I entered with her, not before EA disappeared and I returned to my casual clothes.

Everything went to shit and I wanted to become sorcerer supreme haha, but well, it was necessary, she was becoming a bit bossy with me, it was necessary to remind her who her king is.

- Did you destroy a dimension? Natasha asked looking at me with fear? No, it's more like shock and amazement.

- Yes...

End of chapter...

7.300 words

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