
Soul Qi Trip Grenade

"Move, now!" Agent Ryker ordered his pilot when Kaze fell to the ground on the bridge.

"S-Sir... weren't we directed by General Michaels not to get involved before and after our last call?" The pilot asked nervously.

"We're not hurting Kaze Lexicon, we're extracting him from the site!" Agent Ryker snapped.

"If we don't move him, soldiers could attack him, or that beast... thing... whatever she is could destroy the bridge.

We're protecting that asshole and risking our lives to do it, so shut up and move!"

The pilot felt sweat moving down his shoulder blades as he glided the skycruiser toward the bridge.

As they approached, the woman, who was confirmed to be the shadow cat, glared at them with crazed amethyst eyes.

Her green frog hoodie lost all of its cuteness and was now the outfit ghost children in horror movies wore. The cuter she was, the more horrifying her image was because they knew she could and would kill everyone present.

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