
A baking challenge- today’s secret ingredient - friendship

Today, the beeping of my phone woke me up. It was a different beeping, one I don't remember setting up. I ignored it the first time, but after the third time I decided to give it a look. I had to open the message, the only way it would stop beeping.

The beeping tone was one I have not heard in quite a long time. I grabbed my phone to check. To my surprise I found a message from a long time friend.

We grew up almost together. She could have been easy the sister I never had, and always wondered. We met in middle school. Anna and myself were the same age, we could've been twins from a different mother. Both families grew up together. I remember back in the day going together to our classmate's birthday parties, together to go grocery shopping for our moms, etc. Their families trusted each other like we knew each other from a very very long time. Anna's Mom felt more secured when both o us went together to our friend's birthday parties. We bonded a great friendship like real blood sisters. Even after high school graduation we kept our

indestructible friendship going on.

Anna lived 4 blocks away. Everything we needed, we will just go to either her house or my house to help each other.

Graduation time was quickly approaching. We needed to make our minds to start preparing ourselves for what live was to test us for. A new career. A new job. A new life. Here in the country that saw us grow up and live and prosper, or travel abroad to specialize. Anna wasn't quite sure. Anna wanted to wait a bit more.

Myself, I wanted to study design. We both loved to draw. Many times enjoyed drawing our favourite cartoon characters. Anime grew up with us, we felt for the male characters, the Prince Charming that came to save us, proud and happy riding a cream coloured 2-tone Percheron, long black crest, muscular built and big black shiny eyes. The warm breeze would make the hair on its crest wave as the Percheron rode through the high tall fields full of sunflowers and lilies. Like in the tv show. The sun would shine and made his shining armour reflect the always unbearable sun. Yep, that was our Prince Charming, riding his favourite Percheron, Bonney. Tall muscular, great breed of horses, it complemented our Prince Charming ideal character. During the times our favourite anime show was up on the tv, we were not available for anybody, we didn't eat, we didn't do homework. We were not at home. This was like the equivalent of you watching soap opera's. Yes, ready to face life and it's heartaches during our anime show times. After that, coming back to boring reality.

And homework…. Meh…

After finishing watching our soap opera, we would proceed to do our homework, if needed to. We will just go to any of our homes. Whom ever was not at its original home, would go back to her home. The next day we would meet at school to continue learning our subjects until school time finished snd again, if there was homework to do, will just finish it.

High school period passed by, and graduation was to become a reality. With high honours, graduation time became a true reality. A step closer to freedom. A step closer to independence.

A new chapter in our life's to grow and mature as proper human beings, and to be somebody in life. Maybe get married and have kids. We were unsure of what the future had on mind for us. After graduation, our meetings were not happening as before. It wasn't everyday. Once a week. Two times a month. No time at all. I went to college to study design, my twin sister decided to study at a German College. No way we were to watch together our favourite anime tv show. We promised to keep in touch. We promised we would never ever stop talking to each other.

In 1991 we immigrated and left the country. My twin sister also was to travel to Europe. She has the advantage of being fluid perfect German. My self, I concentrated on mastering my English. I picked British English. My life completely changed there. I started a new life, had a kid. Anna did the same. Anna decided not to have kids.

Years passed by. Maybe way too busy to stop and reminisced the old times. I lost track of my twin sister. I wondered how Anna was doing. I contacted her niece for her whereabouts. Anna was fine way abroad and far far away. Got her new address exchanged some writing of letters. Years passed by and again our communication started to fade. The last one was 2 Christmas ago. I wondered if Anna was ok.

One day, being far away from home I thought of my twin sister and my friends. Heard from my husbands niece, about Facebook. This could be a good idea to try, maybe I could find Anna, my friends. My family.

Tried some but didn't noticed many got married and change their names. Meh.

One day I hit the jackpot- found her. I could recognize Anna. Still looks the same. Black long hair. Same bright smile. Will she recognize me? My self I didn't have the short hair I used to have. And now I wear glasses.

I have nothing to loose. I will give a shot.

Weeks passed by. Nothing.

Maybe this is not my twin sister.

One day, my phone dings, a different ding I never heard before. I took a look at the posted message. I said from unknown sender. Ok I thought, I have nothing to loose. I accepted the invitation. I try to look at the photos. Since I was granted permission, I could see her photos. To my surprise, I found out it was Anna, still looking the same as the last time we sat down and watched our favourite anime show. I as super happy. The huge distance that once separated us, it got caught short with technology. We started to text each other on regular basis.

We continue our life's working hard, see yea he others life's accomplishments and travels thru this new technology.

Our life's became busy again, but this time we won't loose each other again.

I think over the years my obsession for having a good life drew me to an extent that without noticing I got very sick. Ended up in the hospital.

Diagnosed with a rare disease, new to everyone, the resilience we both had back in the day when at high school, pushed us to survive and excel in our careers.

Just today we had a chat, the usual chat. I noticed my twin sister started to publish her accomplishments. I felt super proud of my twin sister.

It has been like more than 25 years that we last had contacted each other.

We both thought we have forgotten each other. All those important, favourite, enjoying moments we spent together growing up, cane back to our minds, reminiscent of the best time that made us go out and experience.

There's a big obstacle separating us, but there's one ingredient that keeps our cake together.


We won today's challenge.

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