
Chapter 5 - First Villain


It's finally Wednesday, I've spent the last week trying to keep this day out of my mind. Mainly due to the fact I'm kinda nervous about the stopping the heist as this is a pretty major deal.

Anyways to keep my mind of the Heist by Adrian's crew, I've been focusing on making more web fluid and making my game with Ned.

I think he could tell I was a little nervous about something, so he would always find a reason just to hang out with me, like making Lego cars or just watching a movie.

God I don't deserve Ned. I should totally tell him after I stop the heist. I'll even ask him to help make me a new suit, He'll enjoy that.

Anyways skipping all the boring details, I dawn my Spidey suit and head out to catch me some thieves.

After reaching the Stark Truck, I lay on top of it. I've never been more thank that I made my first suit black, now the thieves will never see me coming.

~A Few Hours Later~

After a few hours and just when I begin to think that Adrian's crew isn't going to hit this truck, I hear a familiar bike engine speeding towards the truck.

Looking over the ledge of the truck, I spot 4 bikes and 2 Vans. Leading me to believe I'm dealing with at least, 8 professionals here as each Van also has a passenger.

Before I could come up with a suitable plan, the 4 bikers drive up either side of the Truck, Two on each side, and shoot out the tires with what looks to be modified guns.

As the Truck starts to skid, I begin to web the weapons out of the bikers hands. Can't have them attacking the drivers of the truck.

After removing the guns from the bikers, I jump towards one of the bikers fly kick him off the bike while simultaneously webbing him to a wall while also shooting a web back at the Truck to pull myself back on top.

But as I land back on the truck it skids to a stop and all the bikers spot that they are missing a comrade. Pulling out there side arms which a pistols they take a look around.

I quickly web launch myself at another one of the bikers taking him out in one blow, when my spider sense goes off causing me to jump dodging a bullet shot at me.

Looking over to where the bullet came from I see the 2 vans has pulled up and their passengers get out each holding their own guns.

"Well this just got more difficult" I mumble to myself, as I launch toward the two last bikers. Webbing both of them and flinging them at the Truck causing them to crash into it knocking them both out.

Feeling my spider sense go off again I jump to the top of the truck dodging my bullets.

I then web the Truck drivers door closed as he try's to get out.

"Stay put, Call the cops. I'll handle the rest" I tell him from the top of the truck, to which he just nods in acceptance.

"Delightful" I whisper before I get back to work.

I jump off the truck, webbing the faces of both Gunners, before I web one of the gunners and pull him towards me.

"Get over here" I shout doing my best scorpion impression as I close line him.

With just the last gunner left I head towards him only for my Spider sense to go haywire. I jump to dodge what ever is coming at me only to not be fast enough.

Something metallic and hard collides with my legs cause me to spin wildly in the air before I can't get myself back under control.

I spot a set of bird claws? Heading straight at me. Forcing my self to turn mid air the claws Miss my head but still scratch my chest.

Landing in my back, I groan in pain as I try to get back up. "What the hell was that"

"So your the Spider-Boy I've been hearing about" A voice says to me I assume at least.

"It's Spider-Man actually, Damn bird" I reply swiftly as I get back to my feet.

Looking at where the voice was coming from I see a man in a Bird Costume? A Bird Outfit?

"So who are you then, Bird Man?" I ask humourlessly.

"It's The Vulture" The man corrects.

"Not very creative are you" I tell him.

Before he could reply we both hear the sounds out multiple police sirens heading our way.

"Looks like your out of Time Mr Wings" I state.

"No, I'm not the one out of time" He states as he zooms towards me, as I go to web him one his talons grabs onto my hand.

As he drags me into the sky, I go pry the talon off my hand but before I can his other claw grabs my free hand, making me defenceless.

Feeling hopeless I start to try and yank my arms free but to no avail, just as I'm about to give up and hope that I can web myself to safety if he drops me, I feel a spark in my fingertips.

Focusing on that spark a jolt of electricity comes from my hands and travels directly into the Vultures talons disabling them and his wings forcing him to release me.

As we both begin to fall, The Vultures suit reboots itself and he he starts to fly away as I continue to fall towards the ground.

So seeing the ground approaching quickly. I web a nearby building, causing me to let out a loud groan as the force of my swing aggravated the wounds on my chest.

Landing on the closest building I pull out my phone, which has miraculously survived my fight, I call my best friend.

"Hey Peter" Ned Sleepily answers

"Hey Ned, I need you to come over to mine right now" I tell him urgently.

"What? Why Peter is there something wrong" Ned questions noticing my tone.

"Erm yeah there is, I need you to stop by quickly" I tell him.

"I'll be over there in like 20 minutes" Ned answers.

"Thanks Ned, I'll leave the door open just walk right in" I tell him before I hang up.

"God this will take a while to heal" I say to myself touching my bloodied chest.

Taking smaller swings and jumps as to not make my injured worse, I make it home in fairly good time.

Grabbing the first add kit I have stored for cases such as now. I start to patch myself up, thankfully I don't need to stitch myself up. Just cleaning the wound and using Butterfly stitch's and I'll be healed in a couple of days.

"Thank you May" I say to myself thanking my amazing Aunt for teaching me basic medical care, from her own knowledge as a working nurse.

Only a few minutes later Ned busts into my room panting, "I'm here Peter, Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm good" I say halfheartedly. Ned stares at me for a bit, before looking around the my room.

He quickly noticed my spider suit around the room. My mask is in my desk and my spider hoodie is in a basin to soak out the blood and I'm still wearing the rest.

"No way. Your Spider-Man" Ned exclaims.

"I am" I tell him smiling.

"What? How? When did you?" Ned rush out.

"Ned!, Ned calm down I'll explain everything" I tell him.

After about 30 mins of explaining to Ned how I got my powers and how I get the cuts in my chest. I cut to the chase.

"So Ned" i say in complete seriousness, wiping the smile from his face. "I need your help..... In Making My New Suit" I exclaim smiling.

"Oh thank god" Ned whispers. "I thought something bad had happened"

~End of Chapter~

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