
Chapter 15

Large, especially large, perhaps they would be inhumanly large, the height might range to the height of a car, yes, something like that. Bipedal, powerfully-built, wolf-like monsters; with yellow eyes, dark skin, long brown-grey hair, particularly powerful arms, wolf-like heads, and a hunched stance.

The dark ink sketched out the thick fur covering the animal's body flowing in the wind was still a light rough. I craned my neck to the side as my fingers which gripped the black colored pencil moved fast, each shift producing lines upon line that wove into a sketch of…. A creature.

Werewolves... My fingers stopped while my eyes continued to look at every detail I had imagined these creatures would look like. The monstrous thing in my sketch gazed back at me with powerful and hungry yellow eyes I imagined they would have in such a form.

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