
C30: Lancelot

Arriving at 1 am and being awake to reflect for almost an entire night is such a pain – I know I can manage to survive this day just fine, but admittedly, all I want right this moment is … sleep. Going out with Evangeline for an entire day is fun, I truly enjoyed her company. But ending the day seeing her painting, 'Remnants of Departed days,' kept me awake for an entire night. When I first saw it for myself, I told her that it's beautiful and painful at the same time, and I feel like we're the ones in the painting. Telling her the details on how I came up with the idea of why it would be us is something that I didn't share, but instead, I only said, 'I should be going, I'll tell you tomorrow.'

I don't believe in coincidences, for I believe that everything happens for a reason. Eve may not be aware of what her painting meant or rather, who could that be, but I doubt that she'll meet a person who had a dark past for nothing. At some point, she's been my source of happiness recently, and the first person who gave an interest in knowing me.

Jun suddenly called my attention, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Lance, someone's looking for you outside," I looked at Jun's direction who's pointing the exit of the kitchen.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"She only said that she's your classmate in high school."

A classmate in high school? I don't remember informing anyone about my job. Moreover, I don't use social media. How can they track me? I have this feeling that this person might have investigative skills. That … or I'm overthinking.

I stepped out of the kitchen and headed to the dining area of the restaurant, and the girl turned around to face me. This can't be …

"Erika Grace? How can you be here?" I asked. How can I not be shocked? She's the girl I used to like back then in high school.

"Hi, Lance. It's good to see you," she smiled and offered a handshake. Just like before, she treats people professionally.

I reached for her hand and shook it. "What's the formality for? Anyways, sorry to ask this but first … how did you know that I work here?"

"I'm a lawyer now. I happen to visit the police station where your brother Nate is working. When I heard his name, I immediately asked if he knows you, and that's how things went. That information led me here. It's so good to see you. It's been so long since we last met."

"You do have investigative skills. I'm still surprised that I'll meet you again like this. How are things going for you then? Oh and, one another thing. How come you remembered me, of all the people?"

She looked down for a second. "How can I possibly forget someone who confessed that he likes me? I'm not a very likable person, and I only had three guys in my life who said that they liked me. It's you, Dante, and Gregory. But see, the main reason why I'm here is to invite you," she pulled out an invitation card from her shoulder bag. "I'm getting married!"

She handed me the invitation card and read some of the parts. "Wait, you're marrying Gregory Castillo? Isn't he –"

"… the heir of the most popular TV network? Yes, he is. But I'm not a gold digger. It's not because of that." she assured, long before she gets judged.

She'll marry a man who's having my real surname? It's not Lancelot Real anymore, but Victor Castillo. It's not like it affects me badly, but it sure is a big coincidence.

"I wasn't thinking that. Being a lawyer alone can make you rich. Anyways," I looked for the date, and it was Wednesday, April 15, which is almost a month from now. "Why a Wednesday?"

"April 15 is my birthday, and I want to celebrate that day at the wedding itself, too. Before I forget – bring your woman. There will be a ballroom dance after the wedding. I like dancing, that's why I want to have that together with the event," like what, a date?

"I don't have that," I explained, hoping that she won't press the issue, which I'm certain that she will.

"I don't have a girlfriend, a fiancée, or wife."

"Why not? It'll be awkward to sit and watch there alone, you know? Just bring your date. She may not know me, but you can introduce her to me. I'll leave that to you."

"I'm not in a relationship, but I am dating someone … at some point. Not in a romantic way, but simply as friends."

"Then she'll be perfect! Go invite her. She might like it. You two will dance together, and it doesn't have to be romantic but yeah, you see my point."

"That's … easier said than –"

"Victor!" I turned back to see the person who called, which is Eve. Speak of the devil. She gasped as she sees Erika and I talking, and paused. She smiled awkwardly and I nodded – with my eyes, I invited her to come over. However, she chose not to and went back to the kitchen.

"Who is she?" Erika questioned as I turned back to face her again. "And why did she call you Victor? That's not your name."

"Recently I met my real parents and I learned that 'Victor' is my real name, that's why she's calling me that. Everyone else calls me Lance, though. I didn't want everyone to know the story."

"Should I call you Victor then from now on?"

"Sure, your choice."

"Who is she? If she calls you by your real name and it's only her that calls you that, that means she's special enough so you told her your story?" silence fell between the two of us for a couple of seconds and she finally got the idea. "Could it possibly be that … she's the girl you said you were dating?"

"You're really smart, aren't you?" I chuckled. "She is. Although we're friends and technically, my boss."

Erika's mouth turned to an 'o' shape and nodded. "Well, I have to go. I don't want to disturb you with your job. I'm hoping that you'll grant my invitation for you to come to my wedding, and bring her with you. See you there." And with that, she walked ahead of me, not even letting me say anything else. This leaves me with no choice but to either attend the wedding and invite Eve, or I shouldn't go at all.

When I went back to the kitchen, as expected, Eve bombarded me with questions.

"She's so beautiful, composed, and professional! She has an intimidating aura, though. Who is she? Is she a friend of yours? Why did she visit you here? What did you two talk about?"

"Eve," the moment I called her name, she stopped asking questions. "You really think I can answer all of those at once? Let me summarize it: she's my high school classmate, a lawyer now, and she's inviting me to her wedding, and I have to ask you a favor." I gulped as I cut myself off, wishing that I shouldn't have included the 'favor' in my answer.

"What favor?" she blinked, clueless on what it's about.

"She wants me to bring a date so, can that be you? I wouldn't mind if you'll say no. It's just that … she kept on telling me that since there will be a ballroom after the wedding. I told her that I didn't want to bring anyone, but she was kinda –"

"Then sure! I get the picture. You'll be needing a dance partner because if not, you'll be sitting there and watch, right? I'm good at dancing. I can teach you if you're not familiar. When will be the wedding?"

"Wednesday, April 15. That'll be a couple of weeks from now."

"Oh," she reacted, and her facial expression softened. "That's Wednesdate, right? So we're both available. The date will be at that wedding, then. Oh and, speaking of date, I just realized that we forgot to take a picture yesterday. Such a waste, really."

"Why, for documentation?" in my opinion, it is completely unnecessary. Telling her that however, might offend her. So I decided to bite my tongue.

"Not only that. But for memories, you know? It'll be great to have photos as a collection of memories."

"I see," I responded. "It's not like that's our last. How many Wednesdays are there in a year, anyway?"

Her lips curved up to a smile – a satisfied smile of agreement.


Megan wiped the last table in the dining area and waited outside the restaurant. Eve and I followed, but when I offered her a ride, she said that someone will pick her up.

"We'll wait 'til the person comes," Eve insisted. "Just to make sure that you're in safe hands."

Of course, Megan is, after all, her best friend. As much as I want to go home already, her decision leaves me no choice but to stay.

Around 10 minutes later, a red car stopped in front of the restaurant, and the window opened, revealing my biological brother, Arthur.

"Meg, get in," he began as if it's an order, hardly moving from his seat. If I was him and I'm picking up my girlfriend, I would've opened the door for her.

Megan sat next to him on the passenger's seat, leaving no words like 'goodbye' to us at least. She's grown cold … even to Eve. Something feels off about her as if she's avoiding me, and I don't see any reason why. Or probably I do.

"Victor," Arthur continued, "Brother. I should call you that from now on, right? Since we just met, we should talk sometime. I'll ask mom for your number and we'll see." He forced a smile, trying to be polite. It's not like I don't know such reactions.

When Arthur and Megan left, Evangeline immediately reacted – "Have you noticed that something's off about them? Especially Arthur. He's so fake. How can he treat you like that?"

"You noticed too?" I wasn't expecting Eve to see things the way I did. "I agree. Something's not right. Thanks to him, I'm having the urge to be more careful with him around. Probably not letting my guard down? Being watchful on what I'll say? Observe him from the outside down to his soul?"

Eve rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You're overreacting. That's what I noticed about you, though. You're a reserved person, to the extreme level even. It was as if you're hiding from the world. That made me curious about you even more, which is why I started our little game. Honestly, I feel quite lucky that you told me a part of your life story," she smiled warmly – a warm, satisfied smile different from before. "Thank you for trusting me."

I closed my eyes for a second and shrugged, pressing my car's remote and opened the door for her. Getting inside was the right timing for me to react.

"Sure. I somehow had the feeling that I can trust you. You think I'll be willing to play your childish games if I don't?"

"Pfft," she pouted, leaning back to her seat. "Why trust me, though?"

"You're the only person who exerted efforts to know me. I trust my gut that you're a trustworthy person. You may be loud, but I don't think even the people online would like you that much if you're not nice."

"That's the 'Victor trivia' for the day then!"

I raised my eyebrows as I looked to her. "What is?"

"That you trust me because you think I'm nice," she giggled. "I find it … I don't know, cool?"

I chuckled. "You can't even find the right words. Go to sleep. You must be tired from yesterday."

"Nah, I want to talk to you. About anything. Maybe I'll start with …" she yawned, her eyes closed.

In a couple of seconds, she's already asleep. Seriously? Did she fell asleep that fast? If she'll do this with other people, it's highly possible that they'll take advantage of her.

I smiled as I breathe, realizing how crazy things have been since I met her.

"I don't trust people, and I can't believe that I trusted a silly girl like you. I may not be able to tell you this directly, but you have no idea how much I'm enjoying every second with you." Eve's eyes are still closed, breathing gently as she sleeps.

All I can hope is, she didn't hear it.


She waved her hand as she unlocks her house's gate, showing an exhausted smile. I waved back a bit as I leave, but as I drive, my phone rang. I tapped on the green button to answer, setting it to the loudspeaker.

"Hi, old bro. It's me, Vincent," he introduced, his voice monotone.

"Yeah? What made you call this late?" I answered.

"Sorry if I called this late, but I knew you need to know it. I asked mom about you, and she told me everything – things that not even Arthur knows, and hopefully, he wouldn't. She told me about why you were gone, and the kind of people you grew up with … even what their business is all about all these years," I gulped as I hear his words, my chest started tightening. He knows. He knows that I'm a criminal. I can't be wrong about this.

"Mom is close to me, and these are the things that she'll never tell Arthur. Arthur, however, has a strong sense of right and wrong. If he'll find out about who you are, or rather, were, there are chances that he'll collect pieces of evidence to point you out. My brother may look nice from the outside, but he's smart, too. It won't be easy to outsmart him. Mom said that she loves you and cares for you, and she'll protect you with all her power. I also learned about the politic-related corruption issues between our father and the mayor. Our families have been working together for many years. Long story short, it's all connected. I'm just saying, be careful with Arthur. He's … a dangerous person for you. My instincts are telling me that when he finds out, he'll cause some drama." Vincent's explanation was as clear as glass – things that I already know, but hearing it from others made it clearer, making it feel more real than ever.

"You wouldn't tell me all these if you don't care. Why do you? I'm aware of some of those. The people I grew up with … they received orders from the mayor to kill Giovanni, and that 'project' was done by me. I already left that kind of life, and they all know that I won't get involved again in such crimes. All I want is a peaceful life from now on, especially because I found a reason to live," I continued driving, yet, my heart won't stop throbbing. This feeling is something that I never felt in my entire life. Cold sweats started pouring from my forehead, my hands growing cold and sweaty, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I care about the people that mom cares about. Try not to worry, I'll help you in whatever way I can. Besides, I sense your sincerity in not being involved with all these again. You deserve to live, just like what you said. Being in a corrupt family is getting toxic because all these years, mom and dad kept these from Arthur and I. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to keep an eye on Arthur, and that means you need to be careful with Megan, too. After all, you're working in the same restaurant."

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