
C11: Megan

I lifted my rose gold watch, the hands pointing at the fifth and twelfth rhinestone. 5:00 pm. Arthur truly has an eye for jewelry. He must've known that I'm going to like this watch when he first saw it.

I think any girl would appreciate bracelet watches, and the color is what made it special. You won't often see a rose gold watch in the malls. Normally I see these online, and since I hardly see rose gold watches in malls, so maybe he bought it online and had it shipped. I can be wrong, of course. It doesn't matter. It's a gift. End of story.

The class bell rang as the clock strikes at 5 pm, giving everyone the signal that the class reached its final minute. Most people in school will go home after this, but some senior students have night classes until 8:30 pm. Thankfully, I don't belong to that category, but need to go to Evangeline's restaurant for my first day of work. I don't know what Sir Lancelot is like, but he mentioned that he's the one who'll teach me around. My first impression of him is someone who's anti-social, cold, and secretive. Someone who'll say 'focus on work' all the time and I'm hoping that I'm wrong because this is the kind of person that I rarely get along with. Unless Eve would come back here, I'll need a lot of patience to get along with Sir Lancelot.

Megan, be positive. It's your first day, and it shouldn't be that bad.

45 minutes later, I dropped by in front of their restaurant with signage: 'When East meets West,' and the guard smiled as he pulled the door open. "You're the newbie, right?" he asked, as if pleased.

"Yes, and I've heard Lancelot will be my guide or something. Is he cool?"

"I wouldn't say cool, but rather, cold. He's always serious. I never see that guy smile. He's a nice person, though. A reasonable one."

Now I think I see the picture. May he have mercy on my soul.

As I enter the resto, Lancelot was standing there, looking straight to the door, as if waiting for me to come. This makes it feel weird. I can't even explain the tension from my heart that beats like a drum, and calming down is the last thing in my mind. Megan, please cooperate. You can't be like this for long!

"So, you've come. We have a uniform here, and we function all around. We clean, cook, and serve the dishes. Since you're new, I don't think it would be wise for you to entertain the customers. There's separate training for that, so you'll be in the kitchen. I don't know your size, so I can't give you a uniform yet. That can be discussed later. For now, you should wear an apron, hairnet, and wash your hands. Leave your bag in the employee's locker room. After that, approach me and I'll tell you what to do."

I nodded after hearing the details. He looks like a man of few words, but that was a lot of detail at once. Anyway, he only said what's necessary. As I found the locker room, I opened one of the locker doors and locked it with the available coded-lock. Fancy. I must say, I never expected anything like this. Long before I put my bag inside, I checked my phone for messages and found a text message from Arthur.


Arthur: Hey, it's your first day, right? And you mentioned that your shift would end at 9 pm. Don't leave immediately, I'll pick you up. 

Me: Oh wow. Thanks! I'll surely tell you everything about this day in detail. Lol

Arthur: That's fine. The fact that you're open means you trust me, and I appreciate that.

Me: Yup. I trust you well. Ja, ttyl! See ya at 9:30 pm!


"Since it's past 6 pm, people will come here for dinner … sometimes, dinner dates. As you can see, this restaurant is called When East Meets West because we cook Western food, and the Philippines is in Southeast Asia. Think of the Western countries like Mexico, USA, Brazil …

countries like that. We offer some of their local dishes, especially the ones in the USA. Our boss here is visits there from time to time for Evangeline, right? I believe you're seeing my point. For now, assist me in preparing the pot roast, since it's one of the best-sellers." He narrowed his eyes as he continued as if examining my soul. "Let's be real here. Do you cook? Can you cook?"

"Actually, no. I know it's weird, but it's always my brother who prepares our food so, yeah. I'm willing to learn, of course." That certainly is an excuse that I said a long time ago that up to this day, something I haven't applied.

"Go get the two onions. Peel and cut them. Then wash and cut eight carrots without peeling. Cut into 2-inch per piece. Do that first and tell me when you're done. Clear?"

"Sir yes sir," I replied, avoiding his eyes.

"I suggest not to use that again. We're not in the military. I don't have to be strict here, but I'm just a serious person. Feel free to act like … a human. I can tell that you're afraid of me. You're being self-conscious."

"That's one way to read it. I think you're good at reading people's minds." I joked, and he flashed a small smile. A forced one, but I appreciate the effort.

"You can say that, yes. I have mind-reading skills. I wouldn't say it's an ability, but perhaps I'm too observant. Anyway, let's get back to work."

"Right, of course." I took the carrots and chopped them according to the instructions given. It wasn't hard, so I suppose this is a good start? The onions, however, changed the story.

Tears started flowing from my eyes as I peel and chop the onions. I wipe them with my arm, but they keep on coming. To my surprise, someone ran towards me and handed me some tissues.

"Oh gosh, what happened? Why are you crying?" I looked at her nameplate and it indicates, 'Arlene.'

"Sorry, it's the onions. Nothing serious," I assured and she started to calm down.

"I see. I'm Arlene, by the way. I see you're the newbie. We should chat sometime. Maybe after working hours?" she suggested, her eyes filled with hope.

"I have to decline, I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow. My boyfriend will pick me up later, and I don't want him to wait for long. I hope you'll understand."

"No, no, it's fine! Your boyfriend seems to be a gentleman since he's picking you up, not letting you commute."

"People, I suggest you go back to work before Lance gets mad. Oh and, Megan, right? Lance told me to call you." Another employer, named 'Jun' warned.

I slightly bowed and left, heading to where Lancelot is – the stir-frying one. Maybe fried rice?

"Jun mentioned you called me?"

"Get me a cup of red wine, you'll see that among the cupboards. Ask Jun."

So he called me, just to say that? He could've told Jun that since he asked him to call me.

I sighed. Megan, focus. Stop complaining. What he's asking isn't even hard.

"Why, we're going to drink?" I asked, and Lancelot slowly turned his head to me, giving me the what the heck are you talking about? look.

"You're joking, right?"

"Oh crap. I'm sorry. You asked for the wine for the pot roast, right?"

He hanged his head in frustration, holding himself back from saying anything. "Alright, alright. On it!"

I can't believe how stupid I was. I'm known as someone who's academically competitive, has a consistent 90 plus grades. But common sense? I can't believe I lost that. The only thing that I can remember right this very moment is the meme on Google where a stickman holds a brain, with a caption, 'Hey, you dropped this.'

Yeah, that applies to me. 100%.

Three hours later, the clock struck at 9 pm, which is our closing time. Since we need to clean up before leaving, I assume that I can get out of here at 9:30 pm or 10 pm, which is why I told Arthur to come at 9:30 pm. I do have a feeling that it'll take longer than that, though.

"Hey, not completely bad for your first day. Of course, you're not perfect, but …" Lancelot chuckled a bit but it is obvious that he's holding himself back. "You're silly. I laughed inside when you asked about the wine. Whatever. Stop calling me Sir Lancelot, by the way. Lance is fine. About your uniform, what size do you want?"

"You found me funny? You looked disappointed with me earlier since I didn't get it right. You almost scowled, yet, funny? What?"

"You'll rarely see me react properly. Whatever the case, size?"

What does that even mean? His response makes me feel more curious about how his mind works. He looked annoyed, yet laughing inside? I don't know if he's just weird or lying. Whatever. Point is, this guy is hard to understand, but I'll know him better as time passes. He's too good at making me feel like I'm the worst idiot ever. Such a shame, really. I don't think he's the kind who'll see things like that at least.

"I think the Small will work. Now that you mention it, where can I get one?"

"Leave it to me. I'll tell our boss about it."

Right after the embarrassing first day, I sat outside the restaurant, hoping to see Arthur who promised to pick me up.

I waited … waited … and waited.

Nothing. The clock struck at 10 pm, yet, Arthur hasn't come. I texted and called him, hoping to ask if something urgent happened. Yet, I didn't receive any answer. I believe I waited long enough, and I should head home.

With all the disappointment in my chest, I decided to walk my way home … walk, so that I can think. When I get the willingness to ride a jeep, then I will.

Questions filled my mind as I walk:

Why didn't Arthur come, or tell me at least about what happened?

Did I do something wrong that made him mad?

Is he avoiding me?

How about Lancelot? Was he really satisfied with my performance?

Did he find me stupid?

How can I improve?

I have the entire night to answer that. Or at least, think about that. Only the two of them can answer those questions, after all.

I heaved a breath and let out a sigh, my hands curling into a fist. "Why am I so bad at being good?! When will I even be enough?!"

"You're doing fine," I looked back on who the voice was from, and it was Vincent – Arthur's twin, following me in his car.

"Wait, how long have you been following me? How can I not notice? You're using your car!"

"Probably two minutes? I went to that resto where you're working and asked the guard about you. He said you walked, so I followed, hoping to see you along the way. C'mon. It's not safe for a girl to walk alone at this time of night. I'll give you a ride home."

My mind was filled with more questions, but this time, they can be answered … by him.

I opened the door of the passenger's seat and put my bag on my lap as I sit down. Vincent started driving, his eyes focused on the road.

"Why did you come for me? How did you know that I'm working there? I don't remember telling you that," I began.

"That's a good way of thanking me. You're welcome. I came because I saw Arthur leaving the house late after receiving a call. He was panicking. I overheard the call, and Euphemia was brought to the hospital since she had dengue fever. He completely lost it." He explained, his voice monotone.

"Euphemia, huh?" I faked a laugh. "Of course, the ex-girlfriend matters. He's … one call away." I stuttered as I said those words, and I'm stopping myself from crying.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm not trying to ruin my twin's reputation, but I thought you need to know about that," he pushed the bridge of his glasses. "If you want to express your thoughts about that, I'm willing to listen. I believe you're angry."

"I don't want to feel that. But I can't help but wonder if he loves me. It makes me feel like I'm being used, you know? It's like I'm a tool for his healing. I'm starting to believe you about him using me to cover up his pain after getting dumped a few months back."

"Isn't it obvious? Because for me, it is. Also, if in case he didn't mention, we're going to have a grand party on March 14. We're going to celebrate our 21st birthday. It's going to be grand, guests would be suggested to wear formal attire. Blue is my favorite color, and red is his favorite. Therefore, people can wear either red or blue. That's the theme. Did he mention that to you already?"

"He … never told me about those. When did you plan it?"

"Two weeks ago. Good riddance, I can't believe him. How can he not inform his girlfriend? If you're my girlfriend, you're the first one who'll know about that outside our family and –"

"Vincent," I called, cutting him off. "I get it, okay? I'm … I'm sorry."

"Sounds like something you'll say," he faked a smile, hiding the pain that is all obvious in his eyes. Pain … and anger. "You deserve someone better. It doesn't have to be me, but someone who won't use you, but will love you with all his heart."

An awkward silence surrounded us, neither of us has an idea on how to break it. Being stuck in a situation where he has eyes for me, yet I'm his twin's girlfriend who's being used is a big mess. Part of me is hoping that Arthur will learn how to love me, or at least try to. But I can't imagine it. I want to be wrong, and I hope I am.

I hope I am wrong.

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