
498, Group of Grand Monks Breakthrough_1

The Spiritual Spring Eye of Yunlu Mountain is the only large-scale Spiritual Spring Eye under human control, with a throughput of spiritual energy several thousand times that of a small-scale Spring Eye.

Obviously, the unified government places great emphasis on this Spring Eye.

Within the span of 4 months, the Blue Star base at the summit of Yunlu Mountain underwent earth-shattering changes every single day.

By now, a spiritual energy collection factory had been set up in the center of the spring. It stood 98 meters high and covered tens of thousands of square meters— even taller and larger than many collection factories at Giant Skru Bases!

However, due to the rush construction of the main structure of the factory— from design to construction to delivery, it only took a month— a large number of fixed Magic Formations had to be drawn by the great practitioners on the walls of the factory to ensure that the massive structure would not collapse

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