
The giant races' strange behavior

It had been dusk from the moment Zick and the others arrived at the Republic of Threkert.

'That's an interesting way of communicating, It's not even possible to hear their conversation.' There were a few ways of looking into Yeolen's mind, but using it would harm her in the process. Therefore, even he was not fully aware of their conversation.

As the car drove forward, Zick tried learning the language used in this republic, through the normal conversation of the public, tone, and gestures. 

To a normal human, it would take a lot of time to process this information, but to Zick, it was like a clear breeze. 

With his mind having the capability of a computer, slowly the indistinct words became clearer. 

Zick only had a few words to describe the language used in this nation: 'What a tongue-twisting language.....' 

It would take a while to become proficient in such a language, speaking in a foreign language was not that easy. 

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