
Chapter Five: A Million Bites


Humming to myself, I was fixing the broken window. Curse all of my dark secrets coming out, my parents words cutting me up inside to this day. Putting it back in, the house was quiet. Today was my Luna ceremony, a dark cloud hanging over my head. If only my parents could see me now, the scars lining my arm caused a minor breakdown. Tears welled up in my eyes, Latia bursting into the room. Wiping away my tears, a polite smile curled on my lips.

"I am going to take you to get a dress today." She announced cheerfully, a help me look doing nothing as Hudson just shrugged his shoulders. "You need to look amazing tonight." A lump formed in my throat, her dainty hands ripping open her black sedan's car door. Her white summer dress fluttered in the morning breeze, my black leather pencil skirt and red silk blouse seeming rather severe. My face fell, a familiar voice brightening my mood.

"Hey girl." Diamond chirped happily, Theros sitting next to her. "We are going to pay for your dress whether you like it or not." Her hair was twisted into a perfect bun, her makeup flawless. A soft blush rose to my cheeks, knowing that I could not resist the gift. Theros noticed the sadness in my smile, Diamond and Latia chatting away. Trees flashed by my window, the chatter of the two girls filling up the empty space. The tires squealed to a stop at a wedding dress shop in the vampire's territory.

"I wanted to take you somewhere where we could protect you." He admitted sheepishly, his thumbs twiddling. "I also want you to look amazing for your wedding." Tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear, he held the door open for me. A sea of white sparkles blinded me, half of the staff gasping in disgust. Theros raised his hand, his black business suit fitting right in. Diamond hissed at the staff, her red lace body con dress hugging her baby bump. A preppy red headed girl popped up in front of us, her green eyes twinkling excitedly. Her black dress hugged her petite body, her eyes looking me up and down.

"Let me guess you like colors, not white." She judged me curiously, placing her finger on her black lips. "You are an adventurous one, and wish to stand out but not really. So basically you want understated uniqueness." Surprise widened my eyes, her words right on the mark. Following her to the large section of colored wedding dresses, a midnight blue ball gown caught my eyes. The simple sweetheart neckline would emphasize my breasts, the black lace topped the full skirt. The attendant picked it up, a gracious smile on her face.

"Did you not make for someone specifically in one of your visions?" Theros pushed, the attendant flipping him off. "Just kidding, I designed it for you. What do you think?" Embracing him tightly, jealousy flashed in Diamond's eyes. Letting him go, Latia dragged me to the changing room. A wide grin danced from ear to ear, her hand falling to her stomach.

"I am pregnant with his baby." She blurted out proudly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you for beating some sense into him." Nervous laughter tumbled from my lips, shame dimming my eyes. Clearing my throat, my hands crossed.

"I am sorry that I beat him up." I apologized sincerely, feeling ashamed of my actions. "I am so happy for you, but if he ever hurts you then tell me okay. I have no problem putting him back in line." Shooting me a thumbs up, her short hair flew in front of her face. One of the staff rushed at us, my foot slamming into the vampire's face. Instead of crashing to the ground, claws scratched the other side of my face. My lips curled into a snarl, my knee crashing into its stomach. Nothing happened, blood dripping down my face. Furrowing my brow, cold sweat drenched my skin.

"I don't care what my boss says, you will always be wet dogs." An icy female voice taunted cruelly, my teeth biting down on her arms. Kicking me into a nearby mirror, shards of glass crashed onto my head. A couple of shards stuck out of my back, blood dripping down. Theros appeared out of nowhere, his hands wrapping around my mysterious attacker's neck. The sharp crack of his neck snapping frightened me, my hands over my head. Fresh tears streamed down my face, Diamond dragging Latia away from me.

"How are you doing, my dear friend?" He asked sweetly, helping me up. "What is on your mind? I can see the wheels turning." Taking a deep sigh, my lips parted to speak. The glass shards dropped from my back, Hudson's bike rumbling outside. Never before have I been so happy to see him in my life, his strong arms scooping me up.

"I thought you said that she would be safe!" He demanded furiously, his claws growing. "Now she is scarred on both sides of her face. If you want to keep this alliance civil, then I suggest you straighten up your people." A growl rumbled in Theros' throat, his lips twitching. Sensing the tension in the air, I cleared my throat.

"How could he know that a vampire would attack me?" I suggested cautiously, both of them calming down. "If you two are done having a pissing contest, may I try on my dress?" The attack scared me to the point of my mind nearly breaking, the image of vampires standing over me as they clawed at my body. My body trembled with anxiety, a kiss on the top of my head calming me down.

"Sure thing, bestie." Theros uttered slightly irritably, flashing me a dry smile. "Let's get you in the dress of your dreams." Setting me down, Hudson waited outside. That was his way of cooling off, I thought to myself as I peeled off my clothes. The attendant placed the dress over my head, my ribs aching as she pulled the ribbon tighter. My breath hitched at the site of me, the top emphasizing my breasts. The black lace on the bottom made me smile to myself, the curtain opening to everyone gasping in wonder. A blue crown shimmered in Theros' palms, Latia blushing slightly.

"This crown in my design." She admitted sheepishly, placing it on my head. "You are going to be my Luna after all." My jaw dropped to the ground, a blue crescent moon sat in the middle of my forehead. Tears of joy flooded from my eyes, concern flashing in everyone's faces. I didn't deserve this, my shaking fingers wiping away the tears.

"I am so happy." I blubbered pathetically, a mix of emotions confusing me. "I don't know what to say. May I take this off please? I need some alone time." Everyone understood, especially Theros. A sympathetic look passed my way, the attendant helping me get dressed again. Sneaking through the back door, the sound of my friends calling my name echoed in the distance as my boots splashed through a million puddles. Skidding to a stop, my heart sank into my stomach. The steel gray warehouse loomed in front of me, terror paralyzing me. The sounds of my screams echoed in my head, the cruel laughter of the vampires making the memory all too real. Crossing the threshold, the door slammed shut behind me. A heavy object whacked me on the back of my head, sweet slumber taking me in her arms.

My eyes fluttered open, my wrists strapped down to the bloodletting table. A familiar face hovered over me, the master of the ceremonies gazed down hungrily at me. Licking his lips, the blade shimmered in the single swinging yellow light. Trying to escape, a jolt of electricity shocked me. His gaunt face barely his yellowed fangs, a cruel smile darkening his features. A cry of agony exploded from my lips as the blade cut my wrists horizontally. The soft dripping of blood dripping into the bucket nauseated me, the wolf in me crying out for help.

"Help, alpha! Help me!" I called out, a piece of duct tape getting slapped over my mouth. Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, my claws growing out of my fingers. The leather straps snapped easily, fright widening the starving vampire's eyes. Leaping to my feet, my boot slammed into his face. Fangs gnashed at me, the sheer pain of the duct tape ripping off of my mouth enough to make me want to cry. Hundreds of red eyes glowed in my direction, my feet pounding down the hall. Blood dripped onto the metal floor, the bathroom a sight for sore eyes. Crashing into the bathroom, the lock clicked as I shut the door. Wild snarls erupted on the other side, my quaking fingers grabbing the gauze, wrapping my wrists up. Looking around the room, it was still the afternoon. A single window was open, the bathroom door nearly giving way. Climbing out the window, I hopped on the roof. Storm clouds brewed above me, just my luck I suppose.

"Why can't it be sunny?" I cursed to the sky, starved vampires climbing onto the roof. "Of course my luck would make it a stormy day." Heavy raindrops crashed onto the rooftop, the drops making a beautiful song. Focus, I yelled at myself. Sprinting to the edge of the roof, sunshine was about one hundred yards away. Running towards the sun, claws reached for me. Kicking the monsters back, the air rushed around me as I leapt to the next roof. Panic gripped my face, the roof crumbling underneath me. A dull throbbing pain shot up my back, me being lucky enough to land on my tailbone. Struggling to stand, vampires crashed onto the bricks around me. A bunch of wooden stakes rained down on me, my luck finally turning for the better. Picking one up, the worn wooden stake landed in the master of ceremonies' heart. His body turned to ash, my shaking fingers picking up stake after stake. One by one they all turned to ash until only an eight foot vampire loomed in front of me. His gray skin was rotting off of his face, his fangs exposed through his cheeks. Red eyes glared at me, my fingers reaching for another spike.

"Fuck!" I shouted in frustration, no more stakes remained. Rotting skeleton hands picked me up, a deep voice thundering from the dying creature itself. If I was sweating before, it was no match for now. Blood rushed to my head, his hands holding me upside down.

"I am so hungry." He growled gruffly, coughing up a bit of dust. "You should make me beautiful again." Crossing my arms across my chest, my brow cocked. Sarcastic words sat on the tip of my tongue, my mind begging me not to say anything.

"It would take a lot more than me to make you beautiful again." I retorted sarcastically, covering my mouth. "You could drink the whole world, and still be ugly." Not liking this, he began to lower me into his eager mouth. His yellowed rags fluttered to the ground, the door ripping open. A raging Hudson seething in the doorway, him cracking his hands.

"What are you going to do about it, wet dog?" He boomed, Hudson's eyebrow cocking. "I don't see what you can do to save her. She is already my dinner." Charging at the eight foot monster, he was smashed into the crumbling brick wall. This was all the time I needed, my fingers wrapped around his rotting fang. Ripping it out of his jaw, he tossed me to the other side of the building. His fang sat in my fingers, my eyes squinting as I aimed for his chest. Letting it go, Hudson stood up from the pile of bricks covering him. A shrill shriek shook the shambles of the building, the fang landing in his heart. His gray skin turned to ash, the building crashing down around us. Scooping me into his left arm, he dashed out just in time. Dust covered us, only a pile of bricks remaining where a building once stood.

"Why the hell did you run?" He snapped hotly, tears of concern flashing in his eyes. "It isn't safe for you around here unless you are with Theros. I can't live without you. Goddamn it, don't you get that. Talk to me next time instead of running." Burying my head into his shoulders, he lifted my chin with his finger. Pressing his lips against mine reverently, my heart melted. Letting him carry me on his back, we walked back to the dress shop. Twilight's purple rays lit up the sky, Latia driving me back home. Horror widened her eyes, bruises and cuts covered my skin.

"How the hell am I supposed to make you look like you didn't get hit by a train?" She groaned impatiently, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Do you find trouble, or does it find you?" Chuckling to myself, I rubbed the back of my neck. The tires squealed to a stop, her bitter strength tossing me into the bathroom.

"Wash your damn trouble off, you idiot." She chastised with an irked tone, her fingers drumming on the door frame. "I will not have you ruin all of my work." Stomping off, Grayson wrapped his arms around her waist. The day spun down my drain, the bathroom door creeping open. Picking up a shampoo bottle, I tossed in the person's direction. An icy groan told me that Diamond had just taken the brunt of my assault, her eyes quivering with anger.

"I came in to help you actually look attractive." She retorted heatedly, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I am going to need a pound of foundation to cover up your scars. Sit down." Her expression softened, my brush sitting in her hands.

"I don't want to date Theros." I stammered awkwardly, her hand grabbing the pink blow dryer from her kit. "He is like a brother to me. He was the only thing that kept me sane my whole childhood. So I am happy that he found you." Her lips parted to speak, Latia putting a black bathrobe over my dripping body.

"I know, but I can't stand to lose him again." She yelled over the blow dryer, fingers running through it each time. "When you stopped coming by after his parents killed your parents, he disappeared off of the face of the Earth. Next thing I know he comes back telling us to drink animal blood, and that drinking human blood was banned for good. It took a while to adjust, but we did it. It isn't as filling, but he did all of that for you. He told me that he missed his little wolf sister. I am glad you are back in his life." A warm smile brightened her face, an hour passed of silence. Curling my hair, Latia did my makeup. Relief washed over me as she finished up, we took a selfie together. The black silk mermaid dress she was wearing hugged her body, Latia wearing a short silk green dress. Friends, did I have friends?

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