
Chapter 63: Roxy

“I do like them; I just like his better.” The table erupted in laughter and jibes, and I realized what I’d said too late. My face was on fire, and I tried to hide it in my plate until the ribbing died down. Catalina and Lily Anna started singing the kissing song, and I almost died right there and then. Thank heavens the talk changed to something else not long after, and I was once again forgotten.

After lunch, we headed back downstairs. “Wait one second; I have to grab something from my room.” He sighed and looked put out, and I didn’t need to guess why. We’d had a bit of a tiff the night before when I wanted to go back to the room, I’d slept in my first night here. Not only because I didn’t want to sleep next to him, though he promised nothing would happen, that he just wanted to watch over me, but also because I was high as a kite.

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