
The Duo

  It's her first time playing with nationals. The boys were showing off how they expertly play with their soccer balls as Zia sneered at them. Alexa shook her head having the same expression as Zia. Well, the boys were trying to charm her. She shook her head as she was about to shove her face into her bag when she saw Quinn and Cole, holding hands together with a bodyguard following them. 

  "Are they going with us?" Zia asked. 

  "Yes. Quinn wanted to watch." Alexa said. "She knows how to play fencing." She grinned. 

  "Wow, that's great," Zia said and they hopped into the bus. Zia was happy that they were with Quinn and Cole. She was somewhat envious that they are boyfriends and girlfriends but uh… still young. The most fun part was teasing Yves and Jaime that Cole had a more loyal girlfriend than any of them. 

  "Zia!" Jaime stood from his seat and bent forward toward Zia. "Let's drink after this." 

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