
chapter 44

__king Travis

Right at the break of dawn, inside the palace secret bloodsucker dangeon, A furious king Travis stood along with sir Anthony and a few trusted generals. They stood in shock and anger as they witness the horrific scene before them.

What used to be a dangeon full with thousand healthy bloodsucking beings, now only has a few hundreds left as more than half of them lay unmoving, their lifeless eyes looked even more lifeless, while the remaining ones are screeching and banging uncontrollably at their iron cells.

 *how dare they...HOW DARE THEY! In my kingdom, in my palace, they have the ODACITY! How...* Anthony calmly spoke *perhaps it was those pups, the ones that started the stage fire during the ball*

King Travis shook his head *no... someone from within the palace is working with them, a traitor! Anthony...check and interrogate every soldier, every servant, anyone that works in the palace, I want that traitor found*

Anthony saluted *yes your majesty* As Anthony turn to carry out the king's orders one of the generals call out *your majesty I found something!* The king and Anthony rush past him and towards what he was pointing, kneeling down Anthony use a small stick and poke at the scattered pile of colorful leafs, even after they're completely burnt and harmless to inhale or touch (not eat) their color still remains vibrant.

Anthony guessed *whoever did these must have used this...leafs* king Travis spoke *it seems like the werewolves have come a long way, able to make a poison strong enough to hurt my precious weapons, and that too using their weakness against me. Bravo,....but their joy will be short lived, no one, NO ONE! Mess with my precious and live to see another day... Anthony what are you still doing here!*


*sorry your majesty* Anthony rushed out to carry the king's orders, turning to the generals king Travis ordered *clean this up, feed the remaining ones and change their location, now!* They saluted *yes your majesty*

As king Travis climb up the stairs he whispers angrily *safia...you better not be involved*





The sun has shone lighting up the entire kingdom when safia vibrantly walk towards the dining room ready to have her breakfast, she wore a high neck, silver White long sleeve flowy dress that has intricate design of silver roses around the bodice and on the skirt, hair styled into a cute bun updo with face framing tendrils, adorned with a bloomed white flower, the silver amulet secured around her neck, and feet clad in heal sandals.

Safia sat and started having her breakfast, and soon king Travis join in, she greeted *good morning father* he answer as he eyes her suspiciously *morning dear, where were you last night?* Confused, safia ask *what do you mean papa?* King Travis kept quiet and closely observe his daughters expressions, then Finally sigh and spoke *never mind, just eat your food*


"please buy my act please buy my act..." silently safia hoped her father dismiss his suspicion of her, and after what felt like an hour to safia, he finally dismiss it, and safia silently let the breath she's been holding, relief her father has stopped suspecting her.

So she focused on her food like she was told to, king Travis ask *are you ready for your engagement that's to happen in couple of hours?* Safia answers with a sweet smile *do I have a choice papa..* then continue eating her meal, leaving no room for more engagement talks.

And soon as they silently finished their breakfast, a palace guard approach, he bowed and announce *it is done your majesty, the people are outside* the king nods, dismissing the guard. Safia ask *are you making an announcement father?* Standing up king Travis answer *yes, come with me*

Safia stood and follow her father to the balcony thinking "is he going to cancel the engagement....or officially end the fight..."

*good morning my people, today I come to you bearing bad news, the engagement supposed to happen later today between crown princess safia and sir Anthony, is postponed till further notice...*

"Oh thank God it's finally postponed.... I'll make sure it gets cancelled" safia thought happily, while the people murmur in confusion. 

The king continue *the reason for the postponement of the engagement is thanks to the werewolves for making yet another move on us, this time they sent no kids to spy on us, they dared went as far as breaking into the castle and tempered with my weapons.

Understand this my people, there is a traitor among us, helping the werewolves hurt us so I suggest, you all be careful who you trust.

And one more thing, I want you all to stay within the kingdoms wall and inside your homes, because I've decided, we will tolerate this no longer. Black moon kingdom is raging a full scale war on the werewolves and i assure you, this time, I will wipe them all out, not a single werewolf will remain!*

And with that, king Travis spurn and stride back inside, leaving a shocked to the core safia and sir Anthony who's mouth hang open, while the people start to murmur even louder, glancing at each other with suspicion.

Regaining her will safia dash after her father, Anthony followed right behind her. *papa...papa wait!...* The king stopped and turn to her furiously, in anger he shouted *what! What is it now!! You want to tell me not to rage war on the werewolves? that I shouldn't have created doubt between my people? Or is it the postponement of the engagement!? Whatever it is safia I have no time to hear it and I'm not changing my mind*

Looking at Anthony the king ordered *gather every single soldier in black moon, use all the weapons and make more, prepare them for war and the blo...the weapons, double their security and make sure they stay healthy*  Anthony bowed *yes your majesty* and immediately went to carry out the order.

Safia started *father...* but was cut off with a  rise of his hand, then he walks away not paying anymore attention to safia.

Feeling dumbfounded and hopeless, safia ran to Brenda's chambers.

Safia told Brenda everything and Brenda comforted her, she advised safia to give the king some time to cool down, then she can try and calmly explain everything to him maybe he'll listen and change his mind.

So safia anxiously waited till the sunset, till the moon shone bright and everyone fell asleep except the patrolling guards which have recently triple. After saying a prayer safia walk towards the king's office carrying a nice cup of tea and biscuits, atop a golden tray. After all he's been in there ever since the shocking declaration, if not tired he must at least be hungry.

Upon reaching there safia balanced the tray on one hand and softly knock, she heard him spoke *come in..* taking a deep breath safia entered the king's office, she saw him seated behind the desk with several scrolls scattered atop it, safia walks to the side table and carefully put down the tray as she heard him spoke

*if you're here to change my mind, I suggest you just go to sleep, my decision is final* with a sigh safia walks to him, pulling his sleeves she spoke *come on papa, if not tired you must be hungry, come sit with me* after eyeing her with a bit of suspicion, king Travis allowed his daughter to lead him to the couch, he sat down and safia offered the tea to him, to which he gladly took a sip from and finally relax on the couch with a satisfied sigh.

Safia then started talking in a soft and carful tone *papa I know your decision is final and I'm not here to try change it, I just want to speak out my theory if you'll allow me?* He nods, giving her a go ahead so safia continue

*Blackmoon kingdom is the heart of all the other kingdoms, they respect, admire and envy us, they think we have everything and more but that's not the case, we don't have any true allies but only frenemies, we don't trust anyone and no one trust us.

We had brave warriors and unmatchable weapons, but now, our weapons are outdated, our soldiers gone, and we've no one to ask for help, ever since I was a child you've got one motto that kept us great "if you know you can't win a fight then never start it" so tell me papa, why do you aim to start something we can't win....*

King Travis nodded, sips the rest of the tea away then spoke *alright, I heard your theory now tell me your suggestion...* Safia nods then spoke *we're very short on resources, sending our soldiers out there is as good as death sentence and papa, the werewolves are very serious, in here I can granty your safety but if you go out there raging war at them, they might really hurt you , I've lost mom... you're all I have left in this world....please papa...let's not start what we can't win*

King Travis kept quiet while safia anxiously await his reply, hopely a good one. After some time king Travis shook his head as he spoke *no... you're right, there's no need to start a fight I've already lost, the werewolves have won , they've turn my daughter against me, you deemed me a loser before the fight even begin, my own daughter betrayed me...*

Safia rapidly shook her head as her eyes start tearing up *no ..papa I did not betray you, I would never betray you, ever..I..* the king cuts her defense short 

*really...you haven't betray me you said, what did you do then, what were you thinking when you went to them and displayed all our secrets, when you broke the promise you've made to your own father what were you thinking, at what cost, when you helped them destroy our only sure chance of survival what were you thinking safia! At what cost!

What did they offer you! What could they possibly give you that I couldn't, tell me safia! What did they offer you!!*


overwhelmed by her surging emotions safia blurt out *your safety , they offered me your safety ...* with a disbelief smile the king ask *and you believed them?* Safia assure *yes of course, they promised* 

letting out a frustrated short laugh king Travis spoke *they promised! I don't understand how you can be so naive, just because they promised you expect them to keep their words, they are not human safia, those werewolves are monsters! Why can't you just get it*


Safia defend *they will keep their word they will only if....you don't go attacking them, them not being human doesn't make them monsters, that's why they tolerated you all this year's, please father, you need to end this bloodshed*

In anger king Travis sprang up, throwing away the tray and tea cup which shattered on the floor, he shouted *end this bloodshed! I was the one tolerating them till this very day, are you blaming me for their doings!?!*

Still seated, safia bitterly reply *unfortunately...yes father I'm blaming you, you came and snatched away their home, you started an unneeded fight with the innocent, why...for power? For wealth? Or for the title king?*

King Travis raised his hand ready to slap safia but stopped just inches away from her face, instead he shouted *remember who you're talking to! I'm king Travis and no one dare speaks to me like that!*

Safia stood up and faced her father, tears starts to skid down her face and in a brokenhearted tune she spoke *I'm well aware of who I'm talking to, I'm talking to my father not the king of blackmoon...my father who's selfish mistake lead the death of hundreds of people...

My father who neglected his own daughter and his duty towards her, choosing politics over all else, my father who is blinded by power and meaningless revenge, your people are surfering and you don't even seem to care, you lie to them over and over again, exploiting them, I don't even recognize you anymore.. you've changed and you've changed for the worst!..*

Bursting all that painful truth out, safia flops back down on the couch and burts into tears, a very furious king Travis then started his own series shouts

*yes I did! I did all you've said and more, I did it for the throne, the title, the power and you, whatever I did was so I can give you a life of luxury, a life others would do anything to get but you, you don't appreciate any of it, you threw everything out the window and repay me by blaming me for the wrong the werewolves did, I saved this kingdom from those reacherd beasts.

And the people you talk about, they are MY SUBJECTS, they all belong to me and no one else, I gave them a second chance at life when they were rulled by beasts! Now I order you to go to your room, stay there and think about what you just did, then let me know if you still think I'm wrong! You ungrateful brat!..*

Safia quickly stood and held her father's hands, she spoke in a pleading tone *I don't want any of this luxury I never wanted it, all I need and ever will need is you, just you papa, I don't want the title princess for it's just a curse in disguise, it traps me within my own self father please...stop this, end this and just be my father, we don't need all the money in world, we don't need eternal power or some royal title...I'm  begging you papa please....*

Safia dropped to her knees as she held tightly unto her father's leg, crying and begging...

King Travis shouted *enough safia! You're too young to understand this now... guards! Guards!...*

Two palace guards stepped in, they bowed *take her away and keep her in the dangeon, find out what was it the werewolves really offered her to betray her kingdom like this, I want answers by morning*

Hearing the king's orders the two palace guards were shocked, they stood there confused and wondering what went so wrong, king Travis shouted *didn't you hear me! I said arrest the crown princess!*  they quickly bowed and did as they were ordered

The two of them grabbed safia by the arm and yanked her away from the king, she desperately screams out as they drag her away *you're making a big mistake father, raging war is never a solution! If not for me or mother then for the sake of your life please don't do this, stop the war before it's too late!!...*


The two palace guards drag the screaming princess away while king Travis slammed shut his door, picked up a flower base and shattered it to the floor, he screamed out in anger *why!!! My own daughter !!...* Bitter tears slid down king Travis face as he drops to the floor rapidly whispering *I'm so sorry....I'm so sorry my daughter .....*

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