
Rimuru and Raphael

And that name was etched into his soul. Somewhere, deep in his soul something changed.

And also the world changed for him. It was a strange but incredibly good feeling. It felt like the world around him was blooming as everything became more colorful. The grass became greener, the wind became tenser, the trees in the forest became brighter.

'What, just happened', Nemu was confused by the sudden change. He didn't know where this came from but everything around him suddenly changed. And not only the surroundings, even he changed. He felt like he was.... more. There were no words to describe the feeling he just had. He felt like he was suddenly reborn.

It was Rimuru who suddenly interrupted Nemus' thoughts. Nemu looked at him as he suddenly started waving his hands and had a confused look on his face.

"Wow Wow Wow.... What is happening?" He looked at Nemu, still with a very surprised expression.

'Mmh?' Nemu didn't know what to say, he was also surprised by the sudden change, but even more confused by Rimurus sudden reaction.

"Your... aura. How is that even possible?"

'Aura?' Nemu still didn't understand what was going on.

Rimuru let out a sign as he realized that Nemu was just as surprised as he was. No, probably even more. He remembered back. When Veldora gave him a name it felt like he was opening his eyes for the first time. But how did Nemu change so much just because he gave him a name? Rimuru had given names to so many monsters. And all of them changed, but it was a rather slow process. Their bodies changed and they became a lot stronger. But this time... It was like the red slime in front of him just exploded with energy he was now emitting.

Suddenly, Rimuru heard another voice. He was already used to this. It was Raphael – The King of Wisdom, his Ultimate Skill. Or more of a companion? Rimuru still wasn't sure what Raphael really is, but he was sure that she (I'll keep referring to Raphael as "she", because of her female voice in the anime) isn't just a skill anymore.

[Theory. It seems like slimes have a higher affinity to magicules than other monsters.]

'So the same happened to me?' Rimuru raised a brow.

[That's very likely. You just didn't notice. Just like Red Slime Nemu currently.]

'Right... I didn't notice it until the goblins told me about my aura. So it must be the same for Nemu now. So I guess I have to teach him how to regress his aura before we go back to Tempest.' And so he lost his few hours of free time. But he had another thought. 'Hey Raphael, did you know that something like this would happen?'

[… It was a possibility.]

'So why haven't you told me?!'


[The process of regressing his aura would be faster if I would be allowed to give him the skills. {Unique Skill: The Great Sage} and {Unique Skill: Predator}.]

'Wait, what? You can do that?'

[Yes. After evolving The Great Sage and Predator to ultimate skills, they're not required anymore.]

'But, how can you just pass on the skills to monsters like that?'

[The Skill Food Chain allows me to directly interfere with skills of monsters you have named. However, unique skills are still unique and can only be given to one individual. The red slime "Nemu" is a special case. Through his massive growth he is the only one in your current food chain who can be given two unique skills.]

'You planned this right? You knew what would happen and that you would be able to play around with his skills.'


'You're really bad at lying, you know!' he let out a sigh again. Just a skill, uh?

[Negative. I'm very good at lying.]

'You even admit it! But let's get serious again. {Predator} and {The Great Sage} are very powerful skills. Nemu seems to be pretty young, I don't think such powerful skills would be good for him now.' It was Rimurus' honest opinion. Skills weren't just child's play and you have to be very careful with them or they could lead into disaster. 'Can't you just give him less powerful skills?'

[I could create less powerful skills based on {Predator} and {The Great Sage}] There was disappointment in her voice but Rimuru ignored it.

'Okay, please do that.'

[Creating skills based on {Predator} and {The Great Sage}

{Unique Skill: Predator} → {Extra Skill: Absorption}

{Extra Skill : Absorption} creates a small dimensional space where you can temporarily store materials and items. Does not work on any organic things.

{Unique Skill: The Great Sage} → {Extra Skill: Guide}

{Extra Skill: Guide} provides you with basic information about the world. Also lets you process information faster, can be used to make maps of visited places and saves selected pictures in your mind.]

'Thank you, Raphael.' Rimuru let out a relieved sigh again. That should be able to help him and satisfy Raphael to a degree.

'Who is Raphael?' A voice asked.


"Raphael is my skill and well... kinda partner. She is...!!!! Wait!" Rimuru looked at Nemu. He was the one who just asked. But how?

"Did you just say Raphael?", Rimuru still couldn't believe what he just heard. Since he came to this world he had the skill Great Sage and the skill Great Sage later evolved to the ultimate skill Raphael, but since then. Nobody was able to talk to her or even recognize that there was someone Rimuru was talking to because Thought Acceleration made it possible to talk without even a second delay. But just now... The red slime was able to follow the conversation? Wait... No. Rimuru was lost in thought. Something like that did happen before! Right after he came into this world he met Veldora. And Veldora also immediately realized that he was talking with his skill. But still.... how?

And now, Nemus' body wobbled again. It seems like that's the nodding of a slime. If it wasn't about the weird situation Rimuru would have laughed again, but he was still too confused.

'Yes? The person you were just talking to?' Nemu, obviously, was confused again. He didn't know what was going on and why Rimuru was so surprised. Again.

[Nemu?] Raphael was talking with Rimuru. Like they did countless times before.



"How?" Rimuru was still speechless.

And the atmosphere changed. Nemu didn't like that. Something was going on but he didn't understand what it was. First the reaction after he got his name and now, he probably heard something that he shouldn't have heard. Was it the talk about his skills? To be honest, Nemu didn't understand anything about it. So, what was going on?

Rimuru now finally saw the mood Nemu was in. It was time to calm down for now. He still didn't know why Nemu was able to talk to Raphael, but Rimuru knew that it wasn't his fault.

Rimuru took a look at Ranga. Yes, he was also still there. He noticed that Ranga raised his head after Rimuru named Nemu but by now. His head laid on the grass again, like nothing happened. The goblins back in the village were completely shocked by Rimurus' first appearance. But Ranga didn't even seem to mind Nemus' presence. Rimuru guessed that, if you live in Tempest you are used to this stuff. Rimuru also wondered if Ranga knew about Raphael. He never asked but it wouldn't surprise him too much. After all, Ranga spent most of his time in Rimurus' shadow. Rimuru and Raphael never talked loudly but Ranga probably knew at least something. Good boy. Rimuru decided to give him a special meal later.

So what now? Seriously, it was dangerous that someone else knew about Raphael. Rimuru always kept her as a hidden card. Not even his closest subordinates knew about her and now there was a red slime. And he was even able to talk with her. It was a tricky situation for him. But he also knew, he couldn't blame anyone. It happened, he still didn't exactly know why but it doesn't matter anymore.

He guessed that it's best to just be honest. "I'm sorry, Nemu. I didn't want to scare you. Raphael is my skill and it was a secret up until now. Nobody really knew about her and I still don't get why you are able to talk to her. But it's not a problem. If you can do me a favor I'd like to ask you if you don't talk about her with someone else. It's our little secret."

Nemus' mood slightly changed for the better. He wasn't sure if he did something wrong, but Rimurus' kind words and the confirmation that nothing bad would happen to him was something that made him relieved. "Alright, I won't talk to anybody about her."

"That's it, then." Rimuru smiled again. "It was really surprising for us." Even Raphael let out something that was probably supposed to be a confirmation.

"So, what do we do now?" Nemu asked.

"Well, first of all I'll teach you to control your aura. It shouldn't take you too long. And next, also it's alright that you know about Raphael it wouldn't be good if you hear all of our conversations."

[Understood. Countermeasures are already prepared.]

'Raphael... Can you please not phrase it like that?' Rimuru shook his head. Only then he realized something. Actually, it was good that something like this happened here. If there were an enemy in the future with the same ability it would give them a big disadvantage. Now they can prepare for such a case.

Rimuru jumped up and turned into a slime again. "Okay, Nemu, it's time to teach you how you suppress your aura. Ah, and please give him the skills, Raphael."


Nemu was still surprised by the change. He didn't even know that a slime person existed, but now there was someone who casually changed between a humanoid and a slime form. Can he change into something else? He decided to ask Rimuru later. First of all, he had to do this thing with his aura. Whatever that means.

"So, first of all you have to feel your own aura. It's pretty simple. You just have to focus your magical perception on yourself." Rimuru told him.

Nemu did as he was asked and finally he understood why Rimuru was so surprised. There was a huge aura emitting from his body. Was that really him? 'Woah', was the only thing he could say.

And so, a long night began.

Authors Note: So, if anyone made it this far, thanks for reading! Tbh I didnt plan to upload the story. I've written this month ago when I couldnt sleep, but now I felt like I should give it a try again. I dont have an upload schedule, but I wont drop it and bring some new chapter frequently I think.

If you dont like the talk about skills, it tried to avoid it but its kinda important for the later story. :(

Ah, and if this should be confusing. " " is talking loud. ' ' is talking in thoughts/telepathy. [ ] is Raphael.

Anyways, thanks for reading! I appreciate it.

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