
Chapter 11 - Get to know about the Fighter and Fighter association

Hearing Alex's words, they can tell that he really knows nothing. Also, their nonstop questions started to irritate him.

"Well, I am sorry, student Alex. I thought you were joking with us. Well,l student Alex, teacher Aria, will tell you about the fighter and fighter association. But before that, I would like to ask how you used the spiritual energy when you saved that kid before." John asked him.

Hearing John's, Alex gets startled for a second, then instantly comes down. But one thing he was confused about was what this spiritual energy was.

"Principal sir, how did you know that I used spiritual energy to save that kid before?" Alex asked John. He said calmly, without being nervous.

" Well, student Alex, you see that we three are fighters. We also used spiritual energy. So previously your teacher Aria was present there when you saved that kid. You didn't register yourself in the fighter association, so she was unable to identify your spiritual energy signature. Because of this, she was curious and searched for it. She checked the CCTV footage, and we finally found that you are the one who saved that kid. But it also surprised us that you still didn't register yourself in the Fighter association." John explains how they found out about his identity.

Alex, at this time, hears the principal's explanation. He was quite surprised to hear the explanation. He doesn't think that anyone will be able to find him just by looking at the city footage. But why aren't they surprised after finding out that he has a superpower? Also, what is this spiritual energy? Is this spiritual energy like his Mana? He needed to know about all of this.

"Thank you, principal sir, for explaining. But can you tell me what this fighter and the fighter association are? And the main thing is that why did you call me here?" Alex asked him.

At this time, John signals Aria to explain all of this. Mia already went back to her seat. Aria nodded after seeing his grandfather's signal.

"Well, student Alex, our world wasn't as simple as you thought. 50 years ago suddenly our Earth was invaded by other world's peoples and monsters. 50 years ago, suddenly, out of nowhere, 10 portals appeared on earth. Through that portal, monsters and other world's people came to our earth and attacked us. You can say that time was pretty bad for humanity. Our modern weapon didn't work against those monsters or those people that much. It was like they had a superpower. Many cities were destroyed. Well, but then some of those other world's people felt bad for us and they taught us how to use spiritual energy. Not only that, but they also gave us many techniques. After teaching us all of that, those people wind back to their world through that portal. Well, you can say that not every other world's people or humans went back to their world."

" They also tell us why they came here. Well, they didn't know about those monsters but those humans who invaded here because they wanted to rule this new world. Also, those monsters and those people were enemies."

" After seeing our bad condition taught us those techniques and how to use spiritual energy. Well, as you know, the spiritual energy was on our Earth for a long time, but we just don't know about that. After those people taught us, only then do we know about that. So many humans begin to learn those techniques and learn how to use spiritual energy. But there was a problem. Not every person can learn how to use spiritual energy. They won't be able to absorb spiritual energy from the air and increase their power. You need to have that spiritual potential to absorb the spiritual energy." Aria said that and turned toward Mia.

While looking at Mia, she said,

"The lady you are seeing right now was the first batch of people who were able to absorb spiritual energy. Our principal was in the second batch of people that were able to use spiritual energy. So this fighter started to appear on our Earth. Those people who can use spiritual energy are called fighters, as you can give that to maintain the order between the fighters. Those first batches of people were the strongest fighters. They decided to build a fighter association. Well, as you can say that after gaining power, many will try to use that for a bad purpose. To prevent that, the fighter association was built. In the fighter association, you need to register your spiritual energy."

"So, like this, we humans can use spiritual energy and kill those monsters and those bad people from other worlds. After that, as I said, the fighter association. But not only that, fighter School, fighter college, etc. These were also built. In those fighter schools, we only teach the basics. But in those fighter colleges like our college, you will become a true fighter. Also, the first batch of people who can use spiritual energy is the strongest among all those fighters. They are called human saints. We have 5 human saints." Aria explains all of this. Alexa listened to all of this explanation with a shocking expression. He never knew about this. Suddenly thought about a question so he asked her,

"Ma'am, you tell me that people from other parts of the world teach us how to use spiritual energy. My question is, did those people from other world's people attack us after that? "

" Well Alex, it's a good question. Those people from the other world did attack us after that, but their number wasn't that great and they weren't that powerful. Well, you can say that those people weren't that hard to handle, but the real problem was those monsters. Those monsters weren't like those other world's humans who won't kill. The purpose of those humans was to rule this world and because of this, they didn't kill that many people. Their main purpose was to make us their servants. But those monsters were different. Those monsters just only wanted to destroy everything. But fortunately, our human saints are able to kill those monsters." Aria explains to him.

" If this was the case, then why doesn't anyone know about this?" Alex once again asked.

"Well, we have a special technique that can erase memories. We didn't want normal people to know about this. If normal people know about this, then they will always be in fear. No one will be able to live their life normally. Because of this, we use that technique to erase memories." Aria replies to him.

" But there are still some who know about this. The President of our country, the military general, commanders, also some high-ranking people, etc. There are these types of people who know about this. Well, most of them are fighters, but still, some people were in fighters but know about this."

" If you become a fighter, then you will be supported by the government. Also, you will have power in the military. You won't need to worry about money. These are the benefits that fighters have."

" After that first invasion from the other world, all the fighters begin to search for any potential candidate that can become a fighter. Like this, we build a system that can detect if you have spiritual potential or not. I think you don't know, but when you are a child, you also test your potential. This is the mandatory rule said by the human Saints. Well, this is the reason we are also confused about why you aren't registered in the fighter association. Everyone needed to go through that process. If anyone has spiritual potential, then it will be noticed by the fighter association and their name will be written in the upcoming fighter database. And when they are able to use spiritual energy, they will register in the fighter database. There is also a major thing that is, even if you can use spiritual energy and have spiritual potential, but that doesn't mean you will be a fighter." Aria explains to Alex the reason behind their confusion.

"Well, it wasn't rare that some people awakened their spiritual potential later. But that is only possible until they become 10 years old. There are no reports that anyone awakens their spiritual potential even after they cross the age of 10. We already confirm that anyone can awaken their spiritual potential until they are 10 years old." Aria told him. Alex finally understood why they were so confused. Well, who can blame them? Alex actually didn't have the spiritual potential.

He can guess that he didn't have spiritual potential or something like that. Because he knew that he wasn't using spiritual energy, he was using Mana. This spiritual energy and Mana seem similar, but they are also different. This world seems to have spiritual energy as well as Mana. Because of this, even when he used all of his Mana, it will once again recover sometime later. Well, after knowing all of this, he started to feel that a brand new world was open for him. But still, he just wanted to play his game and didn't want to deal with any complicated matters.

To be continued... … …

[A/N: Hey guys, I changed his status. You can see that in chapter 2. Sorry about that, but I made some mistakes earlier and I correct that. In the next chapter, I will explain to you why I changed his chapter.]

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