


By this time, it is after 10 o'clock, and Crystalle is glancing up above the starry sky while wearing a red ring-linked halter bikini swimsuit and having a swim in the rooftop swimming pool of the Royal Knights Dormitory. From here, she can see the dazzling stars and the pale-white moon in the sky. She chose to go swimming in the pool first to calm her mind before the remaining two hours of the night classes starts.

She neglected to take breaks since she was so preoccupied with devising a strategy for ousting Damion from the presidency, Another one, she was still annoyed with Rufus Marshall before. If Rheyne hadn't shown up, she definitely would have snapped in front of him.

She had just gotten into the pool and was floating when, using her peripheral vision, she noticed that someone had entered inside, she turned to look at the person and saw a familiar man with brown hair that was disheveled and a polo shirt collar that was unbuttoned. he was also holding a pack of cigarettes and smoking as the wind blew his hair out of his face, so he just closed his eyes. this was none other than damion del luna himself who just got back from his office earlier!

Damion just gasps when she looks up at Crystalle, so she smiles plainly before going up to the deck, where he saw her sexy slim body and loosen ash-gray hair that was soak in water and dripping down wet. Crystalle took out the red robe on the beach chair and covered her body, and in the meantime, Damion just avoided her gaze to her by closing his eyes.

"what are you doing here, Mr. president?" asked crystalle meaningfully.

so damion just replied simply to her and keep smoking, "to rest."

"I see.. it must be hard, huh?"

"indeed it is. you have to do everything perfectly or else students will only treat you as a trash, one small mistake and the eyes and ears of academy would write it to their papers." damion said as though he meant something.

"if that's the case.. then why wouldn't you give up? is there a reason why you must not give up the president's seat?" crystalle asked out of the blue so he couldn't help but to stare at her, after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.

"probably because.. it was my obligation to do so. If I were to give up easily, people would started to treat me differently and look down upon me, and I don't want that to happen, it makes me want to, how do I put this, ah.." another sneer formed to damion's lips while looking straightly to crystalle's eyes.

"It makes me want to.. trample them so badly." you see.. what I hate the most about the humans are those people who keep looking down someone as though they are more superior than them."

there's a hint of coldness on damion's eyes which make crystalle found it rather interesting, so she couldn't help but to laugh inwardly as she crossed her arms together, still looking to damion with an amusement expression on her face.

"you and devian are really alike, you don't want to see people looking down on you that's why you always makes the things to be perfect as it is, but you love to mock the people itself, unable to feel remorse at all even though you two knew that you were the one who's at mistake. a truly prideful and.. greedy man."

"what..? are you saying that.. I'm a bastard like him? you're being frank." damion give crystalle a serious gaze that makes her giggle once more.

"I'm always been a frank person, besides..

you two are really alike.. your reaction was just the same as him."

When Damion saw Crystalle's pose, he couldn't help but nudge his eyeglasses before taking them off, throw his cigarette on the ground, and step on it. Crystalle was sitting in the beach chair next to damion, leaning her elbow against the handle and placing her hands on her cheeks before crossing her legs like she was sitting on a throne like a queen. damion, on the other hand, then curled up his lips into another grin as he gently walked toward Crystalle.

"maybe you're right about that, as much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn't do it because we are indeed same, be it in terms of personality, nature, on how our mind works, and even our taste when it comes to girls, however.."

When Damion held Crystalle's chin and forced her to look closer at his lovely face, Crystalle merely gasped. He then trapped her in the beach chair and muttered something into her ear loudly enough to send shivers down her spine.

"there is one thing that makes us different and that is.. I'm greedier and more prideful than him."

Damion looked at the sliding door while he was saying those things and saw another person hiding inside of it, showing his murdering intent towards him, which caused Damion to sneer even more. He then took a small step back and looked at Crystalle once more before giving her a heartwarming smile.

"I heard from chauncey that devian will run as a secretary of student council this year, please do tell him goodluck and be careful, this is an election for student council seats after all, some candidates might use dirty tricks just to win."

"u-uh, yeah.." it took awhile for crystalle to gather all her thoughts and replying to damion in stuttering manner, then after that she just diverted her gaze above.

'fck.. the hell is that? it surprises me as hell!' crystalle cussed on her mind and bite her lips inwardly, when damion notice that, he laughed silently and turn his back.

"Then, I will go back now, prepare for the night classes."

"A-all right."

Damion then turned to leave the pool and return inside when he abruptly stopped in his tracks upon hearing a chilly, monotone voice emerging from the shadow.

"I didn't anticipate that you would show interest in my fiancée since I assumed that you weren't the kind of person who would want to date women. I commend you for your good acting, Mr. president."

damion look seriously to the shadow as devian emerge on it with a smirk on his lips while clapping elegantly as though he was provoking him.

"why? I thought that doesn't matter to you? you've been hooking up with girls in the bars along with rheyne and chauncey recently, isn't it?"

"now that surprises me as well! "I didn't expect that you were such a 'caring' person, Mr. President," he then said in response, causing Damion to simply throw him a chilly gaze.

"you.. did someone already told you that you have a talent for provoking someone?"

"I've always been showered by praise since I'm still a child, so pardon me but I didn't know that."

"so that's why you're full of arrogance to yourself."

As they exchange frosty, cold responses with each other, an eerie calm falls over them as their atmosphere grows thick. Devian then breaks the silence.

"you also have a talent for provoking someone."

"oh? I'm sorry about that, I didn't know anything about it at all."

"you.." devian reveal his killing intent towards damion but damion didn't yield in rather he give him a cold gaze in response as though he was trying to challenge him.

"what? do you want to fight?"

".. I have been really hated you ever since then, those personality of yours."

"Thank you for telling me, now I already have a reason to kill you whenever I wanted to." said damion using his icy and Monotone voice.

"hoh..? kill me then, I'll welcome you always." Devian just twitched his lips in irritation as he stared directly into Damion's eyes, but Damion simply shook his head and giggled at him before continuing to enter.

on the other hand, devian let out another sigh before he leaned against the pillars as he covers half of his face.

"..I have to calm down."


Around 11 o'clock at night, you can find Keir in his room, lying on the bed with a serious expression on his face and contemplating the offer that Crystalle had made to him earlier. It takes him a few minutes to get up from his bed and head to the dressing room, where he changes into a white polo shirt, red blazer, and slacks before tying up the white silk hair that reaches his shoulder. then left the room and continued to make his way down the hallways until he arrived at room 08, which was crystalle's dorm.

he let out another sigh first, before knocks on the door, a few minutes later, he heard a voice from the girl coming inside, "Come in."

Keir simply opens the door, revealing a white-gold theme to her face. There are two white modern couches facing each other, followed by a gold sofa, where a stunning girl in a uniform was sitting and enjoying a glass of wine. In addition, there is a round glass table in the middle with a vase of red roses on it. A king-size bed with a white, nicely folded comforter, a lamp, and a sliding door leading to a balcony are located behind it.

as soon as keir sees crystalle sitting on the sofa, keir also sat on the couches as he clasped his hands together with a serious expression on his face.

"I'll accept your offer, as long as I would win this year's election." when crystalle heard those words, she stop sipping her wine and grin inwardly.

"a clever decision.. indeed." she replied, so keir just sighed and crossed his legs.

"well, There is no other option for me; it's either you control me now or I control you later. besides.. like you said, We will both benefit from this, but let's not pretend to be in the dark about the fact that you will gain the most. Knowing that many opponents would materialize in front of you if you choose to be in the spotlight, you made the decision to remain in the shadows. which is why you made the decision to find a valuable pawn who will serve as your shield in order to save yourself. With that, you are free to roam around as much as you like because the suspicion will be directed towards the other students who are more stronger and more powerful than you. so I'll gladly accept your offer and form an alliance with you because you truly did an excellent job of manipulating us so that everything happened the way you intended it to.

Although Crystalle knew this was going to happen, she still couldn't help but feel surprised by him. She just laughed out loud. She believed that Keir was just a simpleton who wanted to have some fun and demonstrate his abilities, but who would have imagined that he was more intelligent and perceptive than his brother? She had previously believed that Devian was the only person who could comprehend her thoughts, now there are already two of them.

"Very Impressive, you're way smarter than devian."

keir shrugged his shoulder and half close his eyes, "Of course, who would you take me for? you should try to read lonely panther's Newspaper sometimes, so that you would understand why the students, including the higher ups, are afraid of me."

Crystalle smile to him again, "I know.. Edwin Moran gave your information to me yesterday, 'The first placer of grand concours de requiem au clair de lune', 'God of arts and creativity,' 'The grand champion of swordmanship Competition', 'Second placer of Bloodbath Warfare, ' and the newest-yet-famous of all.. 'The angel of Madness', aside from that, there's still an interesting news about purple hyacinth which was your alias name."

keir couldn't help but to gasp because of that, "you're well-informed."

"I wouldn't get you on my side if I don't know anything about your skills or strength." she then smiled again and added meaningfully, "well, that's all what I want to hear from you, you should leave by now to avoid suspicion, after all, It would be rude if someone found you out inside of a woman's bedroom, much less it's your soon-to-be-sister in law, isn't it?"

Keir sigh for the last time and stand up while scratching his head, "How cautious, ah.. by the way, in case you didn't know, but tonight, we will be having a joint classes with some A-class students, some of them might be part of supreme 10, so you better be careful."

"A joint classes? with A-class? Damion didn't told me anything.." crystalle just hold her chin while thinking something.

"Probably because the student council were so busy, Since our class is more advanced than the other section, the headmistress allows the other students an opportunity to study with class-zero, but a night session is a joint class with the other students who wished to learn class-subjects. zero's Night classes are a special class after all, so only students from A-class or B-class have a chance to join in. It would take a lot of money or points to do that. The Night class was specifically created for Class Zero exclusively, and Damion himself proposed this to his father, the founder of the academy and leader of black butterfly organization, which is why we don't have to pay anything."

As soon as crystalle heard what keir did say, she couldn't help but to look at him seriously especially when he heard the name of black butterfly organization, but there's another one that makes her surprise even more.

"Damion's Father..?" He asked out of curiosity, keir nods at him.

"Damion's Father was none other than the founder of P.N Academy, that's right.. he's none other than the son of the leader of black butterfly organization—!" Keir gasps as soon as he heard the sound of wine glass fell on the ground causes it to shatters into pieces, he just frowned when he notice crystalle's shock expression as though she seen a ghost just now.

'don't tell me.. she's chasing the black butterfly?' he thought and decided to purse his lips, suddenly, he felt a sudden chill down to his spine when he heard crystalle burst out into laugh like a psycho.

"I see.. he's the son.. huh? interesting.. very interesting!" she said like a person who lost her mind, but soon after, she stop grinning when she realize that keir was still Infront of him, wearing his surprising face, so she cough two times, before change it into a noble and aristocratic manner and smiled to him sweetly.

"ah, Sorry about that.. thank you for that information you revealed to me, and by the way.." crystalle's smile turns into cold one as she leaned his elbow to the sofa and Cross her legs and said in icy and cold voice..

"You better not to tell everything what you've seen tonight to damion, or else, a consequences will happen."

for the second time, keir felt another chill running down to his spine before gulped, then after that, he decided to keep walking out of elyze room before replying to her, "I wouldn't."

he then open the door as he started to walk downstairs then whispered something, "That girl.. Brother's Eve is fuckin' a psychopath! I would never wanted her to become my soon-to be sister-in-law!"


Some students are fully awake for their night classes by 11:30 p.m., while the rest of the students have fallen happily to sleep in their different dorms. On the other hand, in the music room, you will find fynn clemency playing the piano while grinning and touching the keys in a soft manner, as if he were dancing in the pouring rain. His every movement leaves a soothing and serene sound that is sufficient to clear your mind and make you forget all of your problems.

When he had finished playing, he heard applause from behind him. He turned to see two elegant men smiling and applauding him.

"Amazing! I would never get tired of listening at Akihiko's Music!"

"It's fynn."

"Yeah, Yeah, But you really never failed to surprise me! as expected to the king of music of the Academy."

Fynn just smile to them before stand up on the piano's chair. Fynn Clemency is the head of A-class and the president of La Fantasia Music Club, which won the Grand Concours de Requiem au clair de lune, commonly known as Moonlight's Requiem Grand Contest, last year. One of the biggest events takes place during the fourth week of January, which was the month of the school's music festival. It is a festival to remember Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the founder of the academy's favorite musician, and students are allowed to participate by playing various musical masterpieces created by renowned composers and musicians from around the world.

and the music piece that the la fantasia music club choose that time was mozart's concerto, reason why they become the champion of grand concours de requiem au clair de lune, and why fynn became famous as the king of music of P.N academy.

meanwhile, a man in blonde hair spoke, this was none other than, edwin moran, "Indeed, so now that you have finished playing, can't we just go back in the class? the others was already there."

rufus, the other man who have black curly hair just give him a wide smile before put his hands on fynn and edwin's shoulder.

"you're such an impatient person, edwin! is there a reason why you badly want to go in the class right now? tonight's class was a joint classes with class-zero you know." the corner of edwin's lips just twitched while looking to rufus.

"it's already 11:45 pm, we're gonna late."

"Rufus pouted at him and sighed, "all right, all right, tsk."

they started to leave on music room, while rufus just put his hands on the back of his head, meanwhile, fynn just put his hands on the pocket.

"by the way, the class-zero has a newbie right?" fynn asked out of the blue to rufus, edwin just silently listening to their conversation with his poker face.

"Yeah, I actually met one of them."

"heh.. is it a worthy to look out for?" fynn give rufus a small smirk, so he just laugh.

"you'll see her soon, but for me, she's quite interesting."

"so it's a girl huh? well, if you say so, then I will believe in you, you always have a keen eye to someone who have a special skills after all."

as soon as edwin heard the word 'girl', he immediately realize who could be the person they are talking about, but he didn't butt in and keep listening to their conversation.

"by the way, edwin, didn't rufus told you anything to find some information of the students who will run in student council election as secretary?" edwin look at fynn, and when he notice his smile, he couldn't help but to scratch his cheeks while smiling awkwardly.

'right.. I almost forgot that I've been surrounded by psychopaths who were hungry for power, what a pain.' he thought while shaking his head inwardly.

"uh, yeah, I'll send it to you later."

"good, good!"

In the end, Edwin just sighed heavily as he began to consider how to explain everything to Elyze. He was unsure whether or not to tell them because he knew that Elyze's fiancé, Devian Xenon, would run for the secretary's seats. However, if he didn't tell them anything or gave them some false information, he might pass away right away; however, if he revealed anything about Elyze, he would also perish.

in other words, it's a dead end for him.

'guess I'll just have to ask elyze later.' he thought.

when they reach at the elevator, fynn press the fifth button and as it was about to close, someone dashes Infront two feet suddenly block the closing elevator that makes the others gasp and as the elevator opens, they saw two handsome men, one is slightly small than other one then it have a white silk hair and golden eyes that is very familiar to fynn, while other one is the man with handsome face with black silk hair and red eyes, they are looking each other as though they are clashing on their mind as they started to give a glare to each other.

" how surprising.. this is the first time I saw you being late in classes, brother!"

"thanks to a certain four-eyed person that have a brown neatly comb hair for pissing me off, now will you please get on already?"

"You don't need to order me, stupid!"

"look who's talking, you're the stupidest being I ever met in my life!"

"Ha! read some newspaper sometimes, fool!"

"I don't need to. it's just a waste of time."

"Do you wanna fight?!"

"Feel free!"

the two young men stop fighting as soon as they realize that someone was watching so they look at them together and there they saw fynn, rufus and edwin looking at them confusingly, suddenly, keir, the man with white-silk hair spoke.

"ahh! Fynn! are you three going to the class?! let us join as well!" he said happily before hop inside of the elevator, meanwhile, devian, the person beside him just let out a sigh and enter inside as well before he leaned against the elevator and press the fifth button again.

a deafening silence re-engulfed to them, and only keir's humming voice you will hears, meanwhile, rufus just observe devian, and there is only one thing that appears on his mind, gentle-yet-dangerous.

he have an elegant aura like a prince, however behind on it, there was a bloodlust lies beneath. like a demon, hiding behind the face of an angel.

when devian notices that rufus was staring at him secretly, he glance to him and ask, "do you perhaps want to say something?"

but rufus just shake his head and smile, "Nothing, I'm just amaze by your gracefulness, what's your name? you must be one of the newcomers of class-zero, I haven't seen you here."

then devian also replies with a smile, "It's devian.. Devian Laxius Xenon."

fynn and rufus just gasps, while edwin just pretended as though he's looking at his cellphone that he was holding. "Xenon? you mean.. keir was your brother?"

"correction. my half-brother, we have the same father but different mother." devian added, while looking to keir who was still humming using his angelic voice as though he didn't care any less.

then rufus speak, "but your gracefulness is completely opposite to him.. how come?"

"Ah~ that's because he was born and grow up in the middle of forest, infact, I didn't know that he was studying here, he doesn't know anything about proper etiquettes at all!"

"Hey! that's not true!"

".. so that's why."

"don't believe in him! I'm always a top scorer when it comes to etiquette class!"

keir pouted to them so rufus just laugh, " how envious.. you're so close to each other~"

suddenly, rufus stop laughing when keir and devian gave him a cold glare and say, "We're not."

In the end, Rufus quickly covered his mouth as a heavy atmosphere suddenly enveloped them. When the elevator stopped and opened, they saw a girl with brown long wavy hair, ocean-blue eyes, a white pale face, and round eyeglasses holding a book. All of the girl's textbooks nearly fell to the ground as she blushed and hesitantly entered the elevator after spotting five elegant men inside.

suddenly, edwin smirk, "Heh.. a girl huh? it's passed midnight already, where are you going at this hour, miss?" he softly asked to the girl, meanwhile, the girl Started to look around anxiously as she replied to him in stuttering manner.

"w-well, Uhmm, I'm taking a night class like you guys, haha.. hahaha.." not long after, keir butt in as well and went closer to her, causes her to blush awkwardly.

"heh.. but I haven't seen you in night class~"

"t-t-that's because this is my First time taking a Night c-class.." the girl started to felt dizzy when keir went to her closer even more, as the girl just block him using his hands, suddenly fynn speak.

"You're making the girl feel uncomfortable, keir."

devian sigh as well while shaking his head before grabbed keir's collar without hesitation, still shaking his head inwardly, 'seriously.. this is the worst timing ever.' devian thought while looking to keir with a hopeless manner.

"top scorer of etiquette class my ass, then you should know how to talk with ladies when first time meeting them. tsk." he whispered.

the girl didn't speak up again and just say thank you to fynn, not until, rufus talk to him with a smile.

"What's your name, miss?" and that stops the girl from talking, she just clenched her fist secretly, but she immediately open it and replied.

"Dawsyn.. Dawsyn Arianne Del-luna, you can call me aria in short.. I'm from B-class."

edwin's eyes widened and said, "..Eh?"



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