

Kimberly noticed Laura's sour mood and wondered why her mommy was sad, she hasn't said anything since they had breakfast.

"Mom are you okay? Is my baby brother giving you trouble?" Came her adorable little voice.

"Not you brother but your dad, he is so annoying." She complained like a child.

"Let me tell you a secret that will cheer you up." She clasps her hands in front of her chest. "Dad is scared of roaches" Laura burst into uncontrollable laughter, she laughed so hard that her stomach hurt.

"I am serious" Kimberly pouted

"How can the almighty Alexander Quinn be scared of roaches? I find that hard to believe." Kimberly curved her lips into a little frown.

"You don't believe me? Come with me, I will show you'' they went to her room, she opened her toy box and removed and plastic roach and they went to Alex's study where he was busily working.

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