
Crowd of Flying fish

Mark bring out his invisible plasma soul and starts climbing on hill to enter other side where he will not be disturbed by anyone. Mark reaches the top of hill and starts seeing the other side of Sea. Mark sees a small group of flying fish there. They are only five and looks like they are playing there. Mark goes down and bring out his crossbows and fill it with ten bolts and fires all bolts towards those fishes. Maximum capacity of that crossbow is to carry only ten bolts. Mark's bolts takes his target perfectly and all the fishes are penetrated by that bolt and sticked on the sand. Mark climb down from hill and reaches the bank of River and collect those fishes and transfer into his bag plasma soul. Notifications starts popuping on Mark's power screen.

"Basic creature Flying fish- tarkal is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

"Basic creature Flying fish- tarkal is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

This notification popup five times on Mark's power screen. Mark is disappointed because he doesn't got any plasma soul. Mark is so happy because the size of those fishes are like a fist. This means that Mark will receive more core points easily in small interval of time. If Mark will sell these bodies market of FAMAS shelter then he will got more price than any other basic creatures body price. This is because a slogan is famous in FAMAS shelter's Market. "Less of the size of the body more is its price". This is because everyone in FAMAS shelter knows that they can get more core points from small size creatures. Mark again load ten bolts and hides behind a rock and aim towards sea for more hunting. Many flying fish tarkal starts coming to the bank and Mark starts hunting them. After an hour Mark killed 20 flying fishes and got two of its plasma souls. That plasma soul is an arrow. Mark is too happy because this type of plasma soul is good for Archers and costly than others weapon type plasma soul. Suddenly Mark sees that a big group of flying fishes are coming towards bank of the Sea. Mark sees that they are lead by a flying fish which is different from others. All the flying fishes are brown in colour but the flying fish who are leading the group is of blue in colour and small in size. Mark decided that blue fish is the king of those fishes and this maybe a distorted class creature. Mark thinks that he will not kill those groups with crossbow and bolts. That's why he decided to close combat with those groups because with a Holy Armor those fishes will not hurt him. Mark sees that he has only one sword but he will not use that because Evelyn's gang is hunting on other side of the sea. Suddenly Mark remembered that he had got a distorted class gear from Three-horned lava bull's body. Mark decided to use this double-sided sword. Mark bring out that double-sided sword from his bag plasma soul and also bring out his holy spike Armor and rush into the group of flying fishes. All flying fishes sees a human is running towards them. After that they also starts attacking on Mark. Mark quickly starts swinging his double-sided sword and kills many flying fishes in a single shot. Many notifications starts popuping on Mark's power screen.

"Basic creature Flying fish- tarkal is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

"Basic creature Flying fish- tarkal is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

"Basic creature Flying fish- tarkal is hunted. You have got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

Mark sees that after killing those flying fishes more starts coming. After half an hour, Mark killed almost forty flying fishes and got two more plasma soul. Still the number of flying fishes is not decreasing. As Mark kill some of them, others starts taking their place. After an hour Finally all basic flying fishes are killed by Mark. Mark finally killed one hundred and ten flying fishes and got total eight of its plasma soul. Mark sees that only flying fish Tarkal king is alive. Mark swings his double-sided sword towards it, the sword directly hits the flying fish Tarkal king but it slipped from it's body. Mark tried many times but every time it slipped from his body. Any attacks of Mark cannot even scratch the body of Flying fish Tarkal king. That fish starts attacking on Mark with his sharp wings but due to the holy Armor it gives only shallow marks on Armor. Mark withdraw his double-sided sword and bring out his knife and use add-on plasma soul and change it into a dagger and attack on that fish king. This time luck is with Mark because in a single shot Mark remove its head from torso. A notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature Flying fish Tarkal king is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 distorted core points".

Mark is unhappy because he has not got it's plasma soul. Mark collect all the bodies and transfer them into his bag plasma soul. On the other side of Sea, Chloe says Evelyn to hunt on other side of Sea because Evelyn has berserk distorted class Armor. Evelyn says that ok we will go now but she announced that only those people will come with her whose basic core points tally is completely filled at about to filled. Forty people raise their hand to go with her. They all starts climbing the hill to reach other side of Sea. Mark suddenly felt that something is Wrong here.

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