
Her Kids Who Knew The Truth

"Mommy, are we going to go back to the Philippines?"

Nicole's question brought a sudden halt to the lively dinner table. It was such an innocent question, yet I knew that The Oracle had somehow spoken to her again.

I looked at the people dining with us. Fujin and Colin were silently watching Nicole, while Duncan was getting plates for the cake the kids have brought. Claude was, pensive.

I saw Duncan pause as he was reaching for the cake knife, then he looked at me. He gave me a slight nod to indicate it was okay. After all, Colin and Fujin knew about my kids' abilities. To deny it would be stupid.

"Hmm, do you want to visit?" I asked her instead. She was sitting beside me, finishing up her last bits of burger and fries.

When Duncan told Colin and Fujin should join us, I did not imagine that those two would be the ones making dinner.

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