

The neighbours might have seen police in the building and recorded the event. There was a blurred video that was getting viral but nothing could be seen clearly in it. It made sense that the neighbours had posted about it as it was common knowledge that she usually visited this apartment and her agent lived here. This was the reason why most of the meet ups happened at her place which was very safe. However, they had planned to stay the night here and this happened. 

Esmeralda sighed, "Poor, Amber. She will have a lot to deal with in the morning."

Hazel said, "Her phone is ringing non-stop. What shall we do? Everyone is bombarding her phone with texts and calls."

It was so late in the night and people still had no chill. All of them were tired and wanted nothing more than a good sleep but it seemed it was not in their luck tonight. 

Esmeralda said to Ivy, "Call my assistant. She will handle it. No need to make a public announcement yet. Let the PR handle the media."

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