

"Your mother sounds like a nice lady,"Esmeralda suddenly said. The way she was talking to Selene was really good. Although this much niceness was suspicious, she chose to see the goodness in people even though people did not see that. 

"She is obsessed with mythology, especially Greek mythology,"Kierra said, rolling her eyes "And selene looks like a moon goddess. What can you expect from her?"

She could see what had her mom obsessed with Selene. When she was young, she recalled how her mother would tell her the stories of Greek God and Goddess to bed even without caring how the end of those tragic stories would mess with her children's head. She was traumatised by those stories at that time.  Who reads such stories to children?  

"Does she even know who Selene is to Ethan?"Esmeralda asked Kierra the question that was bothering her a lot. 

Kieera answered, "No."


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