

Life, is pointless. Why do we even live, if at the end of the day we are going to be six feet under a pile of dirt, if we are going to be forgotten just like that. Why all this struggle? These sleepless nights studying, what are they for? After giving these facebook friends of Maqhawe, who won't stop yapping about a blessing and beauty gone too soon, a good talking to I delete my facebook account. Who do they even think they are out here butchering english in public like "Return If Plausible" on Qhawe's timeline. The fuck does that mean. And this other broke hoe had the audacity to write a very long paragraph about who Qhawe was. Qhawe didn't have any friends besides me! I also delete my stupid useless instagram account that never did anything but make me think a man is not enough if he can't buy me a Chanel bag and that my pussy is a million dollar industry. I delete it all.

Poof. Off the face of earth.

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