
Chapter 124 - The bad after good

Before Clarke could continue, someone fell to the ground. We all turned, only to see Pike's body bleeding on the floor with a spear impaled in his heart while the grounder how killed him, shaking near the body. Trying to keep us from thinking about Pike and more importantly to keep Octavia from doing something stupid like killing the poor grounder that took her chance to avenge Lincoln. Clarke began telling us why A.L.I.E created the City of Light. Long story short, she made those chips to save humanity from a new, most likely even more deadly nuclear fire that was heading our way in less than six months. While we were listening to Clarke, Octavia managed to slip unnoticed, even when Kane and I were near her. The first one to notice her lack of input was Bellamy and as soon as he noticed, he freaked out.

"We have to find her! Who knows what she's going to do now!"

"Calm down, Bellamy. Knowing Octavia, she's probably just digesting everything. We all know how much it matters to her Pike's death and now seeing him die just like that…she just needs some time alone."

"We still need to find her, Leon. Please, I can't lose her too."

Clarke and I looked at each other for a second before nodding at our friend, allowing him to lead us back to the commander's room. Bellamy wants to check all of the rooms on this floor for his sister and the most logical start would be with the room where she almost let Pike be killed. As soon as we reached the room, Clarke stopped a few meters away looking towards it with some longing in her eyes before she opened the door walking inside the room. While she didn't say anything, it was clear that she was missing Lexa, especially from the way she was looking at the bed and at the room in general. Not finding his sister here, Bellamy went to another room leaving me alone with Clarke.

"What's the matter, princess? Did something happen to you back there?"

"This is where…" She starts whispering, almost as if she was remembering something sad. "… I saw Lexa in the City of Light."

Before I could say something to her, to comfort her, Clarke wrapped her hands around me, gently hugging me. While the two of us weren't exactly intimate or good friends, there was no way I would push away a friend that was in pain.

"I know that nothing I would say would make you feel better, but from what little I've learned about Lexa from Anya and Gustus, she would have most likely hated to see you like this. So, if not for me, cheer up for her, don't be sad that she died, be happy that you two were together and that she will live through you."

A few seconds later, Clarke pulled away before letting out a sigh.

"You might be right, however, that won't make the pain disappear."

"Only time will ease that pain, but if I were Lexa, I just know that I'd be so proud of you, Clarke, and I wish she could be here to see you now."

Clarke nods at my words, as wipes away her tears, giving me a smile, a genuine one this time. It took her a few minutes, but when she returned to the Clarke we all know, she seemed just a tiny bit better.

"Let's go find Octavia. After all, we can't let Bellamy find her by himself."

It didn't take us long to find him, since he was in a room with an open door, looking down presumably after his sister. As soon as we arrived beside him, both Clarke and I saw Octavia making her way down to the center where the "nonbelievers" were being held on stakes. There was no point even thinking about our next move because Bellamy was adamant about going after his sister. The only problem thought was that we had no direct and safe path down to the bottom, since, well we kind of blew up the elevator and the ladders, which means we would have to climb down, the old-fashioned way. As if, he was reading my mind, Bellamy took one last look at us before climbing through the window.

"I'll go first, just follow my path guys."

As soon as he start making his way down, Clarke quickly followed after him, leaving me last.

"Well then, guess it's my turn now."

When I was about five meters away from the ground, I jumped down, ignoring the yelling behind me or from down below. As soon as my feet hit the ground, everything in one-meter radios caved in, as if something heavy fell to the ground. The shockwave made a few unlucky people to fell on their asses. Seeing that I was safe and unharmed, Bellamy and Clarke slowly, continue making their way toward me. Once they reached the bottom, Clarke and Bellamy looked up and gasped in shock seeing how much we had to climb down to reach the bottom.

"Pretty nice, right?"

"First thing first, you are nuts, but yeah it was unexpectedly easy to climb down the tower for some reason."

"Leon, what you did was stupid. What if you got injured or worse died from that?"

How touching, our princess was worried for me, sadly for her and thankfully for me, that kind of jump was not going to even put a dent in me. Courtesy of my modified body, as well as slowly becoming stronger fighting day and night as well as tanking a few hits here and there.

By the time we made it past the crowd, Bellamy was quite desperate as continued to search for his sister alas to no result. He was getting worried and after that, even worst scenarios would appear in his head.

"Bellamy, Octavia will be okay, she can take care of herself, and after all, I was one of the people that trained her."

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"It's not her fault, Bellamy. She didn't even touch him. Everyone will say that Pike had it coming."

"She wounded him! That made him an easy target."

"It doesn't matter, in the end, a grounder killed him, not her, besides we kind of have more pressing matters that need to be addressed."

Both of them looked at what I was pointing and for the first time, since we came down here, they managed to get a good look at the chaos that was left behind by A.L.I.E. Dead bodies littered the street, some bodies were all bloodied, some were plastered all over the ground, while a few bodies were in good condition, yet still comatose, most likely brain dead. People wounded, missing limbs, etc. were alongside the dead. The sound of crying and wailing comes from every corner of the street, while some other people were groaning in pain, trying to tend to their injuries or at least attempting to tend to them.

"How do we tell these people that the world is ending, after everything they've been through?"

"That princess is something we can't do. Even if we tell them, Mount Weather would become a bloodbath, worse than what I had gone through a few weeks ago. We killed more than a thousand grounders then, if another war like that starts, thousands will follow them in death until one side wins either with sheer numbers or with sheers bullets."

"Leon's right, Clarke. We have to keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with, and how to stop it.

She looks at both of us in surprise before finding the real cause of our words.

"You're both afraid of how people will react."

"And you aren't? Clarke, we have the only place that can survive whatever is coming and that is bare. Mount weather won't be able to hold more than a few hundred people, that's our entire population."

"The coalition would be after our heads for a chance to survive!"

"Exactly, that's why we can't tell them. I'm sorry but it's the only way we can survive."

Even though it was the truth, Clarke wasn't taking it as well as I would have loved her to. However, it wouldn't be wise to lose her as well, after all without her, Abby will also lose her reason to live, besides, as I said before, I hate losing friends and people dear to me.

"We gave them back their pain. Let's not add even more to that by telling them they're gonna die in six months, with little to no chances of surviving the Praimfaya. "

Clarke nods, and I hope to God that she understood my words, because there's no way I'm letting either one of them sacrifice themselves for a grounder.

"Now that all three of us are on the same page, we can work a plan for the future. Once everyone's down, we go home and we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation take us out."

"Like hell, I'll let some radiation kill me when thousands of grounders failed to."

Suddenly, we heard a loud scream nearby, before Clarke runs in the direction of it, stopping in front of a woman who was kneeling beside a man, her husband sobbing. The man in question looked dead and unresponsive, there were no signs of blood on him whatsoever.

"He didn't fall. What the hell is happening to them?"

Clarke looks back at you in sheer horror as soon as she looked at the man's face.

"H-h-he chased me in the City of Light, Lexa killed him."

Hearing Clarke's words, these comatose bodies make sense. Abby did say that dying in there will kill you in real life as well, well, I didn't expect that kind of death to be like this. As soon as the woman heard Clarke, she froze before she grabbed Clarke by the shoulders.

"Wanheda,yu dula dison daun!"

"She's saying that we did this. She's not wrong thought, Jaha was the one who did this not us."

As soon as the woman shouted those words, the grounders that were mourning or nursing their wounds got on their feet and dragged their bodies toward us, sharing the same hate the woman had for us. As they came closer and closer, they start to chant, Clarke's nickname.

"Wanheda! Wanheda! Wanheda!"

The commander of death, huh? To be fair, everywhere she goes people die, then again she's not the one who pulls the trigger, she's the one that survives. Before the grounders could get physical, Clarke grabbed both Bellamy and me pulling us away, through an opening in the crowd, trying to get as far away from them as we could. While we could hold our ground long enough for the rest of our people to arrive and help us, I'd rather not start a fight in the middle of a grounder city, especially after what "we" did to them.

As soon as we managed to slip away from the crowd, Abby and Kane, somehow found us catching our breath. When she saw how all three of us were looking, Abby gave us a worried look before rushing toward her daughter. With Clarke being taken care of by her mother, Bellamy and I turned toward Kane.

"It's good to see you getting better, as well as seeing you two down here. As much as I would love to remain in the city, I fear that we might have to leave soon. We have left the rovers in the northern part of the woods."

"What about the wounded?"

"The Grounders don't want our help. We have to help our people before we think about others, just as Leon said, we have to leave. We will treat our people at Arkadia or Mount Weather."

"Hello? Bellamy, please. Come in."

"Raven, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're all in one piece more or less. Thank you guys, no doubt."

"I had no doubt about it, sadly, Tinky, there's something we need you to look into."

"C'mon lover boy, before that tell me how my friends are. Did everyone make it? Clarke?"

Clarke takes the radio from my hand, right when I was about to answer, before throwing a smile.

"I'm here, thanks to you. Raven, did A.L.I.E. ever tell you why she created the City of Light?

"No. Why?"

Before she could respond, we all heard one of the ice nation's people yelling for help. Apparently, they have found their kind and he was injured. Clarke looked at me before at her mother.

"Go, take your mother, I'll meet you there after I talk with Raven!"

Clarke, Abby, and Bellamy immediately start moving toward Roan, as Kane and I remained behind, not wanting to get involved with anything related to the ice nation.

"Sorry, for that, Raven, Clarke has something to do. I'll give you a rundown from what she told us."

"Sure, sure. So how bad it is ?"

"The kind that would wipe the life off the earth kind of bad."

"So…what's the problem?"

"A.L.I.E told Clarke that a second Praimfaya would wipe everything in six months. I want you to look into it, check the nuclear power station in the world first, that's the main reason for the Praimfaya."

"Roger that, and Leon come back home in one piece. Raven, out."

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

To my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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