
Chapter 116 - Arkadia, home sweet home

The journey back to Arkadia was uneventful for some reason. We didn't even see the drones that A.L.I.E usually used t survey the world and find more people to be brought into her grasp. Something must have happened in Polis for her to recall all of her eyes in the skies. However, what shocked the most was how empty Arkadia was when we reach it. I mean, in all honesty, A.L.I.E is an A. I should have thought about leaving a scout or two in all of those villages, towns, and camps just in case some people that weren't there before would arrive, giving her more than enough reasons to abduct them as well.

As soon as we got out of the Rover, the rest of the guys came to us, only to be pleasantly surprised to see me alongside Clarke and her team. For a few seconds, I swear I saw Miller and Sergey reaching for the shock batons thinking that the rover had been compromised by A.L.I.E., however, once they saw Roan being dragged out of the rover in such a way they both sighed in relief.

"It's good to see you all in one piece. I take it, it didn't go well with Luna, right?"

"A.L.I.E managed to reach her place before us. However, even if A.L.I.E wouldn't have been there, Luna told us clearly that she doesn't want to be part of anything anymore."

"So everything we did was in vain? We can't stop A.L.I.E without a Nightblood…"

"There is a way."

Clarke pointed at the still-unconscious prince, before nodding at us. Since Bellamy was injured, I didn't want to further worsen his condition so I looked at my two other friends, who simply rolled their eyes at me. Both of them knew that I was more than enough to carry Roan, but there was no way in hell I would do it alone.

After leaving the prince in one of the now empty holding cells, I decided to see what was going on in the temporary command room. However, just as I was about to pass right into the corridor where the room was, someone grabbed my arm from behind. Turning around, I saw Raven smiling at me from the doorstep of her room.

"And here I thought that we were friends Leon."

"But we are, aren't we Tinky?"

"Tsch, such rudeness. You didn't even greet me when we saw each other after what, almost two-three weeks?"

"Close to two, but yeah, my bad. I'm still in survival mode after being chased by A.L.I.E day and night for a whole bloody week. Anyways, did you do something to my eyes? I can't seem to take them off you."

Raven looked at me not expecting just a cheese pickup line from me before we both burst out laughing at my way of making peace between us.

"I swear, I kind of like the old Leon. At least you didn't use this kind of pickup line. God, it was awful."

"I live to impress or in this case to disappoint I guess."

"Come inside, you have to tell me what happened after I left Mount Weather."

A few hours later, Clarke stormed into the room, angry that she couldn't find me at all. After an earful and a half, I got dressed before following Clarke out of Raven's room. Despite getting my ears injured by an angry princess, I managed to score the goal of my life, getting into a relationship with my first crush. Though, I wouldn't call the two of us a couple, since it was more like best friends with benefits, which let's be honest was a step in the right direction in my books.

While I was thinking about Raven, Clarke dragged me to the infirmary where we picked Bellamy. Harper did a great job patching the older Blake back into a fight condition just in case our friendly A. I decide to attack us. As for why did Clarke seem so unhappy with my disappearance? Well, our hostage told her that he would only speak when all three of us are in the room with him since we would rather not explain twice the same thing.

When we reached the holdings cells, Roan was already waiting for us, albeit he seemed quite uncomfortable, then again, I shot him in the arm while Bellamy knocked the life out of him.

"Like it or not, we need each other, Roan. We have to stop A.L.I.E from winning otherwise that's the end for us all."

"Cut to the chase, Clarke. You said we wanted the same thing. I want an Ice Nation Commander."

"And I can give you one, with this little thing."

Seeing the flame, an early prototype of the same chip that A.L.I.E use to control all of the people, Roan looked skeptical back at the blonde, not understanding why would she give the flame to one of his own people, nevertheless.

"And why would you do that, when you know she's vowed to wipe your people out?"

"We don't have a choice. This isn't just our war. The enemy we're up against is after everyone, including the Ice Nation. The only way to stop her is to get the information off the Flame. And the only way to do that is to put it in Ontari's head. We have to work together if we want to stop A.L.I.E."

"The Ice Nation isn't afraid! Of something that's not even alive!"

Clarke was losing the edge in this conversation, and to be honest I'd rather have a tame Roan than one that holds the advantage in a fight. So before Clarke could reveal more than she should, I interfere with them.

"Be serious prince. You say that your people aren't afraid of a fight, well then, let me break it to you. A.L.I.E isn't alive, that's clear, however, she has god knows how many drones that could kill your entire nation before you could even blink. Add the newly converted people and you have an army that can't be stopped unless you use missiles or nukes. So yeah, you should be afraid. A.L.I.E doesn't care what clan you're from. She controls people, and she'll take over the Ice Nation, just like she took over our people."

Before Roan could argue with me about his people power, Clarke quickly defused the ticking bomb.

"A.L.I.E already has Ontari."

Roan's eyes were wide open when he heard Clarke's words. A few seconds later, after he calmed himself down, he turned to face her calmly waiting for a solution.

"Since you are telling me this, I take it you have a solution as well."

"We need to disconnect her before she gets the Flame, or we'll be giving A.L.I.E exactly what she wants. The hard part is to get to Ontari and take her away from Polis. For that to happen, we have to abduct her from the center of a city filled with thousands of people, whose minds are all linked as well as a bunch of drones hovering in the skies watching everything happening near Polis. "

"I get it. So when do we leave?"

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

To my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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