
Chapter 91: Primitive Pursuits

 Layla's Bedroom, The Quinn Residence, The Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota...

 Heat and need had been the driving force behind Brick and Layla's latest coupling as the brutish biker found himself finally coming up for air as his lovely lass found herself gasping for it in the wake of his induction of oral heights. His handsome face glistened as he smirked seeing her winded but the good measure of lust still behind her lovely eyes. His own dark gray eyes had been smoldering as he looked upon her small frame and chest rising and falling beneath his rather focused gaze. He proceeded to discard the remainder of her attire, her t-shirt and bra as they both hit the bedroom floor and her pert breasts came fully into view. He could hear the blood rushing in her veins heating up every aspect of her lovely naked body as she stared at him longing for more connection as the primal instinct began to take hold of them both. Brick discarded his jeans and his massive cock jutted out before her sodden thighs as he towered above her aiming his impressively thick cock at her now dripping sex. 

He cared not what name she had gone by when it was all said and done. He knew her body inside and out like no one else and she'd been all woman as far as he was concerned, the timid little girl kidnapped at the carnival had been long gone and the burning desires of a full-fledged woman had gotten his full attention and he was no fool that would dare turn her away. 

Layla or whoever she'd been at the time moaned aloud when Brick's thick cockhead pushed passed her glistening folds like so many times before. He grunted in the wake of how tight she'd still been and resolved himself to ease his way into her as she spread her legs further to accommodate him. 

"Brick...." she hissed as the older man leaned forward covering her hot young body with his own naked form and capturing her lips in a heated frenzy of kisses. 

"Shit....." groaned Brick recalling just how tight she'd been when she'd clenched around him. 

He had instinctively known what she had needed, there in the quiet moments of their initial engagement, she'd been looking for reassurance that he had not changed his mind about her, that he had loved her every bit as much as he had when she was believed to have simply been Layla Quinn. 

Brick didn't need to say much when the reveal had so obviously taken a toll on her mentally and emotionally, she just needed to know that he still wanted her as he had the first might he'd taken her far from the watchful gaze of Jarrett Quinn and well into the early morning hours. 

Layla's moans became all the more frequent as Brick began his long slow thrusts into her heated depths rocking her small frame along her mattress jolting her up toward the thick heavy wooden headboard that began to slowly beat against the back wall in rhythm with his movements. 

The pull with her had been as magnetic as it had been the first time they had been intimate and Brick was all the way lost in it. He could feel her heartbeat intensify as much as he had their lips crashing against one another as much as their bodies had been. 

Layla had always seemed fond of the fact that Brick was quite strong, being in his arms and beneath his body during their encounters had been more so a highlight for her whenever they'd been intimate. This time she needed him more than ever as she felt that everything about herself from the moment she'd been taken from her parents had been in question. Even her innate desire to leave the town of Temperance had been a possible subconscious means of getting as far away from Jarrett Quinn and the trauma he'd caused her in the past as possible. 

Looking back she had rebelled more often than now the older she got and the less he seemed to have a sway over her, going so far as to be with a man like Brick just to possibly stick it to her so-called father. Perhaps she had known, deep down that she had hated Jarrett Quinn and this was her way of getting back at him. 

She had certainly felt that way now even as she felt Brick's massively thick appendage drilling her inner depths. For the first time since she'd been with Brick, she took notice of the kind of faint glow behind his hypnotic grey eyes and it only seemed to make her want to fall into them, fall into him, and be closer than ever. Their hearts even appeared to have been beating at the same time even as her breath hitched from his deep thrusts and she felt boneless in the wake of his primal need. 

She understood the strange voice in the back of her mind, the one calling to her from the day she met him. The voice that told her in no uncertain terms that their union had been primal and it demanded that she give in to it, give in to it at all costs. 

"Brick...." she moaned once more like music to the brutish werewolf's keen ears as he continued to increase his pace and intensity. 

Layla found herself being unceremoniously jolted along her mattress as Brick's wolfish nature continued to get the better of him. His nostrils flared and his massive muscular body tensed and flexed between her thighs. He had made her feel good, even when she'd felt as if she'd been drowning in a sea of despair, he had been the one constant that kept her afloat when all she wanted to do was let herself sink and be done with it. 

She had loved him, this biker brute who had come into her life riding on a whim. And she knew deep down that he had loved her in return. 

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