
Chapter 29: The Evil Ways Of Men

The Bathroom, Unknown Location, Unknown State.....(2001)...

Low eyes of the dullest blue stared back amid the steam and water droplets that fogged the mirror as the face of a hardened man stood staring back at the figure in the mirror. The man had medium length blonde hair, courtesy of the several empty bottles of peroxide that were lined inside the small basin of the porcelain white colored sink. The man looked to have taken quite a few years off due to shaving his beard and leaving behind a peroxide dyed mustache, as he appeared closer to twenty than being in his mid to late thirties. He was naked aside from the large formerly white drying towel that was wrapped around his rather thin waist as he stood amid the coolness of the bathroom amid the shiny white tile and slickness from the recent use of the shower. His slightly pinked flesh was rippled via the water droplets that lingered from his shower as he once more found himself staring into the reflection in the mirror.

The images of the past few days was something he'd forever be haunted by as he stared into his own dull blue eyes. He'd been a good man once, one that kept his mouth shut and steered clear of trouble that had nothing to do with him. He'd been married, to a woman that turned out to have not been very good for him in the long run and as a result he found himself in his current predicament.

The man could see her face, stricken with terror as the flashes of his memory took him back to his foolish, and constantly unfaithful wife's final moments as he wrapped the very hands he'd used to shave his face around her pretty little neck. He recalled feeling the life drain from her as she gasped and struggled against him but his fury had won out over her desperation. He recalled what had lead to it, a long hard day of working in the sun and he came home to her spreading her legs for another man, a man whom had not been so lucky in the end.

The splatters of blood from the gun going off and the hot lead that filled the lustful bastard's skull in one swift shot from the then angry man's pistol had been enough to bolstered the flames of sweet vengeance as the man continued to fill the now falling corpse whom had belonged to the bastard screwing his wife, until he turned his attention to her and her terrified screams.

The man recalled the blood on his hands and the rage in his heart as he went about destroying the place he had worked so hard to build up. He put a round of hot lead in her forehead ensuring that she'd been dead as he left the house a mess inside and out as his old pickup pulled out of the drive as quickly as it had arrived. A crime of passion if ever there was any, as he drove down the stretch of highway leading out of town.

Still staring at his reflection, the murderous man had nothing short of a blank expression filed across his face as he recalled the gun was still loaded and sitting in his lap as he continued to drive down the seemingly endless highway.

He had no plan as he drove the images of the bodies and the burning house in his mind as he continued driving, the gun still resting in his lap. He had made up his mind, to put an end to the chase long before it began but stopped as he took note of a woman heading toward her car with a familiar looking little girl in tow.

She had looked so much like his deceased daughter, the tiny thing he had held in his arms and loved all the days of her young life. A life that was cut short far too soon due to the negligence and spite of a woman that he'd strangled to death in the wake of hearing the news that his child had no longer been able to draw breath.

The man moved away from the mirror and proceeded to get dressed, discarding the towel and filing into his clothes which consisted of a pair of light blue jeans, dark brown sneakers splashed via mud, a dark blue t-shirt with a v neck collar and a black baseball cap that held down his long hair as he slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses. He exited the bathroom and ventured toward a small secondary bedroom where he leaned near the door.

The sound of crying had gotten his attention and while it tugged at his heart strings, it wasn't enough to deter the man from his plans as he set to work setting up a few things to meet his needs in the coming days.


Dark Bedroom, Unknown Location, Unknown State.....(2001)

The small redhead with now puffy blue eyes that glistened due to her tears was terrified about being in the dark, she had not known how long she'd been there, but she knew the strange man was keeping her there, he had only ever stopped to check on her ever so often and either bring her food or allow her to use the restroom. She was terrified and confused for much of the event as she had recalled being snatched by the stranger and passing out only to awaken in the strange room so far away from the life she'd known before. He barely said a word to her, unless he wanted her to do something and she complied out of fear and the fact that he'd been the only other adult in the room.

The tiny girl lied on the makeshift pallet on the floor in the far corner of the small room. More tears streamed down her cheeks as she began to feel light headed from the constant ache that filled her and the longing for the people whom had brought her into this world, a world that she was learning had been far more cruel than she had ever imagined it would be.


The Hallway, Unknown Location, Unknown State.....(2001)...

The dull blue eyes of the now fully dressed and waiting man could be seen via the small crack in the door as he stood peering inside at the behavior of the small girl whom he had taken from the carnival. He could still hear the gasped screams of her mother as he strangled her in desperation and the sound of a blunt lead pipe cracking against the softer skull of the man whom had been her biological father. He shook off the memories as his mind once more traveled back to his own lost little girl.

All that mattered to him in that moment was that he finally had her in his life again and that he'd never let her go.

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