
Evolving Into The Magical Realm; Fusing The Elements Into His Body

As the dean stepped back, the others besides him did the same as they saw the blockades put by them disappear into nothing.

While they retreated, the Old Demon stood in shock as he stared at the phantom of the Temporal Phoenix with his eyes wide open, "So the legacy is still alive. Along with my master's system also lives the legacy of the pioneer of every race. The primordial bloodline still lives," Old Demon thought as he bowed down and hit his head against the floor in respect.

Within Ray's body, the changes had almost finished this body was about to complete its evolution. With the last phase of evolution being the integration of his elements into his body, Ray opened his eyes as he called the elements back to his body.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the destruction he had caused. Although he felt shocked, he knew that no life was lost as the whole time he evolved, he had put aside a small piece of his consciousness to avoid the loss of life.

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