


A faint voice echoed around me, as a bright blue ray shined periodically in my face.

"Wake up guardian."

A sudden jolt ran through my body as I jerked awake. Surveying the surroundings, I found myself dozing off while squatting near the caves walls.

"Ghost...how far are we from the Last City."

My voice resounded in the solitary cave.

"Hmm, according to my calculations we are still 13,898 Km away from the Last City. On regular pace it might take over 500 days to reach. Our only options remain a Jumpship or land vehicle to hasten the journey guardian. "

(A/N: So there's a lot of debate on the location of these places. Old Russian Cosmodrome, is about in Siberia. However, the tower's location is heavily discussed. For now, I am going with the tower in South America. Hence, the distance between South America and Siberia is roughly 14,000 Km. You're welcome to discuss/debate in the comments, but I will use this right now.)

13,898 Km...Unless I really wanted to spend a year getting to the Tower, I really had to find an alternative.

"Ghost, scan for the nearest Jumpship.....No, wait. Scan for the nearest vehicle we can access. Display the safest choices on the map, along with enemy locations and threat levels"

I immediately spat out a few instructions.

See, a new player might be overwhelmed with that distance. But I had practically lived through destiny my whole adolescent life. I knew full well the advantages of owning a ghost. Ignoring its returning abilities, a ghost was perhaps the strongest super computer capable of analysing and scanning areas from miles away.

I knew this, simply because the game had justified the radar and navigation in the gameplay through these lore points. Naturally, if it was a lore explanation, I knew there was a large possibility I could utilize it.

Just as I had thought, the ghost's body split up into tiny spikes, as a blue sphere from its centre sent out faint pulses of light, scanning the surroundings.

Naturally, the mini-map had already appeared on my HUD.

It was frankly disgusting, because this tactic was working far better than I expected. Not only was the ghost updating the mini-map every second, it's sensors were also picking up any supplies I could pick up.

"Scan complete, according to my detection, there are no accessible Jumpships within 25 Km. Three Fallen pike speeders within 10 Km, currently surrounded by a small squad of fallen dregs. I have already marked the relevant locations on your map guardian."

Hearing the analysis I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fallen dregs..."

The lowest class of fallen. That was one an enemy I could definitely go against. If that squad had a captain, I would definitely not make it out alive. Though dying wasn't permanent. I really wasn't eager to test that feature out.

Pulling out the menu, I scanned my equipment once more.


Name: Void Blade

Class: Hunter

Level: 0

Light Level: 5

Subclass: None

Equipment: (LL refers to Light Level)

>Primary: Traveller's Chosen(56/56) 5LL ] Armor: (Head) > Trashed Mask

>Secondary: None ] Armor:(Gauntlets) > Golden Age Grips (Common): 3 LL

> Heavy: None ] Armor:(Chest)> Golden Age Vest (Common): 4 LL

> Ghost Lv1 ] Armor:(Boots)>Scorched Hunter Strides 3LL


"Sure enough" I sighed.

My Light level was still too low. It was enough to deal with dregs and the like, but a fallen captain would prove challenging. Fortunately, I might just be able to pull a fast one.

Trekking outside the cave, a breath-taking scene awaited.

The harsh sun of the Cosmodrome had long since set. What remained was a mesmerizing sea of stars above the night sky.

Each speck of light was a star, and I could see millions. Every inch of the desert was illuminated by the moon's light.


With no lights to drown out the sky, I could practically peer into the endless universe that awaited outside the earth. Of course, as I looked into the sky, I could also see a faint halo of light, practically invisible to the naked eye, as it lingered above in the horizon...

The Traveller, in all its glory. I couldn't make it out yet, but could definitely feel its presence.

As we walked out, I could see the marker placed on my map. 10 Km, it was simply a 20 minute sprint away. Paired with a hunter's physique, it was easily accomplishable.

But first.

"Ghost, can you camouflage yourself again?"

At my words, it turned translucent. The cover worked perfectly, as the light disguised its figure.

"Then can you also camouflage me?"

A far stretch, but if that was possible...

"Apologies guardian, I do not currently posses the ability to camouflage others. However, it is possible to obtain this module in the future."

"Guess it was too good to be true."

I will admit, I wished it was possible, but a Lv.1 ghost couldn't possibly use all the abilities. Logically, I had to upgrade its perks. As for how I do that...well I had no idea. Presumably I could use the system, or the menu to access the perks. But I currently possessed no resources.

Accepting the reality of the situation, I rushed out of the cave, sprinting as fast I could without attracting any attention.

The Hunter class was famous for being phenomenal at tracking and stealth. Right now, I could definitely prove that. Despite me running at full strength wearing a somewhat full suit of Armor, not a single step produced any significant noise.

It was weird but I wasn't one to complain. It seems that despite me having no subclass, the Hunter class definitely had its own passive perks....Though I could not see them right now, they were definitely in effect.

Granted, that I was currently running on heavy sand, hence most of the vibrations were probably damped.

Nevertheless, with my quick strides, about 20 minutes later I had reached the destination. I Leaned against a boulder to catch my breath while ghost surveyed the area.

A few metres away, there were six Fallen dregs visible on my radar. Light level at 3.

A simple job. Finally.

Peeking through the side of the boulder I could see the group of five loitered around their pikes. Convening and conversing. Unfortunately, all I heard were strange *clicks* and *clucks*. Their language was practically indecipherable.

"Ghost, analyse the best position to engage in combat." I whispered.

I had absolutely no experience in combat, hence it was vital I use all my facilities available to me when possible.

A few seconds later, a white marker appeared on my radar.

"Guardian, the best vantage point with our loadout would be above the short hill about 20 metres away." it's mechanical voice leaked.

Seeing the marker on my HUD, I could definitely understand the advantage. A clean shot would still attract their attention, but a shot from the hill would leave them clueless to my position. Even if it all went wrong and I was found out, There was ample time to retreat...

As expected, ghost's were simply a technological marvel.

Sneaking away from the dregs, I crept up along the hill, placing my chest on its edge as my arms dangled ahead.

The dregs were still completely oblivious, perfect.

Taking a deep breath, I envisioned the sidearm in my hands, and as I had done so, a faint glitter emitted from my hands.

The kinetic sidearm appeared in my grip, ready to be used. It seems the inventory worked similar as in-game. As long as I had it equipped, I only needed to think of it to use it.

Reading the stats of the weapon, I could see that the magazine only held 15 bullets at a time....

My total ammo reserve was 56. Even if I conserved, I only had crumbs to work with.

Clutching the adaptive grip of the gun, I aimed its sights on one of the dregs.

Lining the red iron sights along the head of a dreg squatting near its fellows. I could feel the weight of the gun in my hands. A feeling completely foreign to me.

With a finger on the trigger, I channelled all my focus into aiming. Taking deep breaths as I gripped the firearm with both hands.

Just as my finger poked the trigger and I began to take the shot.

Instantly countless notifications spammed my system panel, appearing in front of me to block my sight....My eyes widened as I read the prompt thrusted before my eyes.



{Legendary Guardian System}

!!!! ATTENTION !!!! +Sudden Quest Issued!!


Objectives: "Defeat all Fallen Dregs engaging in close combat using any weapon! Announce your arrival and let them fear the light!"

Rewards: +Fallen Pike(Rare), ++XP, +Combat Perks, +Weapon Aptitude

(Failure) Penalties: >Traveller's Chosen(Sidearm Damaged), >Scorched Hunter Strides(Trashed)

Remarks: Don't be a P*ssy. Be Legendary, Guardian!

~Quest is obligatory



What the hell was this? Sudden quest? What the fuck was the system doing?.

Legendary Guardian my ass, all this system was doing was forcing me to take unnecessary risk. All I had to do was pull this trigger, and everything would be over. The dregs wouldn't even realise where it came from. Yet, I knew the moment I did pull the trigger, it would only go downhill.

The penalties were warning enough, the system held some authority over my predicament....The moment I went against it...Not only would I damage my only weapon, the armor I had just gotten would also be trashed.

Despite being extremely bitter at the situation, I still scaled down the hill.

Astonishingly, ghost had not reacted to this sudden surge of messages. Perhaps, I was the only one who could react to the "system" part of my Menu screen.

Crouching down into the rough bushes near the boulders, the dregs were still blissfully unaware of me. Fortunately, the hunter class had good stealth perks. Otherwise, me fumbling earlier was definitely a death flag.

Coldly gripping the sidearm, I waited for an opportunity to pounce.

I had already formed a somewhat rough plan. As long as I could get a few headshots, taking out the first two wouldn't be a problem.... From my experience, since they were 2 light below me. It might take three normal or two critical shots to kill.

Well... here goes nothing.

"Ghost, on my signal reveal yourself and distract the dregs." I whispered

"Affirmative Guardian"

Composing myself as I felt my heart race, I gave the signal.


The dregs were immediately caught off guard as they spotted the ghost circling them. It was merely a distraction but super effective.

I waited until they all had their backs turned to me as they gawked at ghost, unable to even comprehend what was going.

I immediately lunged from the bushes.

Before they could even suspect a thing, my hands moved instinctually, firing two shots swiftly into a dregs head. The bullets had alerted them, causing a panic as they all jumped away, but to me it was far too late

Deftly sliding across the sand, my hands grasped onto one's shoulder, immediately grappling him to the ground and serving three shots into its gaping mouth. Within seconds, two were gone.

At this moment, my body moved as if possessed, like a predator playing with its prey. I leapt towards the third dreg, two bullets shot through its legs, paralyzing it completely. A horrible screech was all it could manage, before a third bullet was skilfully placed between its temple

"Three down"

The remaining dregs had finally understood what occurred. Brandishing their guns, they fired indiscriminately, a storm of shock bullets rushed towards me. But it was useless against golden age armor.

The bullets barely grazed my vest as I sauntered up towards the party of fallen.

Their fear was apparent, but I did what had to be done. Their bullets simply kept spewing at me.

Brandishing my own sidearm I fired thrice and the dregs had their arms blasted off.

With no threat remaining, I crept closer to them as they tried desperately to crawl away. A useless endeavour.

Lining the barrel on its heart, I pulled the trigger mercilessly, and the fourth was done.

The fifth only yelped as a gaping hole pierced through its heart.

"Last one"

I pointed my gun at the sixth. One, two , three. I shot enough times to make sure. It's corpse laid riddled with holes.

All I saw next was a simple prompt on my screen


+ Quest Completed GUNS BLAZING (1/1)



A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, have a nice day,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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