
Prologue: The Con And The Discovery

POV-----> Azur

"Y-You tricked me! You wretched worm!"

The one who exclaimed in this manner was a deity.

A deity unlike every other.

It can't be said that he was responsible for all creation but he was the only one that had the strength to assume a throne at the threshold.

"I did tell you, my info isn't as good as you thought it was. Anyway, thank you for holding up your end, I shall take my leave now."

I knelt before his throne in a royally designed and large throne room, but after my address I stood and began to take my leave.

"This bastard!! Kill him now!"

The deity exclaimed at the top of his voice.

There were other beings present, they were like stunning transcendent angels of pure light.

Presently, just two of these god servants were present, the one responsible for dragging me here; Metatron and his colleague, Michael.

They both sported four bright wings and after the Deity's command they began to approach me slowly and terrifyingly.

At the discomfort and dismay I felt, I protested.

"I didn't even ask to be here! You insisted that I come here."

The one who was mainly responsible for dragging me here then retaliated.

"You claimed that you had a reason for your quick improvements!"

"I guess I have a greater reason now."

As I said this a bright ambient light shone from my shoulder blades and two poles of bright energy burst through.

This is Sorcery in what I remember as its most primal form. With such power being easily at my fingertips, things like this were rather easy.

The poles of light bended, twisted and turned in a visually terrific display and formed crimson colored wings which I attempted to use to escape.

Unfortunately, it turned out the difference in Sorcery Capabilities was just too much.

Metatron vanished from his position and appeared just above me with his fists clasped together and then he painfully walloped me back to the ground forcefully.

"You made the Great Divinity hand you all the information in existence, I'm the only one that is to have such a thing." Metatron spoke as he descended.

Michael leapt high off the ground and slammed himself into my back with his feet.

My entire rib cage felt like grains of sand and I felt as though all my organs were squished.

"We can't retrieve the ability from you, but we can reduce your levels!"

Michael grabbed onto my right crimson energy wing and began to pull it out.

It was painful even though it wasn't even a part of my body.

It sounded stupid that someone that could give people all the knowledge in the universe would be looking for information on supreme power growth.

Yes, indeed it was.

But, all the knowledge in the universe would be quite hard to sort through, even with infinite lives and immortality.

What I knew was something that could be exchanged for all this knowledge.

… And the best part was that he didn't have this Infinite Knowledge accessible to him, he could only bestow it upon a few, and I conned myself into being the second.

Despite this deity supposedly being the most powerful being in existence he still needed more; he was insatiable.

Michael pulled my Crimson wing out violently. Along with it was a slight spray of blood and cracked bone and then the wing dissipated in his palm.

He grabbed onto my head and rushed out through the door of the throne room.

He was so fast that he got to what seemed to be an edge of this wide Pantheon in mere seconds.

While I struggled he emotionlessly threw me down.

I had what I could only describe as a system and it was the reason I have had such quick development.

It was illogical, I had no idea how to explain it and I had no idea how I ended up with it, but thanks to it and the dumb residents of the Pantheon, I could get what I desired.

I utterly despise ignorance, I also despise the results of ignorance, they disgust me. I hate scenarios where I feel ignorant and I am completely willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve the knowledge to eradicate all possibilities and chances of being ignorant.

The system signals flashed before me.

-{Bibliotheca Update Received And Archived Import completed. Shall The Plan Be Continued. Y/N}


My body started warping, my facial attributes vanished and my height increased.

-{Erasing All AZUR Traces}

-{Memories Backup Have Been Saved To Archive In 'BIBLIOTHECA'}

-{Memories Have Been Completely Deleted}


-{Goodbye Sir}

-{Reboot Has Ended, AZUR Is Born Anew}

I am even willing to sacrifice myself so long I will never be ignorant.

This is my desire. My very messed up and petty desire.


This was the last thing I remember hearing.

My mind went blank abruptly.

And next thing I knew I slammed into the ground and created a wide crater with cinders of flames fluttering about.

My handsome face, my muscular and perfectly sculpted body, my radiant skin all vanished.

I was like a husk of my former self.

Then I finally lost my consciousness completely, if I was half as smart as I thought then this would surely work out.

I just had to wait for who I thought was an old friend.

He would surely arrive.

POV -----> Dr Edward Stein

I could feel mud seeping into my boots and this irritated me to the point where I scoffed in annoyance.

"Ugh, why did I even come looking for test subjects myself?! I should have gone to Vaimonada with Yagi."

Rummaging through a muddy area near my research facility I was planning on finding suitable creatures that have been kept alive by nature.

The kind I needed for my work had specific criteria to fulfill.

There was a simple looking, crooked and thin beast like creature behind me, the results of merging my Elysian Shadow Sorcery with a Subject.

It was almost like a pet to me.

It randomly started to vigorously shake and vibrate violently with a strange noise.


I instantly knew what it meant and ran in a direction I was sure held something I was searching for.

… And there it was.

It didn't look like much now, but I could just smell the potential within it and it was clear that even my pet thought so too.

"Oooh, what a being! Faceless and slightly formless, it has no life but seems as though it could, it looks so weird."

I didn't have any more time to waste, I wanted to collect more potential subjects but I was already irritated by just being out here and I had others searching for more elsewhere, I had to start on this one.

Eventually, I returned to my research facility.

Days upon days went by and every other potential subject I collected had fulfilled their fate as either the ones to live or die after my experiments.

Then finally, this new one succeeded.

"That's it, just like that …

Soon you shall be much better than all the other products …"

POV -----> ???

[A/N: ??? = Third Person Point of view. It won't commonly occur so forgive it this time.]

The harrowing and coarse voice of a man young but devoid of hope.

Intelligent but devoid of dreams.

Constantly talking to himself it's unsure if it's because of his horrifying life of solitude and hatred for something either non-existent or too far away to play any significance.

This unknown hatred moved on from his rather bland and uninteresting life in his home Kingdom of Elbakor with not even a good enough tragic backstory that he could use to cast a veil over his true and self-acknowledged values.

Turning himself into what he imagined as the perfect image of an innovative and intellectual man who was way ahead of his time and wanted to create something that could appease his somewhat imaginary goal.

He has raided Kingdoms, orchestrated and perpetrated massacres and war crimes, has learnt and mastered Forbidden Shadow Sorcery and has drowned in Elixirs and suffocated in smoke from his unhealthy addictions.

His hair now grayish from malnutrition over the years.

His eyes were laced with obvious exhaustion but he still peers endlessly at his goal.

His skin lined almost everywhere with seemingly precisely done stitches, along his forehead and across his face were the most prominent stitches.

He looked so weird he could be confused for Frankenstein's monster instead of Frankenstein himself.

He had disposed of his glasses prior to his defection from society and estrangement from the world and its cultures despite his poor eyesight, which he chooses to not accept.

Putting on even the cliché stereotypical white lab coat that was mostly used to signify scientists of his nature.

In his highly secluded research building or facility as he called it, he had initially conducted research on the simplest of things for mere curiosity.

As the prodigy he acknowledged himself to be on his own he had discovered information that was impactful enough to be regarded as the "Secrets of the universe".

He discovered that there were things that marked the end of one's life other than death, two of which he took particular interests in; Ascension and Transcendence, the ways the Ancestors that wrote the Books of Knowledge talked about only in parables and riddles.

Ascension as in being liberated from your world into one upon a higher plane of existence and Transcendence as in complete movement out of the concept of reality and existence into one where you are no longer bound by the petty rules and regulations of reality or completely separating yourself from existence as a whole.

Those discoveries were what led him to his further inhumane experiments.

He then tried to create subjects he could use to test whether or not it was remotely possible for someone in his realm.

He started off trying to create bodies, actual physical bodies and subject them to continuous quick paced and forced evolution.

But they hardly ever survived or went the way he wanted.

He then dropped the petty social norms and began doing things without caring for the way the foolish masses saw him, either way if he succeeded he would basically become a god in one way or another.

He acknowledged the fact that "Mother nature", the "Universe" and The Deity had a much greater precision in the creation of successful sentient entities.

He began using the ones that were naturally born and survived his very own personally modified "Natural Selection".

Which is ironic because he prepared the conditions.

The products are then taken and used for further experimentation.

Hundreds upon hundreds of beasts and weird entities were created successfully.

Thousands upon thousands of failures effectively disposed of.

His goal ended up changing along the way.

Whether he merely forgot his aim due to over immersion and focus or the aim changed along the way.

But now what he is trying to do isn't creating a good test for possible ascension of himself but to create something capable of becoming a deity in all rights and he wants that deity in his full control.

What he'd do afterwards is only known to him and whatever being was responsible for creating him the devil, The Deity or otherwise.

Oddly enough.

This isn't just about the estranged mad scientist; The self-proclaimed Edward Stein.


Don't be confused.

This is about his impact and by his impact what is meant is the result of his grave mistake.

I'll be in your dreams tonight if you don't vote. I'm a crazy canniballistic marshmello!! Scary!

Purple_Ink_Patroncreators' thoughts
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