
Mad craving

Approaching the Empress in long heavy strides was a burly figure giving the already dreaded atmosphere a certain kind of ambience.

With each step taken, the long black kimono he was dressed in layered on the top with warrior armour made from black-lacquered iron plates, danced to the thundering rhythm of his plain black boots.

His movement was free due to the flexibility of the armour. As should be, in cases of a fight.

On the left side of his waist, a katana and a wakizashi (side arm sword) were securely placed in a sash, leaving his iconic hairstyle visible to the eyes of all due to his missing helmet.

The top of the hair was shaved, and the remaining hair at the rear part was oiled and waxed before being tied into a small tail folded on the head in a characteristic topknot.

A scowl remained plastered on his face while his eyes narrowed forcing his thick bushy brows to tug down together, ignoring his lower jaw which pushed forward as the corner of his lips curled in a frown.

To sum the ensemble, stood a short-braided grey beard on his chin which was knotted at the tail.

Behind this heavily armed middle-aged man were samurais dressed in warrior outfits and also armed with their katanas, looking ready for a fight.


His loud dangerous voice thundered as his boots glided against the nightingale floor.

Immediately, the Empress cowered as the colour of her eyes returned to normal. The raging emotion in them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Brother," her quivering lips uttered, parting slightly in disbelief.

His sudden presence was a shock to her.

On seeing the great military figurehead, the knees of all the servants and palace guards buckled against each other, as fear rose in the pith of their stomachs.

Hearts clenched and chest tightened from the chilly presence he brought with him.

No one dared to raise their heads in his presence for fear of him detaching their heads from their bodies.

Their doom had come, but they still had to perform their greeting rites.

"Greetings Sei-i Taishogun!" Their quavering voices asserted.

The Shogun was followed by the great guards whose intimidating gazes chilled the room.

With a singular glare from them, one would know not to mess with him. Their protective stance told of the dread to follow if anyone tried anything funny.

And as he stopped ten steps away from the Empress, his fierce gaze swept over them.

His sight moved from the dead body on the floor to the kneeling guards and then to the servants whose shoulders trembled in fear.

Glancing back to the empress whose looks were still hideous, his gaze narrowed at her.

She gulped hard but maintained eye contact with him, not daring to say anything.

Without being told, she knew what she was guilty of from the look in her brother's eyes. Another step out of boundary.

She just killed a guard with her bare hands right in front of a good number of servants.

Her brother, the Shogun was not going to let this slide.

Lifting his hand mid-air, he clenched his fist and quickly brought it down.

Like spellbound servants, that silent command was all it took to bring the slick movement of the great guards and their swords.

In swift moves, they walked amongst the kneeling guards and servants, slicing them with their unsheathed katana in one nimble motion before returning to their place behind the Shogun.

Everything had happened in the blink of an eye, getting their job done with utmost speed and they returned to standing still like a tree as though nothing happened.

With their sharp blades slicing through as though nothing posed a resistance, soon, blood gushed in a constant flow from the dead bodies on the floor like the devil's ink.

Just like that, the palace guards and servants died without knowing how they were killed. That which they once feared, had befallen them.

Although they were aware that once the Shogun got involved, their lives would not be spared, still, they didn't know it would happen without prior notice.

They had thought they would be dragged out before their lives would be taken.

Alas! It happened in such a cruel way…

Empress Himiko's gaze darted by her sides to see the bodies of the servants that worked in her inner palace lying lifelessly on the floor as blood oozed from the cuts marked on their bodies.

"Did you forget our code of conduct?" The menacing tone of the shogun resounded in the quiet corridor.

"It's not my fault. They delayed with my craving. I had already reached the point of no return so I couldn't stop myself," Empress Himiko said in defence.

There was not even an ounce of pity or regret in her heart or face for the servants she lost.

A part of her blamed them for making her look so unsightly and instantly the fear she had for her brother dissipated like evaporating water.

"You couldn't stop yourself? How come you stopped only now? Do you like this gruesome sight so much?" Sei-i Taishogun queried as his bushy brows drew closer downwards.

More than anything, Taishogun hated indiscipline. He was evil, but he disliked when a mess was created.

The worst was when situations are not managed properly and allowed to slip out of control just like now.

Without mincing words, Himiko said, "You command so much authority even more than the son of heaven. Of course, I have to get a grip on myself."

Not waiting for his response, she averted her gaze back to the dead bodies, sending a death glare at them as though she could kill the dead once more.

"I would have killed them all myself if you hadn't come to save me that trouble, but you made a bloody mess I wouldn't have done." Just like the way she killed the captain of her guards without spilling blood.

Although her words were spiteful, she could care less what anyone thought and not even her brother's menacing gaze could change that.

Without uttering any more words, she turned to the entrance of her room, and stepped back into it, leaving her brother behind.

The Shogun although furious, still followed her in without taking off his heavy boots.

The great guards moved quickly to start clearing the clogged hallway except for two who remained outside the sliding door to guard the royal figures inside.

The rest carried the dead bodies away and just as they had carried the last one out, the other sets of palace servants sent out to bring the Empress's parcel arrived.

Before they could step into the hall leading to the empress's entrance room, they could already perceive the coppery scent of fresh blood.

To worsen their already piqued senses on the danger, their eyes caught sight of great guards that protected the Shogun and their nervousness grew.

Although they had an idea of the scene that must have played out before their arrival, they were fortunate for their lives to be scared.

And that was only because they worked in the inner palace of the Empress.

They were loyal. No matter how gruesome their Mistress's ways were, they would never let their tongues wag.

They knew what to do and say at every point.

The two highest-ranking servants closely serving beside the Empress were the only ones allowed to walk along the bloodbath corridor to deliver the two bowls in their hands.

Fortunately for them, the entire nightingale floor wasn't smeared with blood and had to walk carefully to avoid stepping on the bloody patch.

On getting to the door, their ears picked up the authoritative tone of the Shogun as he thundered at his sister.

Taking in deep breaths and exhaling sharply, both mamas waited for a few seconds before knocking and pushing the translucent sliding door open to meet a sight they knew their eyes and ears wouldn't be ready for.



Wakizashi – Side arm sword

Sei-i Taishogun – Official title of the Shogun

Son of Heaven – Emperor

Genkan/Entrance room – Is a place for brief visits

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