
Chapter 186: Millennium Punishment!

"More than a thousand years!"

Elena clutched her hand in surprise, shocked by this alarming number.

In her country, the death penalty has long been abolished. Even if the crime is severe, it will only be imprisonment until death.

"Is this what Zeke planned on? No wonder he was so confident even though Abra was only sentenced to thirty days. This kind of punishment is even crueler than the death penalty."

Grace was amazed.

She thought of all the possibilities of Zeke's 30-day sentence, thinking that he would give Abra some hardships in these 30 days. But she never imagined that it would be such mentally terrifying destruction.

Grace can be sure that in addition to the more than 1,000 years of prison, Zeke must have arranged something else for Abra. Otherwise, he would not be so agitated.

"A thousand years... don't joke around... Zeke, do you know what a thousand years are?! Quickly let me go! Let me go!!"

Abra burst into tears on the spot because of fear.

Thirty days was enough to break him mentally, and he was in excruciating pain. After more than a thousand years, can he still survive?

"I'm not going back... I'm not going back no matter what!"

"Judge, I want the death penalty! Kill me! I must never go back! That's not a place for people! I don't want to go back!!!"

Abra shouted, so distressed that his voice broke.

Hearing these roars and seeing Abra's state of madness and fear, even if people don't know what Abra has experienced, they can still see some clues.

There must be something in that so-called false real world. It was something beyond what Abra could bear.

"I just said you must serve an hour in prison here. I told you so much that it wasted five minutes, so you must make up for these five minutes."

Zeke grinned, and his white teeth in Abra's eyes looked so cruel and terrifying as if he was about to open his mouth to swallow him.

"No! No! No! Zeke, no, Elder Zeke, Lord Zeke! Please! Please let me go! I'll kowtow to you! You can do whatever you want with me now! Kill me! I won't go back! I'll never go back—"

Before Abra could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

His head tilted, his body leaned softly on the chair, lowered his head, and fell asleep.


"Welcome back."

When Abra opened his eyes, Manuel was already looking at him in the cell. With indifferent and calm eyes, as if he was looking at an ant.

"Don't come near me!!!!!"

Abra collapsed utterly and slammed his head against the wall violently.

However, the expected suicide did not happen. Instead, Abra could feel incomparable intense pain, but it did not cause him to faint.

"Don't waste your energy, Abra."

Manuel's figure moved away. Zeke appeared in front of Abra and said with a smile, "To prevent accidents in people's consciousness, I have added a protection mechanism to the program, so even if you commit suicide by any means, it is useless. As long as the time is not up, you will never be able to get out of the program."

"Enjoy the new program I arranged for you."

Zeke snapped his fingers, and his body disappeared in place.

Manuel and the three prison guards came up, looked at Abra, who was desperate and had no care, and took him straight away. But, this time, they have a new trick.

All the punishments used in prisons and various ways of punishing prisoners will change the tricks for Abra to try.

Even the death penalty on the 30th day was replaced by five horses this time.


Abra woke up three minutes later, and there was nothing but fear in his eyes.

"Zeke!! Kill me!!! Please!! Kill me!! Can I kowtow to you? Please kill me! Let me get rid of my life completely!!!"

Abra couldn't help begging for mercy.

He has wholly become cowardly.

Counting the previous 30 days, he has been in that hellish place for 60 days and has tasted all kinds of pain.

Thinking that there are still thousands of years of pain waiting for him. Abra can no longer raise the slightest resistance, even the confidence to live.

"Crazy! Abra is really crazy!"

"Isn't it just a simple prison sentence? Even if he sits for dozens of days, it won't be like this. So what the hell did Abra go through?"

"Abra is finished now."


The onlookers gasped in admiration.

The grievances that Zeke had sentenced Abra to thirty days imprisonment before had all vanished.

No matter how awesome the death penalty is, can there be such a thousand years of spiritual imprisonment?

And it has only been a few minutes, and there is still a look of complacent surprise in front of him. Abra, who is about to escape, has already started crying, begging for mercy, and even actively begging for death. This kind of torture seems to be much worse than the death penalty.

"Abra, don't say such stupid things! Instead, let's enjoy the next surprise I've prepared for you."

Zeke snapped his fingers, and Abra again fell asleep on the spot like a machine cut off from the power supply and unconscious.

When Abra died three times and woke up again, his eyes were numb and sluggish, he lost all his vitality, and there was no trace of his radiance.

Ninety days of inhuman torment in hell, even for a professionally trained and strong-willed special forces soldier, may not be able to withstand it, let alone Mr. Franco's pampered son, enough to completely break his spirit.

The fourth time, after Abra woke up, he started biting his tongue with all his might. Blood poured out of his mouth. He chose to bite his tongue to commit suicide.

However, Abra was copying it from a TV series. The reason why the person on TV succeeded in suicide by biting his tongue was not that he died immediately after biting his tongue, but that he died because of excessive blood loss.

Therefore, when Abra bit his tongue, Zeke simply asked him to go back and stay in the mental prison for half an hour.

During the period, in the spirit of humanitarianism, the medical staff helped to rescue him, stopped his blood, and plugged his mouth with something. So when Abra woke up again, he couldn't do it if he wanted to bite his tongue again.


Abra can't remember the first time he woke up. His eyes were slack, his mind collapsed, and his body couldn't stop twitching.

"An hour, it's here."

After Zeke finished saying this, Abra still didn't have much reaction.

Obviously, Abra had lost his sanity.

Zeke reached out and took off Abra's helmet.


In an instant, there was a burst of exclamations from the audience.

Abra's hair has turned all white.

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