
Chapter 92: Ready!

After Baymax and Iron Man, major foreign newspapers and magazines once again made Phoenix Tree the most significant headline in the first edition.

"ThePhoenix Tree that Shakes the World!" "

"ZTech has shot again, this time with an amazingly beautiful building!""

"Epic architecture, talented people of Phoenix Kingdom!" "

"The Light of Phoenix shines again! ZTech, miracle creator!" "

"Totally get rid of the title of a small kingdom! Maybe Phoenix will catch up and become one of the world powers in the future?" "


Headlines such as this one kept popping up.

But let their words be exaggerated, gorgeous, and dazzling; the pictures will not deceive people.

When foreigners saw a whole page of high-altitude frontal photos of the Phoenix Tree published in the newspaper, they were all shocked.

Some people who were originally not interested in news about a small kingdom like Phoenix suddenly looked up when they were passing by newspapers or rushing to work with coffee, and saw that the news about the Phoenix Tree was being broadcast in the newspaper or TV. At a glance, they stopped in place, it was difficult to take their eyes away.

More and more tourists from all over the world come here.

As long as the destination is close to the Phoenix tree, the traffic is blocked almost every day, even walking on foot is faster than driving.

No matter at home or abroad, all social apps and social forum circles are all circulating photos of the Phoenix Tree.

Among them, the most liked is a photo of a tourist standing under the Phoenix tree, with his hands clasped together, and his eyes closed in prayer. This photo was originally used by one of the tourists to commemorate the trip to the Phoenix tree. It's just a commemorative photo, but because of the right angle, the Phoenix tree behind her looks extremely sacred in the sun, as if carrying a holy light, making countless people rush to imitate it, setting off a craze.

"Your Majesty! Good news! Good news!"

In the palace, a minister excitedly entered the king's office and put a document on her desk respectfully, "Because of the tourism effect brought by the Phoenix tree, the economic development of the entire royal capital has improved, especially near the Phoenix Tree. The area around the tree is really hot right now, and there are already many foreign investors coming here, ready to spend a lot of money to invest."

"We calculated that with this momentum, the economic impact of the Phoenix Tree on the kingdom alone can increase this year's fiscal revenue by at least 0.7%."

"Elder Zeke is really a great hero of our kingdom."

Grace picked up the document and browsed it carefully.

Looking at it, the corners of her mouth could not help but set off a satisfied arc.

"Not bad."

Grace put down the file.

"Not bad? Your Majesty, this is just an early effect brought about by the Phoenix Tree. If it is further developed in the later stage, it will definitely be more than now. This is simply a miracle in the history of the world."

The minister emphasized.

Just a "scenic spot" has triggered such a wide range of discussions and strong economic effects. This is an unprecedented miracle not only in the kingdom, but even in the world.

At this moment, the influence of the Phoenix Tree has become a new world-class tourist attraction.

Once the Phoenix Tree is developed, the economic benefits it can bring are absolutely beyond imagination.

"Okay, I get it."

Compared to the minister's excitement, Grace was extraordinarily indifferent.

As if this wasn't anything particularly strange at all, but rather a basic operation.

Seeing that Grace didn't make much movement, the minister didn't speak any more, and resigned sadly.

"Grandpa Deron, you still can't contact Zeke?"

Grace turned to look at Prime Minister Deron.

Prime Minister Deron shook his head.

"This guy must be tinkering with something secretly again."

Grace's beautiful eyes glowed, "Grandpa Deron, when you do contact Zeke and tell me immediately, I'd like to see what new things he has made."

Every time Zeke studied, he would be completely lost, as if the world had evaporated.

But every time he re-emerge, he will bring an unexpected surprise.

Microbots, Baymax, Iron Man, Phoenix Tree... Every shot, without exception, is an epoch-making amazing technology product, which has caused huge discussions at the national level. This time, the Phoenix Tree has attracted the whole world at once. People are flocking to it, and even the Phoenix economy has gotten a little benefit.

Thinking that Zeke might come up with a new technology beyond imagination this time, Grace was inexplicably full of expectations.


As Grace expected, Zeke was indeed concentrating on his research at this time.

During the period of planning the construction of the Phoenix Tree, all the Iron Man sent out have completed their tasks and returned... Those international criminals who used to speak out against Zeke have all lost their lives.

Zeke obtained all the special materials and elements needed to make the super soldier serum from them. The second day after the completion of the Phoenix Tree, the entire ZTech company was being relocated. Relocation is not just about moving things from one place to another place then it's done. Many of the things involved take time to fix and set up.

Of course, Zeke doesn't need to worry about these trivial matters, otherwise, wouldn't it be a decoration for him to spend so much money to invite so many elites?

In the past few days, Zeke has invested all his time in the construction of the Super Soldier Serum Laboratory.

Zeke has completely copied the entire laboratory in "Captain America: The First Avenger" according to the advanced technology currently mastered, which is more magnificent and simple than the one in the movie.

However, there is one thing Zeke can't simplify, that is, the experimental cabin where Captain America was injected with super soldier serum, trapped in it, and activated with energy.

Not only that, Zeke has also upgraded the entire experimental cabin, so there is no need to turn on as many devices and plug in various instruments as in the movie. A complete set of super soldier serum equipment.

"Jarvis, import the data."

With Zeke's order, the entire laboratory full of futuristic technology was completely lit up, and a lot of data was input into those machines.

"Sir, the data import is complete."

"Experimental data simulation is in progress... The experimental data simulation is successful, sir, congratulations! You have completed another great work."

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