
That was close

Taneaya was shocked when she heard the boom, she turned her head to see the source of the sound. Gyro was standing with his mace that he had just smashed into the metal cell.

"Well...well...it looks like I'm disturbing your activities," Gyro said, walking over to Taneaya.

"You guys run out of this place, there are no guards so you can run safely," Taneaya said to the group of girls she freed.

"Thank you, ma'am," said one of the girls, then they ran away from her.

"You're very beautiful miss, you're the best of the bunch of girls I've ever seen, come here you will be satisfied every day," said Gyro when he was in front of Taneaya.

Taneaya looked furious, she glanced at the front right side, there were two more girls still in prison.

"How about it pretty lady, do you accept my offer," Gyro said while sticking out his tongue.

"You old pervert!" shouted Taneaya as she darted towards Gyro.

Taneaya attacked relentlessly with her two swords left and right. Gyro parried with his large mace, backing up his steps due to the intense pressure from Taneaya's every attack.

"You are a strong, beautiful lady! But that's not enough to defeat me!" shouted Gyro with a strong swing of his mace making Taneaya's attack bounce off, Taneaya's hand felt painful from the attack, but not enough, Gyro launched his attack again blindly.




There was the sound of mace hitting in all directions. Taneaya nimbly dodged, because if he parried Taneaya would be hit hard by the mace.

"Why do you keep dodging, pretty lady!" shouted Gyro.

Taneaya dodged constantly, almost in a corner. She was not given a chance to glance away.

Meanwhile, Eran and Kain were still taking out the remaining ten guards, and Barpus looked around trying to catch up with both Eran and Kain, but the speed of the two was too agile to annoy him.

"You guys are pissing me off!!! Come face me you damn cockroaches!" Barpus shouted angrily.

But Kain and Eran still ignored him. Irritated, Barpus began to throw chains in all directions, brutally slaughtering his subordinates.

"You useless rat! You can't even fight three people! Shame on you!!!" Barpus shouted as he continued his attack.

Eran and Kain were shocked and began to stop and reverse their steps at the sight of the carnage.

"He's crazy, he slaughtered his subordinates," said Kain as he swallowed.

"Good, that way there are no more distractions to kill him later," Eran said as he looked around, then he continued, "The prisoners have been released, but...where is the princess?" 

Kain also searched, and then his gaze pointed to the right side.

"There she is, Eran, help her, Taneaya is in danger!" Kain screamed. Without waiting for long he immediately moved after his eyes found Taneaya's whereabouts.

The girl was wedged in the corner of the cave, her two swords already lying on the floor. Gyro was seen trying to pin Taneaya down with his body, and the big man tried to remove Taneaya's clothes. But with all her might the girl continued to rebel kicking and punching.

"You're going to get a taste of pleasure soon pretty girl, obey," Gyro said as his saliva dripped. 

"Ughh...let go rotten old man!" screamed Taneaya, then with her right hand unclenched into a tight fist, Taneaya powerfully punched Gyro in the face.

Gyro flinched, but it didn't change the situation, it only made him angrier.

"How dare you hit my handsome face!!!" he shouted.

His right hand suddenly strangled Taneaya, making her even more immobile, Taneaya's hands tried to release the strangulation, but it was useless because the strangulation was very strong. Then his left hand began to strip off the armor Taneaya was wearing. When he was done, he gripped Taneaya's shirt tightly. With all his might, he tore off the girl's clothes.

Eran accelerated his running when he saw that Taneaya was starting to become immobilized, Gyro began to touch Taneaya. 

When the distance began to close, Eran jumped by raising his two daggers with the tip of his eyes directed at the back of Gyro's neck. But Gyro seemed to be aware of that, he stopped his touch on Taneaya, then his left hand picked up his mace and swung towards the back. The moment was right as Eran was floating he saw a mace pointed at him, making Eran unable to dodge.

"Arkkhhh!!!" screamed Eran as the heavy mace smashed heavily into his chest. 

He was thrown far back and dragged down on the rocky floor. Eran clutched his tight and painful chest. But he picked up his two daggers again and started running again, he couldn't waste any time otherwise something would happen to Taneaya, something he didn't want to see or even imagine.

Eran disappeared making him undetectable, after being in front of Gyro's back he plunged his two daggers deep, Gyro screeched in pain and released his choke and grip on Taneaya. 

"Argh!!!" screamed Gyro.

The girl was seen writhing around trying to find some long-lost oxygen. Her chest was starting to feel better.

While Eran was still holding the two daggers that were still stuck, Gyro was spinning around trying to remove something stuck on his back, his hands were flailing at Eran, but it seemed difficult because he couldn't see Eran. 

"You fucking rat, argghhhh!!!" Gyro shouted in frustration.

Eran was still trying to move his daggers that were stuck down, then with all his might he gathered his strength in the grips of his two daggers.

"Aargh!!!" shouted Eran and he was finally able to slash Gyro's back from the inside, causing a very deep wound.

"Arrgghhhh!!! It hurts!!!" cried Gyro in pain.

At the same time, the big man turned around and attacked in all directions, one strike hit Eran in the stomach and sent him flying.

Gyro who saw Eran lying on the floor ran angrily towards him while holding his mace with both hands, when he was in sight, suddenly from behind two quick slashes aimed at him.

Eran saw Gyro's head floating in the air, then he rolled his body to the right and soon Gyro's body collapsed with blood pouring from his neck and back.

"Taneaya..." Eran said when he saw the girl standing weakly.

"Are you...are you okay Eran?" asked Taneaya as she lowered her body.

"I'm...fine," said Eran. He immediately took off his robe and walked over to Taneaya and immediately covered her body with Eran's robe.

"Cover your body Taneaya," Eran said as he looked away.

"Ah...thank you, Eran," Taneaya replied embarrassed.

Eran saw that the battle between Kain and Barpus was still going on fiercely. Eran did not expect that Kain's calm and mature personality would change while he was holding his two palms.

"Are you hurt Eran," Taneaya said, breaking his concentration. Eran glanced at Taneaya and her body was already covered by her robe.

"I'm fine, you rest. I'll help Kain," Eran said.

"But it looks like you're not okay," Taneaya protested while pointing at Eran's chest which she had been unconsciously holding with her right hand.

"Ah...this...I'm fine, you should leave this cave first," Eran said.

"No! I'll join the fight, you're the one who should go," Taneaya protested.

"Aghh...Whatever you want! But rest first," Eran said while pressing Taneaya's head with his index finger. Then Eran immediately ran away from her. Meanwhile, Taneaya followed Eran's advice unconsciously while muttering in annoyance.


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