

A loud crack went off as Jason was sent flying away.

Before he could even react, I had ran over and landed a flying knee to his solar plexius using CQC to guide me. 


Full power physical enhancement magic, something I didn't even realize I had done until I struck Jason. The impact sent shockwaves through my body, but I ignored the pain. Jason with his caved in chest slowly got himself up from the ground, just staring at me while he did so. 

Gripping his Machete, Jason sent out multiple air slashes which were followed by loud booms. The trees started to fall as I ducked, rolled and jumped over each slash, continuing my path towards Jason. 

Seeing me run at him, Jason stopped sending out the air slashes and rushed at me with his machete, attempting to land a overhead swing on me that was extremely telegraphed.

'I guess the intelligence doesn't increase for him...I'll just side step it and land another hit!'

As I attemped to side step the swing, Jason suddenly twisted his hand mid swing and swung the blade to my now unguarded side. My instincts screamed as I jerked my body to avoid any fatal damage, the machete leaving a decently large gash where my ribs are.

I was sent back a few feet from that slash, only to pull out 3 black keys and threw them at Jason to intercept another attempt at my head. 


I groaned a bit as I held my side with the large wound, it hurt like a bitch.

I'm not fighting well here, I'm acting all weird right now!

My body and instincts are trying to help me fight but it's like my mind is somewhere else.

Back peddling away, I took out even more black keys and threw them all at Jason in order to buy a moment of time. Jason used his Machete to block and deflect the blades as I watched.

"Why am I happy right now?" 

Such a simple thought, but it's eating away at me. I was in pain, bleeding, and fighting for my life, yet there was this twisted sense of gratification. It was alien and disturbing, but it was there, and it was growing stronger.

I felt happy that I saw the sheriff and deputys faces of horror, that made me feel good,

Seeing Tommy bloodied and beaten filled me with Joy,

And whenever I landed a strong blow to Jason, I just felt livid.

Shaking my head, I forced myself back into the fight. I activated CQC once more and closed the distance between Jason and me. I sent out a flurry of punches and kicks to several ket vital areas of Jasons body. I specifcally struck his arm holding the machete whenever he tried to swing, doing my best to avoid getting cut again.

Weaving body through each swing, I started to read Jasons body. I had to hear the movements made. With every subtle movement I saw and heard, I started to understand Jason's attack pattern.

'Another swing to my wounded side...'

He was secretly aiming for my wounded side to further cripple me, trying to distract me through numerous slashes to random body parts and while I'm caught off gaurd catch me with a swing.

Channeling my physical enhancement through my left leg and arm, I caught the machetes blade right between my elbow and knee. Doing this hurt like a bitch, but I grabbed the blade with my oher hand and swung it at Jason with full force, sending him hurling away. 

Seeing the opening, I rushed forward and slammed my heel down into his chest. The ground caved in under the strike, causing Jason's body to spray blood everywhere. 

Grabbing my leg Jason threw me out of the crater in the ground, sending me flying into a tree.

I staggered to my feet, pain flowing through my body as I shook off the daze. Jason was already on the move, pushing himself up with a grotesque groan. His body seemed to swell, muscles bulging unnaturally as he prepared for the next round.

His body mass started to swell up, making him grow bigger and bigger as he stood before me. Jason was already 6'5, but now he was making a 8 footer look a little small. Before I knew it he was already in front of me, swinging his massive fist towards my head.

I spun my body, the fist grazing my forehead as I landed a elbow on his stomach. Jason didn't flinch. His swollen muscles absorbed the impact of my elbow, and he retaliated with a backhand that sent me reeling. I barely managed to stay on my feet, skidding backwards through the dirt. My side throbbed where his machete had cut me, and my head was ringing from the blow. But I couldn't let up. 

'That new skill might do the trick,'

'I just need to get in close'

The activation of Percute sancti caused my mana to flow through my right arm intensely, causing it to heat up and emit a bright, holy glow. The air around my arm shimmered, the energy radiating off of me like a miniature sun. 


Jason as if on instinct took a step back, and I used that small moment to blitz towards him, winding my arm up to punch his heart. Time seemed to slow as I launched my attack, every muscle in my body straining to deliver the perfect strike. But Jason forcefully twisted his body around, causing his heart to move farther back as he threw out his left hand to intercept my punch. 


Jason's left hand collided with my glowing fist, and the clash of energy created a shockwave that rattled the trees around us. His arm was being obliderated as I pushed further but Jason used his other to strike my wounded side with a strong punch.


The strike sent me flying yet again into another tree, the impact knocking the wind out of me. My vision blurred for a moment, the world spinning as I struggled to focus.

I forced myself to stand, leaning heavily against the tree for support. Every part of my body screamed in protest, blood was gushing out of my side as my body tried to heal the wounds. It wasn't working that well, at best it could heal the wound just enough to stop further bleed but I was just to tired to focus on healing. But looking at Jason gave me a bit of hope.

Jasons imposing figure was slumped over, his left arm was gone and what was left was pouring out blood. The strikes I landed were now showing themselves, with multiple parts of his body having small dents and bleeding.

Wiping the blood falling into my eyes, I stared down Jason. It was a struggle for either of us to move properly now, but I was facing a new problem I had been pushing to the side. The twisted sense of satisfaction I had felt earlier was becoming harder to ignore. As I wiped the blood from my eyes, I looked down at a puddle forming from the rain.

There was something feral in my eyes, a coldness that wasn't mine.

And I could almost make out someone behind me holding my shoulder, that someone looked eeriely similar to


What's happening to me?

The presets.

That was the only answer I could think of.

Was it because of Kireis personality that I as acting like this? Was his influence that strong over me? Or maybe this is the trade off for getting to use these magical abilites.

I don't understand any of this.

I looked down at my shaking right arm before glancing over at the wounded Jason.

Why does this feel so... right?

Jason let out a angry groan, snapping me out of thoughts. He stood up tall, again towering over me and staring down at me with pure rage.


I looked up at the sky, letting the rain soak my face. 

It felt good for some reason, something about my situation made something crack away deep in my mind.


"Hey hey! Whats wrong with you?"

Joyful laughter made me look up from my phone annoyed.

"What now man?"

"Man?! I'm a girl!"

"Yeah yeah so sorry..."

I tried to hide my grin as she rolled her eyes, but the grin never left her face.

"You always say that. You're such a dork."


Before I could grab her, I felt a drop of water hit my face. Soon more and more rain drops started to fall down, soaking the 2 of us.

"Oh son of a-!"

"Hey come on!"

She grabbed my arm, pulling me out into the downpour. We ran through the rain, laughing uncontrollably, as people looked at us strangely. We found shelter under a large tree, the rain splattering around us. I could hardly keep up with her laughter, my annoyance melting away.

"You know,"

She suddenly rested her head on my shoulder.

"I always wondered what it would be like if we could just stay here forever. No worries, no problems, just us forever and ever and ever..." 

She trailed on as we sat together, enjoying each others company , just watched the people run by us trying to avoid getting to wet. For a moment, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of us, our laughter mingling with the rain.


"Damn man..."

Simple and happy times.

I feel relieved? Those darker thoughts were gone for some reason.


I miss you Serria.

Serria, what? Who?

Jason rushed at me with his remaining arm, swinging wildly at me. I easily weaved each wild swing while I landed multiple strikes of my own all over his body, this time though each hit was causing Jason to shake.

He tried to grab me again but I duck under the attempt and swung my leg at his ribs, making a loud crack as I sent him skidding back a few feet.


My side wound started to open up a bit, causing blood to spill out. But I didn't care.

Jason let out another roar, his remaining arm started to twitch as it grew bigger and bigger, to point where it reached down to his feet. But I didn't back down.

My hands, trembling and stained with blood, clenched into fists. I slowly got into my stance again, blood pouring down my side.

Jason roared yet again as he charged at me, swinging his massive fist at me. I didn't back down though, channeling my physical enhancment through my right arm as I shot otu my own punch to clash with Jason.

The clash sent a small shockwave that shook the surrounding trees. 

I expected to lose the clash of fists but to my shock I was actually stalemating Jason. 

Scratch that, I was slowly but surely overpowering him. I added more power to my punch as I pushed harder, activating Percute sancti casuing my arm to glow again.


Jason desperatly tried to hold on yet,


His machete was stabbed into his head. 

Tommy had risen back up and used Jasons own Machete to land a sneak attack.

The sneak attack caused Jason to be distracted, only giving me the Jason to juice up my punch even more as I powered through his arm yet again, landing a direct punch to Jasons cheek.

Jason flew away like a rocket, landing in the first crater I made.

"August! Are you ok!"

Tommy ran up to me with a concered look, but I didn't pay any mind as I walked towards


"I'm fine Tommy, but the hunt isn't over yet."


I walked to Jasons body. Both of his arms were gone, blood was everywhere, and he someone looked worse then a actual corpse now. The only that looked alive was his heart which was now glowing a pale red as we saw it pump.

"Double tap."

I activated Percute sancti for one last time, my arm feeling like it's been destroyed but it didn't matter. I charged up my last strike, raising it up high as it let out a even brighter glow. 

"Percute sancti..."

(A/N: Readers I think I cooked on this chapter fr fr. I do hope you all liked the chap cause I do)

(A/N: Also holy shit, our favorite season got backstory!)

(A/N: Power stones plz)

Creation is hard, cheer me up wit dem stones

MachinaOnTheMooncreators' thoughts
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