
Crossing the border

For the day, Doran wore a cream jerkin laced with golden threads over his red doublet. A dark blue cape was fitted in the front with a wolf-headed brooch. The velvety black breeches he wore were clean and shining.

"I have made everything ready as you asked," he said and turned his moustache.

"Stop the small talk, Doran," Henry said roughly. "Show us what you have."

"Don't be a stranger," Doran said flat and called for Ken. He came carrying a large backpack which was dirt brown.

He wore a studded gambeson coloured dark blue. He had shaved his face clean and his auburn hair was oiled and combed to the side. He jerked his hands to relieve soreness and the black sleeves of his tunic danced.

"Are we going now, sir?" he inquired.

"Sooner the better," Doran smacked his back.

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