
Beneath the Surface I

I approach the camp to find Inigo and M'rissi sitting around a low campfire with a seared fish on a stick over it.

And I arrive at the end of a conversation they seemed to have been having for a while.

"But, she still does not understand. If you are with the horse woman, why do you keep following her Fluffy around like a lost stray?" M'rissi asks, tilting her head in confusion as she takes a bite of her fish.

"How do you not understand? Silvantus is my friend who I owe a great deal to, he has not only forgiven me for what I've done, but helped me to forgive myself. To find love once again, and given me purpose. I just want to do everything in my power to repay his kindness." Inigo earnestly explains.

"So... You do not love her Fluffy?" M'rissi asks with a narrowed, piercing gaze.

"Of course I love him, he is like my brother." Inigo replies, this time being the one to tilt his head in confusion.

"Oh... She thought you were trying to steal her Fluffy from her, that is why she disliked you so much." M'rissi says as if she had an epiphany.

{HAHAHA! GAY!!!} Mr. Dragonfly shouts laughing hysterically as Inigo chokes on his seared fish.

Cough, cough, hack...

Inigo sputters before finally centering himself, "No, M'rissi... I don't want to steal Silvantus from you unless it is for a guy's night as he calls it." Inigo says with a smile before laughing at the absurdity of what M'rissi just said.

"Ah, then she is happy... Sniff, sniff... Just so... Happy..." M'rissi says with a smile at first before her eyes start to well up in tears.

And had I not been listening to them and watching the conversation, I'd have thought Inigo had done something to M'rissi.

"I am sorry, M'rissi! Do not cry! You were just happy, right? What is it I did?!" Inigo says in a panic.

{Oh, you are so fucked if that green asshole comes back and sees you made his girl cry... It was nice knowing you, Blue Fucker, I guess I'll miss you... Or I'll go off and find that queen bee, she was hot.} Mr. Dragonfly says with his trademark crass snark.

"You did nothing! -Wah!- She was soo mean to you! And you are nothing but kind to her! -hic- She's so happy her stupid Fluffy has such a nice friend like you!" M'rissi cries out in apology between her tearful sobs before latching onto Inigo and wailing into his armored before wiping her nose on his sleeves.

"Shhh, shhh, it is okay... No need to cry... Your apo-... -sniff, sniff-" Inigo awkwardly tries to console M'rissi be lightly patting her back as she cries into him before seemingly catching a scent that makes him look around in confusion before his eyes refocus on M'rissi as they go wide in shock.

"M'rissi, are you-" Inigo starts to question her before I make my presence know by walking in to the camp.

"Fluffy! -glomp-" M'rissi exclaims joyously detaching herself from Inigo before launching herself at me, making me catch her as she plants a deep kiss on my lips.

I embrace her in turn, dipping her after catch her and giving her a just as passionate kiss that lasts several moments before we break apart.

"Well, well, looks like my kitten is happy to see me." I say teasingly, before running my hand through her hair and playing with her ears making M'rissi purr in contentment.

"My friend..." Inigo starts to say before trailing off.

"What is it, Inigo?" I ask, continuing to play with M'rissi's ears to calm her down.

Inigo seems to hesitate for several moments battling with indecision before deeply sighing, "It is nothing, my friend, just glad to see you return safe and sound. How did your mission go? I see Gringar has not returned with you."

"It went well, I was able to submit the orc tribe and the giants beneath my rule and Gringar is staying behind to lead them to Helgan. But we must hurry to Riften, there's an important man there who is probably in need of my help." I explain to him, as he nods in understanding before taking my hand off M'rissi's head, making her hiss at me.

"-Hiss- She did not tell you to stop!" M'rissi growls at me in anger.

"Sorry, kitten, but we need to get going. Time to pack up." I say making her scowl at me in discontent, before breaking away from me to start breaking down the camp.

I look to Inigo who avoids my gaze as he puts out the campfire they had been using.

I decide to just help out where I can as the sun finally sets and we travel under the covers of darkness to Riften.

The journey is uneventful, especially so now that Inigo and M'rissi have stopped bickering with one another. Though, they now playfully banter with one another instead of nearly coming to blows.

We arrive at the outskirts of Riften, passing several farms houses, watch towers, and fields, before eventually coming to the Riften stables where I see Shadr sitting with his head in his hands.

"Divines, what am I to do?" I hear Shadr mumble to himself.

I pause, knowing the quest he's talking as an idea pops in my head.

"Hey, friend. Is something the matter?" I ask, being sure to keep my mask up since what happened last time I was in Riften might still be on everyone's mind.

"Um, sorry. Thought I was the only one out this late. Sorry if I disturbed you." Shadr apologizes as he looks up, seeing me Inigo, and M'rissi.

"Not at all, I'm happy to be of assistance. What has you so worried you'd be up at this hour?" I ask him, knowing full well it's to do with Sapphire.

"I'd hate to get you in the same mess I've found myself in, but I'm in no position to turn down the help... Have you heard of the Thieves Guild?" Shadr asks me hesitantly as I struggle to suppress the urge to chuckle to myself.

(Author's Note: Hey everyone, sorry for the impromptu hiatus. I'll be missing the next couple of updates too, due to school and work. But, my semester will be ending soon and I'll be on Summer break and able to focus more on my writing. Sorry for the delays, hope you enjoy!)

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